# Tuesday October 8th ## Splitting Fields For $\overline F \geq E \geq F$, we can use the lifting theorem to get a $\tau: E \to E'$. What conditions guarantee that $E = E'$? If $E = F(\alpha)$, then $E' = F(\beta)$ for some $\beta$ a conjugate of $\alpha$. Thus we need $E$ to contain conjugates of all of its elements. **Definition:** Let $\theset{f_i(x) \in F[x] \suchthat i\in I}$ be any collection of polynomials. We way that $E$ is a **splitting field** $\iff E$ is the smallest subfield of $\overline F$ containing all roots of the $f_i$. *Examples:* - $\QQ(\sqrt 2, \sqrt 3)$ is a splitting field for $\theset{x^-2, x^2 - 5}$. - $\CC$ is a splitting field for $\theset{x^2 + 1}$. - $\QQ(\sqrt[3] 2)$ is *not* a splitting field for any collection of polynomials. **Theorem:** Let $F \leq E \leq \overline F$. Then $E$ is a splitting field over $F$ for some set of polynomials $\iff$ every isomorphism of $E$ fixing $F$ is in fact an automorphism. *Proof:* $\implies:$ Let $E$ be a splitting field of $\theset{f_i(x) \suchthat f_i(x) \in F[x], i\in I}$. Then $E = \generators{\alpha_j \mid j\in J}$ where $\alpha_j$ are the roots of all of the $f_i$. Suppose $\sigma: E \to E'$ is an isomorphism fixing $F$. Then consider $\sigma(\alpha_j)$ for some $j \in J$. We have $$ \min(\alpha, F) = p(x) = a_0 + a_1 x + \cdots a_{n-1}x^{n-1} + a_n x^n ,$$ and so $$ p(x) = 0,~~ 0\in F \implies 0 = \sigma(p(\alpha_j)) = \sum_i a_i \sigma(\alpha_j)^i .$$ Thus $\sigma(\alpha_j)$ is a conjugate, and thus a root of some $f_i(x)$. $\impliedby:$ Suppose any isomorphism of $E$ leaving $F$ fixed is an automorphism. Let $g(x)$ be an irreducible polynomial and $\alpha \in E$ a root. \begin{center} \begin{tikzcd} \ar[d, dash] \bar F & \bar F \ar[d, dash] \\ E \ar[r, "\tau"]\ar[d, dash] & \ar[d, dash]E' {\color{blue} = E} \\ F(\alpha) \ar[r, "\id"]\ar[d, dash] & F(\beta) \ar[d, dash] \\ F \ar[r, "\id"] & F \\ \end{tikzcd} \end{center} Using the lifting theorem, where $F(\alpha \leq E$, we get a map $\tau: E \to E'$ lifting the identity and the conjugation homomorphism. But this says that $E'$ must contain every conjugate of $\alpha$. Therefore we can take the collection $$ S = \theset{g_i(x) \in F[x] \suchthat g_i \text{ irreducible and has a root in } E} .$$ This defines a splitting field for $\theset{g_j}$, and we're done. $\qed$ *Examples:* 1. $x^2 + 1 \in \RR[x]$ splits in $\CC$, i.e. $x^2 + 1 = (x+i)(x-i)$. 2. $x^2 - 2 \in \QQ[x]$ splits in $\QQ(\sqrt 2)$. **Corollary:** Let $E$ be a splitting field over $F$. Then every **irreducible** polynomial in $F[x]$ with a root $\alpha \in E$ splits in $E[x]$. **Corollary:** The index $\{ E: F \}$ (the number of distinct lifts of the identity). If $E$ is a splitting field and $\tau:E \to E'$ lifts the identity on $F$, then $E = E'$. Thus $\{ E : F \}$ is the number of automorphisms, i.e. $\abs{\Gal(E/F)}$. **Question:** When is it the case that $$ [E: F] = \{E: F\} = \abs{\Gal(E/F)}? $$ - The first equality occurs when $E$ is separable. - The second equality occurs when $E$ is a splitting field. > Characteristic zero implies separability **Definition:** If $E$ satisfies both of these conditions, it is said to be a **Galois