# Tuesday August 20th ## The Fundamental Homomorphism Theorems **Theorem 1:** Let $\varphi: G \to G'$ be a homomorphism. Then there is a canonical homomorphism $\eta: G \to G/\ker \varphi$ such that the usual diagram commutes. Moreover, this map induces an isomorphism $G /\ker \varphi \cong \im \varphi$. **Theorem 2:** Let $K, N \leq G$ and suppose $N \normal G$. Then there is an isomorphism $$ \frac K {K \intersect N} \cong \frac {NK} {N} $$ *Proof Sketch:* Show that $K \intersect N \normal G$, and $NK$ is a subgroup exactly because $N$ is normal. **Theorem 3:** Let $H, K \normal G$ such that $H \leq K$. Then 1. $H/K$ is normal in $G/K$. 2. The quotient $(G/K) / (H/K) \cong G/H$. *Proof:* We'll use the first theorem. Define a map \begin{align*} \phi: G/K &\to G/H \\ gk &\mapsto gH .\end{align*} *Exercise*: Show that $\phi$ is surjective, and that $\ker \phi \cong H/K$. $\qed$ ## Permutation Groups Let $A$ be a set, then a *permutation* on $A$ is a bijective map $A \selfmap$. This can be made into a group with a binary operation given by composition of functions. Denote $S_{A}$ the set of permutations on $A$. **Theorem:** $S_{A}$ is in fact a group. *Proof:* Exercise. Follows from checking associativity, inverses, identity, etc. $\qed$ In the special case that $A = \theset{1, 2, \cdots n}$, then $S_{n} \definedas S_{A}$. Recall two line notation $$ \left(\begin{matrix} 1 & 2 & \cdots & n\\ \sigma(1) & \sigma(2) & \cdots & \sigma(n) \end{matrix}\right) $$ Moreover, $\abs{S_{n}} = n!$ by a combinatorial counting argument. *Example:* $S_{3}$ is the symmetries of a triangle. *Example:* The symmetries of a square are *not* given by $S_{4}$, it is instead $D_{4}$. ## Orbits and the Symmetric Group Permutations $S_{A}$ *act* on $A$, and if $\sigma \in S_{A}$, then $\generators{\sigma}$ also acts on $A$. Define $a \sim b$ iff there is some $n$ such that $\sigma^{n}(a) = b$. This is an equivalence relation, and thus induces a partition of $A$. See notes for diagram. The equivalence classes under this relation are called the *orbits* under $\sigma$. *Example:* $$ \left(\begin{matrix} 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 & 8 \\ 8 & 2 & 6 & 3 & 7 & 4 & 5 & 1 \end{matrix}\right) = (1 8)(2)(3 6 4)(5 7). $$ **Definition:** A permutation $\sigma \in S_{n}$ is a *cycle* iff it contains at most one orbit with more than one element. The *length* of a cycle is the number of elements in the largest orbit. Recall cycle notation: $\sigma = (\sigma(1) \sigma(2) \cdots \sigma(n))$. > Note that this is read right-to-left by convention! **Theorem:** Every permutation $\sigma \in S_{n}$ can be written as a product of disjoint cycles. **Definition:** A *transposition* is a cycle of length 2. **Proposition:** Every permutation is a product of transpositions. *Proof:* $$ (a_{1} a_{2} \cdots a_{n}) = (a_{1} a_{n}) (a_{1} a_{n-1}) \cdots (a_{1} a_{2}) .$$ $\qed$ This is not a unique decomposition, however, as e.g. $\id = (1 2)^{2} = (3 4)^{2}$. **Theorem:** Any $\sigma \in S_{n}$ can be written as **either** - An even number of transpositions, or - An odd number of transpositions. *Proof:* Define $$ A_{n} = \theset{\sigma \in S_{n} \suchthat \sigma\text{ is even}} .$$ We claim that $A_{n} \normal S_{n}$. 1. Closure: If $\tau_{1}, \tau_{2}$ are both even, then $\tau_{1}\tau_{2}$ also has an even number of transpositions. 2. The identity has an even number of transpositions, since zero is even. 3. Inverses: If $\sigma = \prod_{i=1}^{s} \tau_{i}$ where $s$ is even, then $\sigma\inv = \prod_{i=1}^{s} \tau_{s-i}$. But each $\tau$ is order 2, so $\tau\inv = \tau$, so there are still an even number of transpositions. So $A_{n}$ is a subgroup. It is normal because it is index 2, or the kernel of a homomorphism, or by a direct computation. ## Groups Acting on Sets Think of this as a generalization of a $G\dash$module. **Definition:** A group $G$ is said to *act* on a set $X$ if there exists a map $G\cross X \to X$ such that 1. $e\actson x = x$ 2. $(g_{1} g_{2})\actson x = g_{1} \actson (g_{2} \actson x)$. *Examples:* 1. $G = S_{A} \actson A$ 2. $H \leq G$, then $G \actson X = G/H$ where $g \actson xH = (gx)H$. 3. $G \actson G$ by conjugation, i.e. $g\actson x = gxg\inv$. **Definition:** Let $x\in X$, then define the **stabilizer subgroup** $$ G_{x} = \theset{g\in G \suchthat g\actson x = x} \leq G $$ We can also look at the dual notion, $$ X_{g} = \theset{x\in X \suchthat g\actson x = x}. $$ We then define the *orbit* of an element $x$ as $$ Gx = \theset{g\actson x \suchthat g\in G} $$ and we have a similar result where $x\sim y \iff x\in Gy$, and the orbits partition $X$. **Theorem:** Let $G$ act on $X$. We want to know the number of elements in an orbit, and it turns out that \begin{align*} \abs{Gx} = [G: G_{x}] \end{align*} *Proof:* Construct a map $Gx \mapsvia{\psi} G/Gx$ where $\psi(g\actson x) = g Gx$. *Exercise:* Show that this is well-defined, so if 2 elements are equal then they go to the same coset. *Exercise*: Show that this is surjective. Injectivity: $\psi(g_{1} x) = \psi(g_{2} x)$, so $g_{1} Gx = g_{2} Gx$ and $(g_{2}\inv g_{1}) Gx = Gx$ so $$ g_{2}\inv g_{1} \in Gx \iff g_{2}\inv g_{1} \actson x = x \iff g_{1}x = g_{2} x .$$ $\qed$ Next time: Burnside's theorem, proving the Sylow theorems.