# Thursday October 3rd When can we guarantee that there is a $\tau: E\selfmap$ lifting the identity? If $E$ is *separable*, then we have $\abs{ \Gal (E/F) } = \theset{E: F} [E: F]$. **Fact:** $\{F(\alpha): F \}$ is equal to number of *distinct* zeros of $\mathrm{min}(\alpha, F)$. If $F$ is algebraic, then $[F(\alpha): F]$ is the degree of the extension, and $\theset{F(\alpha): F} \divides [F(\alpha): F]$. **Theorem:** Let $E \geq F$ be finite, then $\theset{E: F} \divides [E:F]$. *Proof:* If $E \geq F$ is finite, $E = F(\alpha_1, \cdots, \alpha_n)$. So $\mathrm{min}(\alpha_i, F)$ has $a_j$ as a root, so let $n_j$ be the number of distinct roots, and $v_j$ the respective multiplicities. Then $$ [F: F(\alpha_1, \cdots, \alpha_{n-1})] = n_j v_j = v_j \theset{F: F(\alpha_1, \cdots, \alpha_{n-1})} .$$ So $[E: F] = \prod_j n_j v_j$ and $\theset{E:F} = \prod_j n_j$, and we obtain divisibility. $\qed$ **Definitions:** 1. An extension $E \geq F$ is **separable** iff $[E:F] = \{E: F\}$ 2. An element $\alpha \in E$ is **separable** iff $F(\alpha) \geq F$ is a separable extension. 3. A polynomial $f(x) \in F[x]$ is **separable** iff $f(\alpha) = 0 \implies \alpha$ is separable over $F$. **Lemma:** 1. $\alpha$ is separable over $F$ iff $\min(\alpha, F)$ has zeros of multiplicity one. 2. Any irreducible polynomial $f(x) \in F[x]$ is separable iff $f(x)$ has zeros of multiplicity one. *Proof of (1):* Note that $[F(\alpha): F] = \deg \min(\alpha, F)$, and $\theset{F(\alpha): F}$ is the number of distinct zeros of $\min(\alpha, F)$. Since all zeros have multiplicity 1, we have $[F(\alpha): F] = \theset{F(\alpha): F}$. $\qed$ *Proof of (2):* If $f(x) \in F[x]$ is irreducible and $\alpha\in \overline F$ a root, then $\min(\alpha, F) \divides f(\alpha)$. But then $f(x) = \ell \min(\alpha, F)$ for some constant $\ell \in F$, since $\min(\alpha, F)$ was monic and only had zeros of multiplicity one. $\qed$ **Theorem:** If $K \geq E \geq F$ and $[K:F] < \infty$, then $K$ is separable over $F$ iff $K$ is separable over $E$ and $E$ is separable over $F$. *Proof:* \begin{align*} [K: F] &= [K:E] [E: F] \\ &= \{K:E\} \{E: F\} \\ &= \{K: F\} .\end{align*} **Corollary:** Let $E \geq F$ be a finite extension. Then $$ E \text{ is separable over } F \iff \text{ Every } \alpha \in E \text{ is separable over } F .$$ *Proof:* $\implies$: Suppose $E \geq F$ is separable. Then $E \geq F(\alpha) \geq F$ implies that $F(\alpha)$ is separable over $F$ and thus $\alpha$ is separable. $\impliedby$: Suppose every $\alpha \in E$ is separable over $F$. Since $E = F(\alpha_1, \cdots, \alpha_n)$, build a tower of extensions over $F$. For the first step, consider $F(\alpha_1, \alpha_2) \to F(\alpha_1) \to F$. We know $F(\alpha_1)$ is separable over $F$. To see that $F(\alpha_1, \alpha_2)$ is separable over $F(\alpha_1)$, consider $\alpha_2$. $\alpha_2$ is separable over $F \iff \min(\alpha_2, F)$ has roots of multiplicity one. Then $\min(\alpha_2, F(\alpha_1)) \divides \min(\alpha_2, F)$, so $\min(\alpha_2, F(\alpha))$ has roots of multiplicity one. Thus $F(\alpha_1, \alpha_2)$ is separable over $F(\alpha_1)$. $\qed$ ## Perfect Fields **Lemma:** $f(x) \in F[x]$ has a