# Tuesday August 27th Let $G$ be a finite group and $p$ a prime. TFAE: - $\abs{H} = p^n$ for some $n$ - Every element of $H$ has order $p^\alpha$ for some $\alpha$. If either of these are true, we say $H$ is a *$p\dash$group*. Let $H$ be a $p\dash$group, last time we proved that if $p \divides [G : H]$ then $N_G(H) \neq H$. ## Sylow Theorems Let $G$ be a finite group and suppose $\abs{G} = p^n m$ where $(m, n) = 1$. Then ### Sylow 1 > Idea: take a prime factorization of $\abs{G}$, then there are subgroups of order $p^i$ for *every* prime power appearing, up to the maximal power. 1. $G$ contains a subgroup of order $p^i$ for every $1 \leq i \leq n$. 2. Every subgroup $H$ of order $p^i$ where $i < n$ is a normal subgroup in a subgroup of order $p^{i+1}$. *Proof:* By induction on $i$. For $i=1$, we know this by Cauchy's theorem. If we show (2), that shows (1) as a consequence. So suppose this holds for $i < n$. Let $H \leq G$ where $\abs{H} = p^i$, we now want a subgroup of order $p^{i+1}$. Since $p\divides [G: H]$, by the previous theorem, $H < N_G(H)$ is a proper subgroup (?). Now consider the canonical projection $N_G(H) \to N_G(H) /H$. Since $$ p \divides [N_G(H) : H] = \abs{N_G(H)/ H} ,$$ by Cauchy there is a subgroup of order $p$ in this quotient. Call it $K$. Then $\pi\inv(K) \leq N_G(H)$. *Exercise*: Show that $\abs{\phi\inv(K)} = p^{i+1}$. It now follows that $H \normal \phi\inv(K)$. $\qed$ **Definition**: For $G$ a finite group and $\abs{G} = p^n m$ where $p$ does not divide $m$. Then a subgroup of order $p^n$ is called a **Sylow $p\dash$subgroup**. > Note: by Sylow 1, these exist. ### Sylow 2 If $P_1, P_2$ are Sylow $p\dash$subgroups of $G$, then $P_1$ and $P_2$ are conjugate. *Proof:* Let $\mathcal L$ be the left cosets of $P_1$, i.e. $\mathcal L = G/P_1$. Let $P_2$ act on $\mathcal L$ by $$ p_2 \actson (g + P_1) \definedas (p_2g) + P_1 .$$ By a previous theorem about orbits and fixed points, we have $$ \abs{\mathcal L_{P_2}} = \abs{\mathcal L} \mod p. $$ Since $p$ does not divide $\abs{\mathcal L}$, we have $p$ does not divide $\abs{\mathcal L_{P_2}}$. So $\mathcal L_{P_2}$ is nonempty. So there exists a coset $xP_1$ such that $xP_1 \in \mathcal L_{P_2}$, and thus $$ yxP_1 = xP_1 \text{ for all } y\in P_2 .$$ Then $x\inv y x P_1 = P_1$ for all $y\in P_2$, and so $x\inv P_2 x = P_1$. So $P_1$ and $P_2$ are conjugate. $\qed$ ### Sylow 3 Let $G$ be a finite group, and $p\divides \abs G$. Let $r_p$ be the number of Sylow $p\dash$subgroups of $G$. Then - $r_p \cong 1 \mod p$. - $r_p \divides \abs G$. - $r_p = [G : N_G(P)]$ *Proof:* Let $X = \mathcal S$ be the set of Sylow $p\dash$subgroups, and let $P \in X$ be a fixed Sylow $p\dash$subgroup. Let $P \actson \mathcal S$ by conjugation, so for $\overline P \in \mathcal S$ let $x \actson \overline P = x \overline P x\inv$. By a previous theorem, we have $$ \abs{\mathcal S} = \mathcal{S}_P \mod p $$ What are the fixed points $\mathcal{S}_P$? $$ \mathcal{S}_P = \theset{T \in \mathcal S \suchthat xTx\inv = T \quad \forall x\in P}. $$ Let $\mathcal T \in \mathcal{S}_P$, so $xTx\inv = T$ for all $x\in P$. Then $P \leq N_G(T)$, so both $P$ and $T$ are Sylow $p\dash$ subgroups