extension**. Some cases where this holds: - $E \geq F$ a finite algebraic extension with $E$ characteristic zero. - $E$ a finite field, since it is a splitting field for $x^{p^n} - x$. *Example 1:* $\QQ(\sqrt 2, \sqrt 5)$ is 1. A degree 4 extension, 2. The number of automorphisms was 4, and 3. The Galois group was $\ZZ_2^2$, of size 4. *Example 2*: $E$ the splitting field of $x^3 - 3$ over $\QQ$. This polynomial has roots $\sqrt[3] 3,~ \zeta_3 \sqrt[3] 3,~ \zeta_3^2 \sqrt[3] 3$ where $\zeta_3^3 = 1$. Then $E = \QQ(\sqrt[3] 3, \zeta_3)$, where \begin{align*} \min(\sqrt[3] 3, \QQ) &= x^3 - 3 \\ \min(\zeta_3, \QQ) &= x^2 + x + 1 ,\end{align*} so this is a degree 6 extension. Since $\ch \QQ = 0$, we have $[E: \QQ] = \{E: \QQ\}$ for free. We know that any automorphism has to map \begin{align*} \sqrt[3] 3 &\mapsto \sqrt[3] 3,~ \sqrt[3] 3 \zeta_3,~ \sqrt[3] 3 \zeta_3^2 \\ \zeta_3 &\mapsto \zeta_3,~ \zeta_3^2 .\end{align*} You can show this is nonabelian by composing a few of these, thus the Galois group is $S^3$. *Example 3* If $[E: F] = 2$, then $E$ is automatically a splitting field. Since it's a finite extension, it's algebraic, so let $\alpha \in E\setminus F$. Then $\min(\alpha, F)$ has degree 2, and thus $E = F(\alpha)$ contains all of its roots, making $E$ a splitting field. ## The Galois Correspondence There are three key players here: $$ [E: F],\quad \{E: F\},\quad \Gal(E/F) .$$ How are they related? **Definition:** Let $E \geq F$ be a finite extension. $E$ is **normal** (or Galois) over $F$ iff $E$ is a separable splitting field over $F$. *Examples:* 1. $\QQ(\sqrt 2, \sqrt 3)$ is normal over $\QQ$. 2. $\QQ(\sqrt[3] 3)$ is not normal (not a splitting field of any irreducible polynomial in $\QQ[x]$). 3. $\QQ(\sqrt[3] 3, \zeta_3)$ is normal **Theorem:** Let $F \leq E \leq K \leq \overline F$, where $K$ is a finite normal extension of $F$. Then 1. $K$ is a normal extension of $E$ as well, 2. $\Gal(K/E) \leq \Gal(K/F)$. 3. For $\sigma, \tau \in \Gal(K/F)$, $$ \sigma\mid_E = \tau\mid_E \iff \sigma, \tau \text{ are in the same left coset of }~ \frac{\Gal(K/F)}{\Gal(K/E)} .$$ *Proof of (1):* Since $K$ is separable over $F$, we have $K$ separable over $E$. Then $K$ is a splitting field for polynomials in $F[x] \subseteq E[x]$. Thus $K$ is normal over $E$. $\qed$ *Proof of (2):* \begin{center} \begin{tikzcd} K \ar[r, "\tau"]\ar[d, dash] & K\ar[d, dash] \\ E \ar[r, "\id"]\ar[d, dash] & E\ar[d, dash] \\ F \ar[r, "\id"] & F \\ \end{tikzcd} \end{center} So this follows by definition. $\qed$ *Proof of (3):* Let $\sigma, \tau \in \Gal(K/F)$ be in the same left coset. Then $$ \tau\inv\sigma \in \Gal(K/E) ,$$ so let $\mu \definedas \tau\inv\sigma$. Note that $\mu$ fixes $E$ by definition. So $\sigma = \tau \mu$, and thus $$ \sigma(e) = \tau(\mu(e)) = \tau(e) \text{ for all } e\in E .$$ $\qed$ > Note: We don't know if the intermediate field $E$ is actually a *normal* extension of $F$. > **Standard example:** $K \geq E \geq F$ where $$ K = \QQ(\sqrt[3] 3, \zeta_3)\quad E = \QQ(\sqrt[3] 3) \quad F = \QQ .$$ Then $K \normal E$ and $K\normal F$, since $\Gal(K/F) = S_3$ and $\Gal(K/E) = \ZZ_2$. But $E \ntrianglelefteq F$, since $\ZZ_2 \ntrianglelefteq S_3$.