# Tuesday November 5th ## Free vs Projective Modules Let $R$ be a PID. Then any nonzero submodule of a free module over a PID is free, and any projective module over $R$ is free. Recall that a module $M$ is **projective** $\iff M$ is a direct summand of a free module. In general, - Free $\implies$ projective, but - Projective $\centernot\implies$ free. *Example:* Consider $\ZZ_6 = \ZZ_2 \oplus \ZZ_3$ as a $\ZZ\dash$module. Is this free as a $\ZZ\dash$module? Note that $\ZZ_2$ is a submodule and thus projective, but $\ZZ_2$ is not free since it is not a free module over $\ZZ$. What fails here is that $\ZZ_6$ is not a PID, since it is not a domain. ## Annihilators **Definition:** Let $m\in M$ a module, then define $$ \mathrm{Ann}_m \definedas \theset{r\in R \suchthat r.m = 0 } \normal R. $$ We can then define a map \begin{align*} \phi: R \to R.m \\ r \mapsto r.m .\end{align*} Then $\ker \phi = \mathrm{Ann}_m$, and $R/\mathrm{Ann} \cong R.m$. We can also define $$ M_t \definedas \theset{m\in M \suchthat \mathrm{Ann}_m \neq 0} \leq M. $$ **Lemma:** Let $R$ be a PID and $p$ a prime element. Then - If $p^i m = 0$ then $\mathrm{Ann}_m = (p^j)$ where $0\leq j\leq i$. - If $\mathrm{Ann}_m = (p^i)$, then $p^jm \neq 0$ for any $j < m$. *Proof of (1):* Since we are in a PID and the annihilator is an ideal, we have $\mathrm{Ann}_m \definedas (r)$ for some $r\in M$. Then $p^i \in (r)$, so $r \divides p^i$. But $p$ was prime, to up to scaling by units, we have $r = p^j$ for some $j \leq i$. $\qed$ *Proof of (2):* Towards a contradiction, suppose that $\mathrm{Ann}_m = (p^i)$ and $p^jm = 0$ for some $j < i$. Then $p^j \in \mathrm{Ann}_m$, so $p^j \divides p^i$. But this forces $j \leq i$, a contradiction. $\qed$ *Some terminology:* - $\mathrm{Ann}_m$ is the **order ideal** of $m$. - $M_t$ is the **torsion submodule** of $M$. - $M$ is **torsion** iff $M = M_t$. - $M$ is **torsion free** iff $M_t = 0$. - $\mathrm{Ann}_m = (r)$ is said to have **order $r$**. - $Rm$ is the **cyclic module** generated by $m$. **Theorem:** A finitely generated *torsion-free* module over a PID is free. *Proof:* Let $M = \generators{X}$ for some finite generating set. We can assume $M \neq (0)$. If $m\neq 0 \in M$, with $rm = 0$ iff $r=0$. So choose $S = \theset{x_1, \cdots , x_n} \subseteq X$ to be a maximal linearly independent subset of generators, so $$ \sum r_i x_i = 0 \implies r_i = 0 ~\forall i .$$ Consider the submodule $F \definedas \generators{x_1, \cdots, x_n} \leq M$; then $S$ is a basis for $F$ and thus $F$ is free. The claim is that $M \cong F$. Supposing otherwise, let $y\in X\setminus S$. Then $S \union \theset{y}$ can not be linearly independent, so there exists $r_y, r_i \in R$ such that $$ r_y y + \sum r_i x^i = 0 .$$ Thus $r_y y = - \sum r_i x^i$, where $r_y \neq 0$. Since $\abs X < \infty$, let $$ r = \prod_{y \in X\setminus S} r_y .$$ Then $rX = \theset{rx \suchthat x\in X} \subseteq F$, and $rM \leq F$. Now using the particular $r$ we've just defined, define a map \begin{align*} f: M &\to M \\ m &\mapsto rm .