# Posets :::{.definition title="Poset"} A *poset* (partially-ordered set) is a pair $(S, \preceq)$ where $\preceq$ is a relation on $S$ that is - Transitive: $$ \forall a,b,c \in S,\quad a \preceq b \text{ and } b \preceq c \implies a \preceq c $$ - Reflexive: $$ \forall a\in S,\quad a \preceq a $$ - Anti-symmetric $$ \forall a,b\in S,\quad a \preceq b \text{ and } b \preceq a \implies a = b $$ ::: Notice that this behaves very much like $(\ZZ, \leq)$, so we'll often used $\leq$ to denote the relation. However, there is an important distinction -- there may be incomparable elements, i.e. pairs $a,b \in S$ such that neither $a\leq b$ or $b\leq a$ holds. This is why the order is "partial". Also note that it makes sense in this setting to write things like $a< b$, which just means $a\leq b$ and $a\neq b$. :::{.definition title="Total Order and Chains"} If every two elements are comparable, $\preceq$ is called *total order* and $(S, \preceq)$ is called a *chain*. ::: :::{.definition title="Directed Posets"} Weakening this condition slightly, if for every two elements $x,y\in S$ there exists some $s\in S$ such that $s\leq x$ and $s \leq y$, we say $S$ is a *directed* poset. ::: :::{.example} \hfill - $(\ZZ, \leq)$ is a chain. - $(\NN, \mid)$ where $a\mid b \iff a\text{ divides } b$ is a poset. - $(\mathcal{P}([n]), \subseteq)$ (denoting the powerset) is a poset. - $(\theset{\text{Set partitions of $[n]$}}, \preceq)$ where $a \preceq b \iff$ every block of $a$ is contained in some block of $b$ is a poset. - Note that this says that $b$ can be obtained by merging some blocks of $a$. ::: :::{.definition title="Sections of Posets"} An *open section* of a poset is defined as $$S_\alpha = \theset{s \in S \suchthat s < \alpha}.$$ A *closed section* is defined as $$\overline{S_\alpha} = \theset{s \in S \suchthat s \leq \alpha}.$$ The *complement* of a section is given by $$ S_x^c = \theset{s\in S \suchthat s \geq a} \\ \overline{S_x}^c = \theset{s\in S \suchthat s > a} $$ ::: :::{.definition title="Intervals"} We can define the notions of an *open interval from $\alpha$ to $\beta$*, *closed interval*, and *half-open intervals* respectively: \[ (\alpha, \beta) &\definedas \theset{s\in S \suchthat \alpha < s < \beta}\\ [\alpha, \beta] &\definedas \theset{s\in S \suchthat \alpha \leq s \leq \beta}\\ (\alpha, \beta] &\definedas \theset{s\in S \suchthat \alpha < s \leq \beta}\\ [\alpha, \beta) &\definedas \theset{s\in S \suchthat \alpha \leq s < \beta}. \] ::: :::{.definition title="Covering"} We say that $y$ *covers* $x$ if $$ x \in S_y \text{ (so $x < y$) and } (x,y) = \emptyset. $$ In other words, this says that $y$ is a *least upper bound* for $x$. ::: :::{.definition title="Minimal and Maximal Elements"} If $S_x = \emptyset$, $x$ is said to be a *minimal* element. Similarly, if $\overline{S_y} = S$, $y$ is said to be a *maximal* element. ::: :::{.remark} In a subtle distinction, if $x \in S_s$ for every $s\in S$, then $x$ is unique and is said to be the *minimum element* and denoted $\mathbf 0$. Similarly, if $S_y = S-\theset{y}$, then $y$ is said to be a (not necessarily unique) *maximal* element and is denoted $\mathbf 1$. ::: :::{.definition title="Hasse Diagrams"} A *Hasse diagram* for a poset $(S, \leq)$ is an graph obtained by letting the verticies of $G$ be the elements of $S$, connecting a directed edge from $x\to y$ iff $y$ covers $x$, arranging this graph so all arrows point upwards and incomparable elements are lined up horizontally. ::: :::{.remark} These are generally written without vertex labels or edge directions, yielding an undirected graph on $\# S$ vertices. ::: :::{.example} \hfill - $(D(12), \mid)$: the divisors of 12 ordered by divisibility ![Divisibility Poset](figures/2019-06-08-23-30-20.png) - $(\mathcal{P}([n]), \subseteq)$: Subsets of $[3]$ ordered by inclusion. ![Subset