# Point-Set Topology ## Definitions \todo[inline]{Bring in Rudin's list} - Epsilon-neighborhood - $N_r(p) = \theset{q \mid d_X(p,q) < r}$ - Limit Point - $p$ is a limit point of $E$ iff $\forall N_r(p),~ \exists q\neq p \mid q \in N_r(p)$ - Equivalently, $\forall N_r(p),~ N_r(p) \cap E \neq \emptyset$ - Let $L(E)$ be the set of limit points of $E$. - Example: $E = (0,1) \implies 0 \in L(E)$ - Isolated Point - $p$ is an isolated point of $E$ iff $p$ is not a limit point of $E$ - Equivalently, $\exists N_r(p) \mid N_r(p) \cap E = \emptyset$ - Equivalently, $E - L(E)$ - Perfect - $E$ is perfect iff $E$ is closed and $E \subseteq L(E)$ - Equivalently, $L(E) = E$ - Interior - $p$ is an interior point of $E$ iff $\exists N_r(p) \mid N_r(p) \subsetneq E$ - Denote the interior of $E$ by $E^\circ$ - Exterior - Closed sets - $E$ is closed iff $p$ a limit point of $E \implies p \in E$ - Equivalently if $L(E) \subseteq E$ - Closed under finite unions, arbitrary intersections - Open sets - $E$ is open iff $p\in E \implies p \in E^\circ$ - Equivalently, if $E \subseteq E^\circ$ - Closed under arbitrary unions, finite intersections - Boundary - Closure - Dense - $E$ is dense in $X$ iff $X \subseteq E \cup L(E)$ - Connected - Space of connected sets closed under union, product, closures - Convex $\implies$ connected - Disconnected - Path Connected - $\forall x,y \in X \exists f: I \to X \mid f(0) = x, f(1) = y$ - Path connected $\implies$ connected - Simply Connected - Totally Disconnected - Hausdorff - Compact - Every covering has a finite subcovering. - $X$ compact and $U \subset X: (U \text{ closed } \implies U \text{ compact })$ - $U \text{ compact } \implies U \text{ closed }$ iff $X$ is Hausdorff - Closed under products :::{.example title="?"} The space $\theset{\frac{1}{n}}_{n\in \NN}$. ::: List of properties preserved by continuous maps: - Connectedness - Compactness Checking if a map is homeomorphism: - $f$ continuous, $X$ compact and Hausdorff $\implies f$ is a homeomorphism.