\end{align*} Then $\im f = r.M$, and since $M$ is torsion-free, $\ker f = (0)$. So $M \cong rM \subseteq F$ and $M$ is free. $\qed$ **Theorem:** Let $M$ be a finitely generated module over a PID $R$. Then $M$ can be decomposed as $$ M \cong M_t \oplus F $$ where $M_t$ is torsion and $F$ is free of finite rank, and $F \cong M/M_t$. > Note: we also have $M/F \cong F_t$ since this is a direct sum. *Proof:* *Part 1: $M/M_t$ is torsion free.* Suppose that $r(m + M_t) = M_t$, so that $r$ acting on a coset is the zero coset. Then $rm + M_t = M_t$, so $rm \in M_t$, so there exists some $r'$ such that $r'(rm) = 0$ by definition of $M_t$. But then $(r'r)m = 0$, so in fact $m\in M_t$ and thus $m + M_t = M_t$, making $M/M_t$ torsion free. *Part 2: $F \cong M/M_t$.* We thus have a SES \begin{align*} 0 \to M_t \to M \to M/M_t \definedas F \to 0 ,\end{align*} and since we've shown that $F$ is torsion-free, by the previous theorem $F$ is free. Moreover, every SES with a free module in the right-hand slot splits: ```{=latex} \begin{center} \begin{tikzcd} & & & & & & X \arrow[dd, "\iota", hook] \arrow[lldd, "f", tail] & & \\ & & & & & & & & \\ 0 \arrow[rr] & & M_t \arrow[rr] & & M \arrow[rr, "f"'] & & F \arrow[rr] \arrow[ll, "h" description, dotted, bend right] & & 0 \end{tikzcd} \end{center} ``` For $X = \theset{x_j}$ a generating set of $F$, we can choose elements $\theset{y_i} \in \pi\inv(\iota(X))$ to construct a set map $f: X \to M$. By the universal property of free modules, we get a map $h: F \to M$. It remains to check that this is actually a splitting, but we have $$ \pi \circ h (x_j) = \pi(h(\iota(x_j))) = \pi(f(x_j)) = \pi(y_j) = x_j. $$ **Lemma:** Let $R$ be a PID, and $r\in R$ factor as $r = \prod p_i^{k_i}$ as a prime factorization. Then $$ R/(r) \cong \bigoplus R/(p_i^{k_i}). $$ Since $R$ is a UFD, suppose that $\gcd(s ,t) = 1$. Then the claim is that $$ R/(st) = R/(s) \oplus R/(t) ,$$ which will prove the lemma by induction. Define a map \begin{align*} \alpha: R/(s) \oplus R/(t) &\to R/(st) \\ (x + (s), y+(t)) &\mapsto tx + sy + (st) .\end{align*} *Exercise*: Show that this map is well-defined. Since $\gcd(s, t) = 1$, there exist $u, v$ such that $su + vt = 1$. Then for any $r\in R$, we have $$ rsu + rvt = r ,$$ so for any given $r\in R$ we can pick $x =tv$ and $y=su$ so that this holds. As a result, the map $\alpha$ is onto. Now suppose $tx + sy \in (st)$; then $tx + sy = stz$. We have $su + vt = 1$, and thus $$ utx + usy = ustz \implies utx + (y-tvy) = ustz .$$ We can thus write $$ y = ustv - utx + tvy \in (t) .$$ Similarly, $x\in (t)$, so $\ker \alpha = 0$. $\qed$ ## Classification of Finitely Generated Modules Over a PID **Theorem (Classification of Finitely Generated Modules over a PID):** Let $M$ be a finitely generated $R\dash$module where $R$ is a PID. Then 1. $$ M \cong F \bigoplus_{i=1}^t R/(r_i) $$ where $F$ is free of finite rank and $r_1 \divides r_2 \divides \cdots \divides r_t$. The rank and list of ideals occurring is uniquely determined by $M$. The $r_i$ are referred to as the **invariant factors**. b. $$ M \cong F \bigoplus_{i=1}^k R/(p_i^{s_i}) $$ where $F$ is free of finite rank and $p_i$ are primes that need not be distinct. The rank and ideals are uniquely determined by $M$. The $p_i^{s_i}$ are referred to as **elementary divisors**.