# Tuesday September 17th ## Finite Fields and Roots of Polynomials *Recall from last time:* Let $\FF$ be a finite field. Then $\FF\units = \FF\setminus\theset{0}$ is *cyclic* (this requires some proof). Let $f \in \FF[x]$ with $f(\alpha) = 0$. Then $\alpha$ is a *multiple root* if $f'(\alpha) = 0$. **Lemma:** Let $\FF$ be a finite field with characteristic $p > 0$. Then $$ f(x) = x^{p^n} - x \in \FF[x] $$ has $p^n$ distinct roots. *Proof:* $$ f'(x) = p^n x^{p^n-1}-1 = -1 ,$$ since we are in char $p$. This is identically -1, so $f'(x) \neq 0$ for any $x$. So there are no multiple roots. Since there are at most $p^n$ roots, this gives exactly $p^n$ distinct roots. $\qed$ **Theorem:** A field with $p^n$ elements exists (denoted $\mathbb{GF}(p^n)$) for every prime $p$ and every $n > 0$. *Proof:* Consider $\ZZ_p \subseteq K \subseteq \overline{\ZZ}_p$ where $K$ is the set of zeros of $x^{p^n}-x$. Then we claim $K$ is a field. Suppose $\alpha, \beta \in K$. Then $(\alpha \pm \beta)^{p^n} = \alpha^{p^n} \pm \beta^{p^n}$. We also have $$ (\alpha\beta)^{p^n} = \alpha^{p^n}\beta^{p^n} - \alpha\beta \text{ and } \alpha^{-p^n} = \alpha\inv .$$ So $K$ is a field and $\abs K = p^n$. $\qed$ **Corollary:** Let $F$ be a finite field. If $n\in\NN^+$, then there exists an $f(x) \in F[x]$ that is irreducible of degree $n$. *Proof:* Let $F$ be a finite field, so $\abs F = p^r$. By the previous lemma, there exists a $K$ such that $\ZZ_p \subseteq k \subseteq \overline F$. $K$ is defined as $$ K \definedas \theset{\alpha \in F \mid \alpha^{p^n} - \alpha = 0} .$$ We also have $$ F = \theset{\alpha \in \overline F \suchthat \alpha^{p^n} - \alpha = 0}.$$ Moreover, $p^{rs} = p^r p^{r(s-1)}$. So let $\alpha \in F$, then $\alpha^{p^r} - \alpha = 0$. Then $$ \alpha^{p^{rn}} = \alpha^{p^r p^{r(n-1)}} = (\alpha^{p^r})^{p^{r(n-1)}} = \alpha^{p^{r(n-1)}} ,$$ and we can continue reducing this way to show that this is yields to $\alpha^{p^r} = \alpha$. So $\alpha \in K$, and thus $F \leq K$. We have $[K:F] = n$ by counting elements. Now $K$ is simple, because $K\units$ is cyclic. Let $\beta$ be the generator, then $K = F(\beta)$. This the minimal polynomial of $\beta$ in $F$ has degree $n$, so take this to be the desired $f(x)$. $\qed$ ## Simple Extensions Let $F \leq E$ and \begin{align*} \phi_\alpha: F[x] &\to E \\ f &\mapsto f(\alpha) .\end{align*} denote the evaluation map. **Case 1:** Suppose $\alpha$ is **algebraic** over $F$. There is a kernel for this map, and since $F[x]$ is a PID, this ideal is generated by a single element -- namely, the minimal polynomial of $\alpha$. Thus (applying the first isomorphism theorem), we have $F(\alpha) \supseteq E$ isomorphic to $F[x] / \min(\alpha, F)$. Moreover, $F(\alpha)$ is the smallest subfield of $E$ containing $F$ and $\alpha$. **Case 2:** Suppose $\alpha$ is **transcendental** over $F$. Then $\ker \phi_\alpha = 0$, so $F[x] \injects E$. Thus $F[x] \cong F[\alpha]$. **Definition:** $E \geq F$ is a *simple extension* if $E = F(\alpha)$ for some $\alpha \in E$. **Theorem:** Let $E = F(\alpha)$ be a simple extension of $F$ where $\alpha$ is algebraic over $F$. Then every $\beta \in E$ can be uniquely expressed as $$ \beta = \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} c_i \alpha^i \text{ where } n = \deg \min(\alpha, F) .$$ *Proof:* *Existence:* We have $$ F(\alpha) = \theset{\sum_{i=1}^r \beta_i \alpha^i \suchthat \beta_i \in F} ,$$ so all elements look like polynomials in $\alpha$. Using the minimal polynomial, we can reduce the degree of any such element by rewriting $\alpha^n$ in terms of lower degree terms: \begin{align*} f(x) = \sum_{i=0}^n a_i x^i, \quad f(\alpha) &= 0 \\ \implies \sum_{i=0}^n a_i \alpha^i &= 0 \\ \implies \alpha^n &= -\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} a_i \alpha^i .\end{align*} *Uniqueness:* Suppose $\sum c_i \alpha^i = \sum^{n-1} d_i \alpha^i$. Then $\sum^{n-1} (c_i - d_i) \alpha^i = 0$. But by minimality of the minimal polynomial, this forces $c_i - d_i = 0$ for all $i$. $\qed$ > Note: if $\alpha$ is algebraic over $F$, then $\theset{1, \alpha, \cdots \alpha^{n-1}}$ is a basis for $F(\alpha)$ over $F$ where $n = \deg \min(\alpha, F)$. > Moreover, $$ [F(\alpha):F] = \dim_F F(\alpha) = \deg\min(\alpha, F) .$$ > Note: adjoining any root of a minimal polynomial will yield isomorphic (usually not *identical*) fields. These are distinguished as subfields of the algebraic closure of the base field. **Theorem:** Let $F \leq E$ with $\alpha \in E$ algebraic over $F$. If $\deg\min(\alpha, F) = n$, then $F(\alpha)$ has dimension $n$ over $F$, and $\theset{1, \alpha, \cdots, \alpha^{n-1}}$ is a basis for $F(\alpha)$ over $F$. Moreover, any $\beta \in F(\alpha)$, is *also* algebraic over $F$,and $\deg\min(\beta, F) \divides \deg \min(\alpha, F)$. *Proof of first part:* Exercise. *Proof of second part:* We want to show that $\beta$ is algebraic over $F$. We have $$ [F(\alpha):F] = [F(\alpha): F(\beta)][F(\beta): F] ,$$ so $[F(\beta) : F]$ is less than $n$ since this is a finite extension, and the division of degrees falls out immediately. $\qed$ ## Automorphisms and Galois Theory Let $F$ be a field and $\overline F$ be its algebraic closure. Consider subfields of the algebraic closure, i.e. $E$ such that $F \leq E \leq \overline F$. Then $E \geq F$ is an algebraic extension. **Definition:** $\alpha, \beta \in E$ are *conjugates* iff $\min(\alpha, F) = \min(\beta, F)$. *Examples:* - $\sqrt[3]{3}, \sqrt[3]{3}\zeta, \sqrt[3]{3}\zeta^2$ are all conjugates, where $\zeta = e^{2\pi i/3}$. - $\alpha = a+bi \in \CC$ has conjugate $\bar \alpha = a-bi$, and $$ \min(\alpha, \RR) = \min(\bar \alpha, \RR) = x^2 - 2ax + (a^2 + b^2) .$$