# Tuesday October 15th ## Cyclotomic Extensions **Definition:** Let $K$ denote the splitting field of $x^n-1$ over $F$. Then $K$ is called the **$n$th cyclotomic extension of $F$**. If we set $f(x) = x^n-1$, then $f'(x) = nx^{n-1}$. So if $\ch F$ does not divide $n$, then the splitting field is separable. So this splitting field is in fact normal. Suppose that $\ch F$ doesn't divide $n$, then $f(x)$ has $n$ zeros, and let $\zeta_1, \zeta_2$ be two zeros. Then $(\zeta_1 \zeta_2)^n = \zeta_1^n \zeta_2^n = 1$, so the product is a zero as well, and the roots of $f$ form a subgroup in $K\units$. So let's specialize to $F = \QQ$. The roots of $f$ are the $n$th roots of unity, i.e. $\zeta_n = e^{2\pi i / n}$, and are given by $\theset{\zeta_n, \zeta_n^2, \zeta_n^3, \cdots, \zeta_n^{n-1}}$. The *primitive* roots of unity are given by $\theset{\zeta_n^m \suchthat \gcd(m, n) = 1}$. **Definition:** Let $$ \Phi_n(x) = \prod_{i=1}^{\varphi(n)} (x-\alpha_i) ,$$ where this product runs over all of the primitive $n$th roots of unity. Let $G$ be $\Gal(K/\QQ)$. Then any $\sigma\in G$ will permute the primitive $n$th roots of unity. Moreover, it *only* permutes primitive roots, so every $\sigma$ fixes $\Phi_n(x)$. But this means that the coefficients must lie in $\QQ$. Since $\zeta$ generates all of the roots of $\Phi_n$, we in fact have $K = \QQ(\zeta)$. But what is the group structure of $G$? Since any automorphism is determined by where it sends a generator, we have automorphisms $\tau_m(\zeta) = \zeta^m$ for each $m$ such that $\gcd(m, n) = 1$. But then $\tau_{m_1} \circ \tau_{m_2} = \tau_{m_1 + m_2}$, and so $G \cong G_m \leq \ZZ_n$ as a ring, where $$ G_m = \theset{[m] \suchthat \gcd(m, n) = 1} $$ and $\abs G = \varphi(n)$. > Note that as a *set*, there are the units $\ZZ_n\units$. **Theorem:** The Galois group of the $n$th cyclotomic extension over $\QQ$ has $\varphi(n)$ elements and is isomorphic to $G_m$. **Special case**: $n=p$ where $p$ is a prime. Then $\phi(p) = p-1$, and $$ \Phi_p(x) = \frac{x^p - 1}{x-1} = x^{p-1} + x^{p-2} + \cdots + x + 1 .$$ Note that $\ZZ_p\units$ is in fact cyclic, although this may not always happen. In this case, we have $\Gal(K/\QQ) \cong \ZZ_p\units$. ## Construction of n-gons To construct the vertices of an n-gon, we will need to construct the angle $2\pi/n$, or equivalently, $\zeta_n$. Note that if $[\QQ(\zeta_n) : \QQ] \neq 2^\ell$ for some $\ell\in\NN$, then the $n\dash$gon is *not* constructible. *Example:* An 11-gon. Noting that $[\QQ(\zeta_{11}) : \QQ] = 10 \neq 2^\ell$, the 11-gon is not constructible. Since this is only a sufficient condition, we'll refine this. **Definition:** A prime of the form $p = 2^{2^k}+1$ are called **Fermat primes**. **Theorem:** The regular $n\dash$gon is constructible $\iff$ all odd primes dividing $n$ are *Fermat primes* $p$ where $p^2$ does not divide $n$. *Example:* Consider $$ \Phi_5(x) = x^4 + x^3 + x^2 + x + 1 .$$ Then take $\zeta = \zeta_5$; we then obtain the roots as $\theset{1, \zeta, \zeta^2, \zeta^3, \zeta^4}$ and $\QQ(\zeta)$ is the splitting field. Any automorphism is of the form $\sigma_r: \zeta \mapsto \zeta^r$ for $r=1,2,3,4$. So $\abs{\Gal(K/\QQ)} = 4$, and is cyclic and thus isomorphic to $\ZZ_4$. Corresponding to $0 \to \ZZ_2 \to \ZZ_4$, we have the extensions $$ \QQ \to \QQ(\zeta^2) \to \QQ(\zeta) .$$ How can we get a basis for the degree 2 extension $\QQ(\zeta^2)/\QQ$? Let $$ \lambda(E) = \theset{\sigma \in \Gal(\QQ(\zeta)/\QQ) \suchthat \sigma(e) = e ~\forall e\in E } ,$$ $\lambda(K_H) = H$ where $H$ is a subgroup of $\Gal(\QQ(\zeta)/\QQ)$, and $$ K_H = \theset{x\in K \suchthat \sigma(x) = x ~\forall \sigma\in H} .$$ Note that if $\ZZ_4 = \generators{\psi}$, then $\ZZ_2 \leq \ZZ_4$ is given by $\ZZ_2 = \generators{\psi^2}$. We can compute that if $\psi(\zeta) = \zeta^2$, then \begin{align*} \psi^2(\zeta) &= \zeta\inv \\ \psi^2(\zeta^2) &= \zeta^{-2}\\ \psi^2(\zeta^3) &= \zeta^{-3} .\end{align*} Noting that $\zeta_4$ is a linear combination of the other $\zeta$s, we have a basis $\theset{1, \zeta, \zeta^2, \zeta^3}$. Then you can explicitly compute the fixed field by writing out $$ \sigma(a + b\zeta + c\zeta^2 + d\zeta^3) = a + b\sigma(\zeta) + c\sigma(\zeta^2) + \cdots ,$$ gathering terms, and seeing how this restricts the coefficients. In this case, it yields $\QQ(\zeta^2 + \zeta^3)$. ## The Frobenius Automorphism **Definition:** Let $p$ be a prime and $F$ be a field of characteristic $p>0$. Then \begin{align*} \sigma_p: F &\to F \\ \sigma_p(x) &= x^p \end{align*} is denoted the *Frobenius map*. **Theorem:** Let $F$ be a finite field of characteristic $p > 0$. Then 1. $\phi_p$ is an automorphism, and 2. $\phi_p$ fixes $F_{\sigma_p} = \ZZ_p$. *Proof of part 1:* Since $\sigma_p$ is a field homomorphism, we have $$ \sigma_p(x+y) = (x+y)^p = x^p + y^p \text{ and } \sigma(xy) = (xy)^p = x^p y^p $$ Note that $\sigma_p$ is injective, since $\sigma_p(x) =0 \implies x^p=0 \implies x=0$ since we are in a field. Since $F$ is finite, $\sigma_p$ is also surjective, and is thus an automorphism. *Proof of part 2:* If $\sigma(x) = x$, then $$ x^p = x \implies x^p-x = 0 ,$$ which implies that $x$ is a root of $f(x) = x^p - x$. But these are exactly the elements in the prime ring $\ZZ_p$. $\qed$