Poset](figures/2019-06-08-23-29-44.png) ::: :::{.definition title="Upper and Lower Sets"} A subset of a poset $U \subseteq S$ is called an *upper set* if it "absorbs" everything above it with respect to the partial order, i.e. $$ u\in U \implies \forall s\in S, \quad s \geq u \implies s \in U, $$ or in other words, $\overline{S_u^c} \subseteq U$ and similarly, $L$ is called a *lower set* if it absorbs everything below it: $$ l \in L \implies \forall s\in S, \quad s \leq u \implies s \in U $$ so $\overline{S_u} \subseteq L$ ::: :::{.definition title="Order Ideals"} A subset $L \subseteq S$ is an *order ideal* if it is a non-empty directed lower set. ::: :::{.definition title="Incidence Algebra"} Given any poset, we can define the *incidence algebra* $$ \Af(P) = \theset{f: P \cross P \to \RR \suchthat f(x,y) = 0 \iff x \not\leq y }, $$ which are all of the functions on pairs of elements in the poset that take some values on comparable elements and are just zero otherwise. ::: :::{.example} \hfill - The indicator/"dirac delta" function: $\delta(x,y) = \indic{x=y}$ - The zeta function: $\zeta(x,y) = \indic{x \leq y}$ This is an *algebra* because it is a vector space over $\RR$, and has a bilinear product: $$ (f \ast g)(x, y) = \sum_{t\in[x,y]}f(x,t) g(t, y) $$ Under this product, - $f\ast 0 = 0$ - $f\ast\delta = f$ - $f\ast \zeta = \displaystyle\sum_{t\in[x,y]}f(x,t)$ Moreover, if $f(x,x) \neq 0$, then $f^{-1}$ exists such that $f\ast f^{-1} = \delta$, so we can define $\mu = \zeta\inv$, which can be shown has the formula $$ \mu(x,y) = (-1)\sum_{ t \in [x,y)}\zeta(x, t) $$ One thus computes this function inductively up a Hasse diagram. ::: ## An Example Calculation :::{.exercise title="Mobius Functions"} Compute the Mobius function for each element of the divisibility poset of $n=90$. ::: ![The Divisibility Poset on $n=90$](figures/2019-06-09-15-13-51.png) :::{.solution} \hfill - Level 1 - $\mu(1,1) = 1$ (by definition) - Level 2 - $[1, 5) = \theset{1} \implies \mu(1,5) = -(\mu(1,1)) = -1$ - $[1, 2) = \theset{1} \implies \mu(1,2) = -(\mu(1,1)) = -1$ - $[1, 3) = \theset{1} \implies \mu(1,3) = -(\mu(1,1)) = -1$ - Level 3 - $[1, 10) = \theset{1,5,2} \implies \mu(1,10) = -(\mu(1,1)+\mu(1,5)+\mu(1,2))= -(1-1-1) = 1$ - $[1, 15) = \theset{1,5,3} \implies \mu(1,15) = -(\mu(1,1)+\mu(1,5)+\mu(1,3))= -(1-1-1) = 1$ - $[1, 6) = \theset{1,2,3} \implies \mu(1,16) = -(\mu(1,1)+\mu(1,2)+\mu(1,3))= -(1-1-1) = 1$ - $[1, 9) = \theset{1,3} \implies \mu(1,19) = -(\mu(1,1)+\mu(1,3)) = -(1-1) = 0$ - Level 4 - $[1,30) = \theset{10,15,6,5,2,3,1} \implies \mu(1,30) = -(1+1+1-1-1-1+1) = -1$ - $[1,45) = \theset{15,9,5,3,1} \implies \mu(1,45) = -(1+0-1-1+1) = 0$ - $[1,18) = \theset{6,9,2,3,1} \implies \mu(1,18) = -(1+0-1-1+1) = 0$ - Level 5 - $[1, 90) = S - \theset{90} \implies \mu(1,90) = -(0+0-1+0+1+1+1-1-1-1+1) = 0$ ::: ### Mobius Inversion Note that from the above calculation, we find that for the divisibility poset, $$ \mu(a, b) = \begin{cases} (-1)^k & \frac b a \text{ is a product of k distinct primes} \\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases} $$ In general, there is a Mobius inversion formula: $$ g ( x ) = \sum _ { x y \leq \pi } f ( y ) \quad \forall x \in P \quad \Longleftrightarrow \quad f ( x ) = \sum _ { x y \leq \pi } \mu ( y , x ) g ( y ) \quad \forall x \in P $$ which says that if we know that $g$ on every element and we also know that it's some linear combination of values of $f$ (where we don't necessarily know what any single $f(x)$ is), we can actually solve for a single $f(x)$ and write it as a (weighted) linear combination of values of $g$. If we write the incidence matrix of the poset as $A$, this equivalently says $$ g(\vector x) = A f(\vector x) \implies f(\vector x) = A^{-1}g(\vector x) = Mg(\vector x) $$ where $M = [\mu(x_i, x_j)]$ is the "Gram matrix" of values of the Mobius function.