multiple root $\iff f(x), f'(x)$ have a nontrivial (multiple) common factor. *Proof*: $\implies$: Let $K\geq F$ be an extension field of $F$. Suppose $f(x), g(x)$ have a common factor in $K[x]$; then $f,g$ also have a common factor in $F[x]$. If $f, g$ do not have a common factor in $F[x]$, then $\gcd(f, g) = 1$ in $F[x]$, and we can find $p(x), q(x) \in F[x]$ such that $f(x)p(x) + g(x)q(x) = 1$. But this equation holds in $K[x]$ as well, so $\gcd(f, g) = 1$ in $K[x]$. We can therefore assume that the roots of $f$ lie in $F$. Let $\alpha\in F$ be a root of $f$. Then \begin{align*} f(x) &= (x-\alpha)^m g(x) \\ f'(x) &= m(x-\alpha)^{m-1} g(x) + (x-\alpha)^m g'(x) .\end{align*} If $\alpha$ is a multiple root, $m > 2$, and thus $(x-\alpha) \divides f'$. $\impliedby$: Suppose $f$ does not have a multiple root. We can assume all of the roots are in $F$, so we can split $f$ into linear factors. So \begin{align*} f(x) = \prod_{i=1}^n (x-\alpha_i) \\ f'(x) = \sum_{i=1}^n \prod_{j\neq i} (x-\alpha_j) .\end{align*} But then $f'(\alpha_k) = \prod{j\neq k} (x - \alpha_j) \neq 0$. Thus $f, f'$ can not have a common root. $\qed$ > Moral: we can thus test separability by taking derivatives. **Definition:** A field $F$ is *perfect* if every finite extension of $F$ is separable. **Theorem**: Every field of characteristic zero is perfect. *Proof:* Let $F$ be a field with $\mathrm{char}(F) = 0$, and let $E \geq F$ be a finite extension. Let $\alpha \in E$, we want to show that $\alpha$ is separable. Consider $f = \min(\alpha, F)$. We know that $f$ is irreducible over $F$, and so its only factors are $1, f$. If $f$ has a multiple root, then $f, f'$ have a common factor in $F[x]$. By irreducibility, $f \divides f'$, but $\deg f' < \deg f$, which implies that $f'(x) = 0$. But this forces $f(x) = c$ for some constant $c\in F$, which means $f$ has no roots -- a contradiction. So $\alpha$ separable for all $\alpha \in E$, so $E$ is separable over $F$, and $F$ is thus perfect. $\qed$ **Theorem:** Every finite field is perfect. *Proof:* Let $F$ be a finite field with $\mathrm{char} F = p > 0$ and let $E \geq F$ be finite. Then $E = F(\alpha)$ for some $\alpha\in E$, since $E$ is a simple extension (look at $E^*$?) So $E$ is separable over $F$ iff $\min(\alpha, F)$ has distinct roots. So $E\units = E\setminus\theset{0}$, and so $\abs{E} = p^n \implies \abs{E} = p^{n-1}$. Thus all elements of $E$ satisfy $$ f(x) \definedas x^{p^n} - x \in \ZZ_p[x] .$$ So $\min(\alpha, F) \divides f(x)$. One way to see this is that *every* element of $E$ satisfies $f$, since there are exactly $p^n$ distinct roots. Another way is to note that $$ f'(x) = p^nx^{p^n - 1} - 1 = -1 \neq 0 .$$ Since $f(x)$ has no multiple roots, $\min(\alpha, F)$ can not have multiple roots either. $\qed$ > Note that $[E: F] < \infty \implies F(\alpha_1, \cdots, \alpha_n)$ for some $\alpha_i \in E$ that are algebraic over $F$. ## Primitive Elements **Theorem (Primitive Element):** Let $E\geq F$ be a finite extension and separable. Then there exists an $\alpha \in E$ such that $E = F(\alpha)$. *Proof:* See textbook. **Corollary:** Every finite extension of a field of characteristic zero is simple.