# Thursday September 5th ## Rings Recall the definition of a ring: A *ring* $(R, +, \times)$ is a set with binary operations such that 1. $(R, +)$ is a group, 2. $(R, \times)$ is a monoid. *Examples:* $R = \ZZ, \QQ, \RR, \CC$, or the ring of $n\times n$ matrices, or $\ZZ_n$. A ring is *commutative* iff $ab = ba$ for every $a,b\in R$, and *a ring with unity* is a ring such that $\exists 1 \in R$ such that $a1 = 1a = a$. *Exercise*: Show that $1$ is unique if it exists. In a ring with unity, an element $a\in R$ is a *unit* iff $\exists b\in R$ such that $ab = ba = 1$. **Definition:** A ring with unity is a **division ring** $\iff$ every nonzero element is a unit. **Definition:** A division ring is a *field* $\iff$ it is commutative. **Definition:** Suppose that $a,b \neq 0$ with $ab = 0$. Then $a,b$ are said to be *zero divisors*. **Definition:** A commutative ring without zero divisors is an *integral domain*. *Example:* In $\ZZ_n$, an element $a$ is a zero divisor iff $\gcd(a, n) \neq 1$. *Fact:* In a ring with no zero divisors, we have $$ ab = ac \text{ and } a\neq 0 \implies b=c .$$ **Theorem:** Every field is an integral domain. *Proof:* Let $R$ be a field. If $ab=0$ and $a\neq 0$, then $a\inv$ exists and so $b=0$. $\qed$ **Theorem:** Any finite integral domain is a field. *Proof:* > Idea: Similar to the pigeonhole principle. Let $D = \theset{0, 1, a_1, \cdots, a_n}$ be an integral domain. Let $a_j \neq 0, 1$ be arbitrary, and consider $a_j D = \theset{a_j x \mid x\in D\setminus\theset{0}}$. Then $a_j D = D\setminus\theset{0}$ as sets. But $$ a_j D = \theset{a_j, a_j a_1, a_j a_2, \cdots, a_j a_n}. $$ Since there are no zero divisors, $0$ does not occur among these elements, so some $a_j a_k$ must be equal to 1. $\qed$ ## Field Extensions If $F \leq E$ are fields, then $E$ is a vector space over $F$, for which the dimension turns out to be important. **Definition**: We can consider $$ \aut(E/F) \definedas \theset{\sigma: E \selfmap \mid f\in F \implies \sigma(f) = f}, $$ i.e. the field automorphisms of $E$ that fix $F$. *Examples of field extensions:* $\CC \to \RR \to \QQ$. Let $F(x)$ be the smallest field containing both $F$ and $x$. Given this, we can form a diagram \begin{center} \begin{tikzcd} & F(x, y) & \\ F(x)\ar[ur] & & F(y)\ar[ul] \\ & F\ar[ul] \ar[ur] \ar[uu] & \end{tikzcd} \end{center} Let $F[x]$ the polynomials with coefficients in $F$. **Theorem:** Let $F$ be a field and $f(x) \in F[x]$ be a non-constant polynomial. Then there exists an $F \to E$ and some $\alpha \in E$ such that $f(\alpha) = 0$. *Proof:* Since $F[x]$ is a unique factorization domain, given $f(x)$ we can find an irreducible $p(x)$ such that $f(x) = p(x) g(x)$ for some $g(x)$. So consider $E = F[x] / (p)$. Since $p$ is irreducible, $(p)$ is a prime ideal, but in $F[x]$ prime ideals are maximal and so $E$ is a field. Then define \begin{align*} \psi: F &\to E \\ a &\mapsto a + (p) .\end{align*} Then $\psi$ is a homomorphism of rings: supposing $\psi(\alpha) = 0$, we must have $\alpha \in (p)$. But all such elements are multiples of a polynomial of degree $d \geq 1$, and $\alpha$ is a scalar, so this can only happen if $\alpha = 0$. Then consider $\alpha = x + (p)$; the claim is that $p(\alpha) = 0$ and thus $f(\alpha) = 0$. We can compute \begin{align*} p(x + (p)) &= a_0 + a_1(x + (p)) + \cdots + a_n(x + (p))^n \\ &= p(x) + (p) = 0 .\end{align*} $\qed$ *Example:* $\RR[x] / (x^2 + 1)$ over $\RR$ is isomorphic to $\CC$ as a field. ## Algebraic and Transcendental Elements **Definition:** An element $\alpha \in E$ with $F \to E$ is **algebraic** over $F$ iff there is a nonzero polynomial in $f \in F[x]$ such that $f(\alpha) = 0$. Otherwise, $\alpha$ is said to be **transcendental**. *Examples:* - $\sqrt 2 \in \RR \from \QQ$ is algebraic, since it satisfies $x^2 - 2$. - $\sqrt{-1} \in \CC \from \QQ$ is algebraic, since it satisfies $x^2 + 1$. - $\pi, e \in \RR \from \QQ$ are transcendental > This takes some work to show. An *algebraic number* $\alpha \in \CC$ is an element that is algebraic over $\QQ$. *Fact:* The set of algebraic numbers forms a field. **Definition:** Let $F \leq E$ be a field extension and $\alpha \in E$. Define a map \begin{align*} \phi_\alpha: F[x] &\to E \\ \phi_\alpha(f) &= f(\alpha) .\end{align*} This is a homomorphism of rings and referred to as the *evaluation homomorphism*. **Theorem:** Then $\phi_\alpha$ is injective iff $\alpha$ is transcendental. > Note: otherwise, this map will have a kernel, which will be generated by a single element that is referred to as the **minimal polynomial** of $\alpha$. ## Minimal Polynomials **Theorem:** Let $F\leq E$ be a field extension and $\alpha \in E$ algebraic over $F$. Then 1. There exists a polynomial $p\in F[x]$ of minimal degree such that $p(\alpha) = 0$. 2. $p$ is irreducible. 3. $p$ is unique up to a constant. *Proof:* Since $\alpha$ is algebraic, $f(\alpha) = 0$. So write $f$ in terms of its irreducible factors, so $f(x) = \prod p_j(x)$ with each $p_j$ irreducible. Then $p_i(\alpha) = 0$ for some $i$ because we are in a field and thus don't have zero divisors. So there exists at least one $p_i(x)$ such that $p(\alpha) = 0$, so let $q$ be one such polynomial of minimal degree. Suppose that $\deg q < \deg p_i$. Using the Euclidean algorithm, we can write $p(x) = q(x) c(x) + r(x)$ for some $c$, and some $r$ where $\deg r < \deg q$. But then $0 = p(\alpha) = q(\alpha)c(\alpha) + r(\alpha)$, but if $q(\alpha) = 0$, then $r(\alpha) = 0$. So $r(x)$ is identically zero, and so $p(x) - q(x) = c(x) = c$, a constant. $\qed$ **Definition:** Let $\alpha \in E$ be algebraic over $F$, then the unique monic polynomial $p\in F[x]$ of minimal degree such that $p(\alpha) = 0$ is the **minimal polynomial** of $\alpha$. *Example:* $\sqrt{1 + \sqrt 2}$ has minimal polynomial $x^4 + x^2 - 1$, which can be found by raising it to the 2nd and 4th power and finding a linear combination that is constant.