in $N_G(H)$ as well as $G$. So there exists a $f\in N_G(T)$ such that $T = gPg\inv$. But the point is that in the normalizer, there is only **one** Sylow $p\dash$ subgroup. But then $T$ is the unique largest normal subgroup of $N_G(T)$, which forces $T = P$. Then $\mathcal{S}_P = \theset{P}$, and using the formula, we have $r_p \cong 1 \mod p$. Now modify this slightly by letting $G$ act on $\mathcal S$ (instead of just $P$) by conjugation. Since all Sylows are conjugate, by Sylow (1) there is only one orbit, so $\mathcal S = GP$ for $P \in \mathcal S$. But then $$ r_p = \abs{\mathcal S} = \abs{GP} = [G: G_p] \divides \abs{G}. $$ Note that this gives a precise formula for $r_p$, although the theorem is just an upper bound of sorts, and $G_p = N_G(P)$. ## Applications of Sylow Theorems Of interest historically: classifying finite *simple* groups, where a group $G$ is *simple* If $N \normal G$ and $N \neq \theset{e}$, then $N=G$. *Example:* Let $G = \ZZ_p$, any subgroup would need to have order dividing $p$, so $G$ must be simple. *Example:* $G = A_n$ for $n\geq 5$ (see Galois theory) One major application is proving that groups of a certain order are *not* simple. *Applications:* **Proposition:** Let $\abs G = p^n q$ with $p > q$. Then $G$ is not simple. *Proof:* > Strategy: Find a proper normal nontrivial subgroup using Sylow theory. Can either show $r_p = 1$, or produce normal subgroups by intersecting distinct Sylow p-subgroups. Consider $r_p$, then $r_p = p^\alpha q^\beta$ for some $\alpha, \beta$. But since $r_p \cong 1 \mod p$, $p$ does not divide $r_p$, we must have $r_p = 1, q$. But since $q < p$ and $q\neq 1 \mod p$, this forces $r_p = 1$. So let $P$ be a sylow $p\dash$subgroup, then $P < G$. Then $gPg\inv$ is also a sylow, but there's only 1 of them, so $P$ is normal. $\qed$ **Proposition**: Let $\abs{G} = 45$, then $G$ is not simple. *Proof*: Exercise. $\qed$ **Proposition**: Let $\abs{G} = p^n$, then $G$ is not simple if $n > 1$. *Proof:* By Sylow (1), there is a normal subgroup of order $p^{n-1}$ in $G$. $\qed$ **Proposition:** Let $\abs{G} = 48$, then $G$ is not simple. *Proof:* Note $48 = 2^4 3$, so consider $r_2$, the number of Sylow 2-subgroups. Then $r_2 \cong 1 \mod 2$ and $r_2 \divides 48$. So $r_2 = 1, 3$. If $r_2 = 1$, we're done, otherwise suppose $r_2 = 3$. Let $H \neq K$ be Sylow 2-subgroups, so $\abs H = \abs K = 2^4 = 16$. Now consider $H \intersect K$, which is a subgroup of $G$. How big is it? Since $H\neq K, \abs{H \intersect K} < 16$. The order has to divides 16, so we in fact have $\abs{H \intersect K} \leq 8$. Suppose it is less than 4, towards a contradiction. Then $$ \abs{HK} = \frac{\abs H \abs K}{\abs{H \intersect K}} \geq \frac{(16)(16)}{4} = 64 > \abs{G} = 48. $$ So we can only have $\abs{H \intersect K} = 8$. Since this is an index 2 subgroup in both $H$ and $K$, it is in fact normal. But then $$ H, K \subseteq N_G(H \intersect K) \definedas X .$$ But then $\abs X$ must be a multiple of 16 *and* divide 48, so it's either 16 or 28. But $\abs X > 16$, because $H \subseteq X$ and $K \subseteq X$. So then $$ N_G(H \intersect K) = G \text{ and so } H \intersect K \normal G .$$ $\qed$