# Tuesday November 12th ## Equivalence and Similarity Recall from last time: If $V, W$ are free left $R\dash$modules of ranks $m,n$ respectively with bases $\beta_v, \beta_w$ respectively, then $$ \hom_R(V, W) \cong M_{m, n}(R) .$$ **Definition:** Two matrices $A, B \in M_{m \times n}(R)$ are **equivalent** iff \begin{align*} \exists P \in \GL(m, R),~ \exists Q \in \GL(n, R) \quad \text{ such that } \quad A = PBQ .\end{align*} **Definition:** Two matrices $A, B \in M_m(R)$ are **similar** iff \begin{align*} \exists P \in \GL(m, R) \quad \text{ such that } \quad A = P\inv B P .\end{align*} **Theorem:** Let $T: V\to W$ be an $R\dash$module homomorphism. Then $T$ has an $m\times n$ matrix relative to other bases for $V, W$ $\iff$ $$ B = P [T]_{\beta_v, \beta_w} Q .$$ *Proof*: $\implies$: Let $\beta_v', \beta_w'$ be other bases. Then we want $B = [T]_{\beta_v', \beta_w'}$, so just let \begin{align*} P = [\id]_{\beta_v', \beta_v} \quad Q = [\id]_{\beta_w, \beta_w'} .\end{align*} $\qed$ $\impliedby$: Suppose $B = P [T]_{\beta_v, \beta_w} Q$ for some $P, Q$. Let $g: V\to V$ be the transformation associated to $P$, and $h: W \to W$ associated to $Q\inv$. Then \begin{align*} P &= [\id]_{g(\beta_v), \beta_v} \\ \implies Q\inv &= [\id]_{h(\beta_w), \beta_w} \\ \implies Q &= [\id]_{\beta_w, h(\beta_w)} \\ \implies B &= [T]_{g(\beta_v), h(\beta_w)} .\end{align*} $\qed$ **Corollary:** Let $V$ be a free $R\dash$module and $\beta_v$ a basis of size $n$. Then $T: V\to V$ has an $n\times n$ matrix relative to $\beta_v$ relative to another basis $\iff$ $$ B = P [T]_{\beta_v, \beta_v} P\inv .$$ > Note how this specializes to the case of linear transformations, particularly when $B$ is diagonalizable. ## Review of Linear Algebra: Let $D$ be a division ring. Recall the notions of rank and nullity, and the statement of the rank-nullity theorem. Note that we can always factor a linear transformation $\phi: E\to F$ as the following short exact sequence: $$ 0 \to \ker \phi \to E \mapsvia{\phi} \im \phi \to 0, $$ and since every module over a division ring is free, this sequence splits and $E \cong \ker\phi \oplus \im \phi$. Taking dimensions yields the rank-nullity theorem. Let $A\in M_{m, n}(D)$ and define - $R(A) \in D^n$ is the span of the rows of $A$, and - $C(A) \in D^m$ is the span of the columns of $A$. Recall that finding a basis of the **row space** involves doing Gaussian Elimination and taking the rows which have nonzero pivots. For a basis of the **column space**, you take the corresponding columns in the *original* matrix. > Note that in this case, $\dim R(A) = \dim C(A)$, and in fact these are always equal. **Theorem (Rank and Equivalence):** Let $\phi: V\to W$ be a linear transformation and $A$ be the matrix of $\phi$ relative to $\beta_v, \beta_v'$. Then $\dim \im \pi = \dim C(A) = \dim R(A)$. *Proof*: Construct the matrix $A = [\phi]_{\beta_v, \beta_w}$. Then $\phi: V \to W$ descends to a map $A: D^m \to D^n$. Writing the matrix $A$ out and letting $v\in D^m$ a row vector act on $A$ from the *left* yields a column vector $Av \in D^n$. But then $\im \phi$ corresponds to $R(A)$, and so $$ \dim \im \phi = \dim R(A) = \dim C(A) .$$ $\qed$ ## Canonical Forms Let $1 \leq r \leq \min(m, n)$, and define $E_r$ to be the $m\times n$ matrix with the $r\times r$ identity matrix in the top-left block. **Theorem**: Let $A, B \in M_{m,n}(D)$. Then 1. $A$ is equivalent to $E_r \iff \rank A = r$ - That is, $\exists P,Q$ such that $E_r = PAQ$ 2. $A$ is equivalent to $B$ iff $\rank A = \rank B$. 3. $E_r$ for $r = 0, 1, \cdots, \min(m,n)$ is a complete set of representatives for the relation of matrix equivalence on $M_{m, n}(D)$. Let $X = M_{m, n}(D)$ and $G = \GL_m(D) \cross \GL_n(D)$, then $$ G \actson X \text{ by } (P, Q) \actson A \definedas PAQ\inv .$$ Then the orbits under this action are exactly $\theset{E_r \mid 0 \leq r \leq \min(m, n)}$. *Proof*: Note that 2 and 3 follow from 1, so we'll show 1. $\implies$: Let $A$ be an $m\times n$ matrix for some linear transformation $\phi: D^m \to D^n$ relative to some basis. Assume $\rank A = \dim \im \phi = r$. We can find a basis such that $\phi(u_i) = v_i$ for $1 \leq i \leq r$, and $\phi(u_i) = 0$ otherwise. Relative to this basis, $[\phi] = E_r$. But then $A$ is equivalent to $E_r$. $\impliedby$: If $A = PE_r Q$ with $P, Q$ invertible, then $\dim \im A = \dim \im E_r$, and thus $\rank A = \rank E_r = r$. How do we do this? Recall the row operations: - Interchange rows - Multiply a row by a unit - Add one row to another But each corresponds to left-multiplication by an elementary matrix, each of which is invertible. If you proceed this way until the matrix is in RREF, you produce $P \prod P_i A$. You can now multiply on the *right* by elementary matrices to do column operations and move all pivots to the top-left block, which yields $E_r$. $\qed$ **Theorem:** Let $A \in M_{m, n}(R)$ where $R$ is a PID. Then $A$ is equivalent to a matrix with $L_r$ in the top-left block, where $L_r$ is a diagonal matrix with $L_{ii} = d_i$ such that $d_1 \divides d_2 \divides \cdots \divides d_r$. Each $(d_i)$ is uniquely determined by $A$.