# Tuesday September 10th ## Vector Spaces **Definition:** Let $\FF$ be a field. A **vector space** is an abelian group $V$ with a map $\FF \cross V \to V$ such that - $\alpha(\beta \vector v) = (\alpha \beta) \vector v$ - $(\alpha + \beta)\vector v = \alpha \vector v + \beta \vector v$, - $\alpha(\vector v + \vector w) = \alpha \vector v + \alpha \vector w$ - $1\vector v = \vector v$ *Examples:* $\RR^n, \CC^n , F[x] = \mathrm{span}(\theset{1, x, x^2, \cdots}), L^2(\RR)$ **Definition:** Let $V$ be a vector space over $\FF$; then a set $W \subseteq V$ *spans* $V$ iff for every $\vector v\in V$, one can write $\vector v = \sum \alpha_i \vector w_i$ where $\alpha_i \in \FF,~\vector w_i \in W$. **Definition:** $V$ is *finite dimensional* if there exists a finite spanning set. **Definition:** A set $W \subseteq V$ is *linearly independent* iff $$ \sum \alpha_i \vector w_i = \vector 0 \implies \alpha_i = 0 \text{ for all } i .$$ **Definition:** A *basis* for $V$ is a set $W \subseteq V$ such that 1. $W$ is linearly independent, and 2. $W$ spans $V$. A basis is a midpoint between a spanning set and a linearly independent set. We can add vectors to a set until it is spanning, and we can throw out vectors until the remaining set is linearly independent. This is encapsulated in the following theorems: **Theorem:** If $W$ spans $V$, then some subset of $W$ spans $V$. **Theorem:** If $W$ is a set of linearly independent vectors, then some superset of $W$ is a basis for $V$. *Fact:* Any finite-dimensional vector spaces has a finite basis. **Theorem:** If $W$ is a linearly independent set and $B$ is a basis, then $\abs{B} \leq \abs W$. **Corollary:** Any two bases have the same number of elements. > So we define the dimension of $V$ to be the number of elements in any basis, which is a unique number. ## Algebraic Extensions **Definition:** $E \geq F$ is an algebraic extension iff every $\alpha \in E$ is algebraic of $F$. **Definition:** $E \geq F$ is a *finite extension* iff $E$ is finite-dimensional as an $F\dash$vector space. *Notation:* $[E: F] = \dim_F E$, the dimension of $E$ as an $F\dash$vector space. *Observation:* If $E = F(\alpha)$ where $\alpha$ is algebraic over $F$, then $E$ is an algebraic extension of $F$. *Observation:* If $E\geq F$ and $[E: F] = 1$, then $E=F$. **Theorem:** If $E \geq F$ is a finite extension, then $E$ is algebraic over $F$. *Proof:* Let $\beta \in E$. Then the set $\theset{1, \beta, \beta^2, \cdots}$ is not linearly independent. So $\sum_{i=0}^n c_i \beta^i = 0$ for some $n$ and some $c_i$. But then $\beta$ is algebraic. $\qed$ > Note that the converse is not true in general. *Example*: Let $E = \overline \RR$ be the algebraic numbers. Then $E \geq \QQ$ is algebraic, but $[E : \QQ] = \infty$. **Theorem:** Let $K \geq E \geq F$, then $[K: F] = [K: E] [E: F]$. *Proof:* Let $\theset{\alpha_i}^m$ be a basis for $E/F$ Let $\theset{\beta_i}^n$ be a basis for $K / E$. Then the RHS is $mn$. *Claim:* $\theset{\alpha_i \beta_j}^{m, n}$ is a basis for $K/ F$. *Linear independence:* \begin{align*} \sum_{i, j} c_{ij} \alpha _i \beta_j &= 0 \\ \implies \sum_j \sum_i c_{ij} \alpha_i \beta_j &= 0 \\ \implies \sum_i c_{ij} \alpha_i &= 0 \quad \text{since $\beta$ form a basis} \\ \implies \sum c_{ij} &= 0 \quad \text{since $\alpha$ form a basis} .\end{align*} *Exercise*: Show this is also a spanning set. $\qed$ **Corollary:** Let $E_r \geq E_{r-1} \geq \cdots \geq E_1 \geq F$, then $$ [E_r: F]= [E_r: E_{r-1}][E_{r-1}:E_{r-2}] \cdots [E_2: E_1][E_1 : F] .$$ *Observation:* If $\alpha \in E \geq F$ and $\alpha$ is algebraic over $F$ where $E \geq F(\alpha) \geq F$, then $F(\alpha)$ is algebraic (since $[F(\alpha): F] < \infty$) and $[F(\alpha): F]$ is the degree of the minimal polynomial of $\alpha$ over $F$. **Corollary:** Let $E = F(\alpha) \geq F$ where $\alpha$ is algebraic. Then $$\beta \in F(\alpha) \implies \deg \min(\beta, F) \divides \deg \min(\alpha, F) .$$ *Proof:* Since $F(\alpha) \geq F(\beta) \geq F$, we have $[F(\alpha): F] = [F(\alpha): F(\beta)][F(\beta): F]$. But just note that \begin{align*} [F(\alpha): F] &= \deg \min (\alpha, F) \text{ and } \\ [F(\beta): F] &= \deg \min (\beta, F) .\end{align*} $\qed$ **Theorem:** Let $E \geq F$ be algebraic, then $$ [E: F] < \infty \iff E = F(\alpha_1, \cdots, \alpha_n) \text{ for some } \alpha_n \in E .$$ ## Algebraic Closures **Definition:** Let $E \geq F$, and define $$ \overline{F_E} = \theset{\alpha \in E \mid \alpha \text{ is algebraic over } F} $$ to be the **algebraic closure of $F$ in $E$**. *Example:* $\QQ \injects \CC$, while $\overline \QQ = \Bbb{A}$ is the field of algebraic numbers, which is a dense subfield of $\CC$. **Proposition:** $\overline{F_E}$ is a always field. *Proof:* Let $\alpha, \beta \in \overline{F_E}$, so $[F(\alpha, \beta): F] < \infty$. Then $F(\alpha, \beta) \subseteq \overline{F_E}$ is algebraic over $F$ and $$ \alpha\pm \beta, \quad \alpha\beta,\quad \frac \alpha \beta \quad \in F(\alpha, \beta) .$$ So $\overline{F_E}$ is a subfield of $E$ and thus a field. **Definition:** A field $F$ is **algebraically closed** iff every non-constant polynomial in $F[x]$ is a root in $F$. Equivalently, every polynomial in $F[x]$ can be factored into linear factors. If $F$ is algebraically closed and $E\geq F$ and $E$ is algebraic, then $E=F$. ### The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra **Theorem (Fundamental Theorem of Algebra):** $\CC$ is an algebraically closed field. *Proof:* **Liouville's theorem**: A bounded entire function $f: \CC \selfmap$ is constant. - *Bounded* means $\exists M \suchthat z\in \CC \implies \abs{f(z)} \leq M$. - *Entire* means analytic everywhere. Let $f(z) \in \CC[z]$ be a polynomial without a zero which is non-constant. Then $\frac 1 {f(z)}: \CC \selfmap$ is analytic and bounded, and thus constant, and contradiction. $\qed$ ## Geometric Constructions: Given the tools of a straightedge and compass, what real numbers can be constructed? Let $\mathcal C$ be the set of such numbers. **Theorem:** $C$ is a subfield of $\RR$.