# Monday September 2 Recall the killing form: \begin{align*} \kappa: \lieg^2 \to \FF \\ (x,y) \mapsto \mathrm{tr}(\ad_x \circ \ad_y) .\end{align*} and Cartan's criteria: 1. $\lieg$ is solvable $\iff \kappa(x, y) = 0 ~\forall x\in [\lieg, \lieg], ~y\in\lieg$. 2. $\lieg$ is semisimple $\iff$ $\kappa$ is non-degenerate. **Theorem:** If $\lieg$ is semisimple, then a. $\lieg = \bigoplus_{i=1}^n I_i$ for some $I_i \normal \lieg$ which are all simple. b. Every simple ideal $I \normal \lieg$ is one of the $I_i$. c. $\kappa_{I_i} = {\kappa_\lieg}\mid_{I_i \cross I_i}$. ![Image](figures/2019-09-09-09:40.png)\ *Proof of (a):* Use induction on $\dim \lieg$. If $\lieg$ has no nonzero proper ideals, then $\lieg$ is simple and we're done. Otherwise, let $I_1$ be a minimal nonzero ideal of $\lieg$. Then $I_1^\perp \normal \lieg$ is also an ideal, and thus $I \coloneqq I_1 \intersect I_1^\perp \normal \lieg$ is as well. Then for all $x\in [I, I]$, we must have $\kappa(x, y)= 0$ for any $y\in I \subseteq I_1^\perp$. So $I$ is solvable, and thus $I= 0$. So $\lieg = I_1 \oplus I_1^\perp$. Note that any ideal of $I_1^\perp$ is also an ideal of $\lieg$, which implies that $\mathrm{rad}(I_1^\perp) \subseteq \mathrm{rad}(\lieg)$, which is zero since $\lieg$ is semisimple, and thus $I_1^\perp$ is semisimple as well. By the inductive hypothesis, $I_1^\perp = I_2 \oplus \cdots \oplus I_n$ where each $I_j \normal I_i^\perp$ is simple. Then $I_j \normal \lieg \implies [I_1, I_j] \subset I_1 \intersect I_j$, since $I_1$ has no contribution. But this is a subset of $I_1 \intersect I_1^\perp = 0$. $\qed$ *Proof of (b):* If $I \normal \lieg$, then $[I, \lieg] \normal I$ because $[[I, \lieg], I] \subseteq [I, I] \subseteq [I, \lieg]$. Since $\lieg$ is semisimple, $0 = \mathrm{rad}(\lieg) \supseteq Z(\lieg)$. So $[I, \lieg] \neq 0$, and thus $[I, \lieg] = I$ since $I$ is simple. But then $[I, \lieg] = \bigoplus [I, I_i]$ is simple as well. So only one direct summand can survive, since otherwise this would produce at least 2 nontrivial ideals, and $[I, \lieg] = [I, I_i]$ for some $i$. So for all $j\neq i$, we must have $I_j \intersect I = I_j \intersect [I, I_i] = 0$, and so $I \subseteq I_i$. But then $I = I_i$ since $I_i$ itself is simple, and we're done. *Proof of (c):* (Without using the simplicity of $I_i$) For $x,y\in I_i$, we have ![Image](figures/2019-09-09-09:45.png)\ ## Inner Derivations Recall that $\ad \lieg \subseteq \mathrm{Der} \lieg$, and in fact (lemma) this is an ideal. **Theorem:** If $\lieg$ is semisimple, then $\ad \lieg = \mathrm{Der} \lieg$. *Proof of lemma:* For all $\delta \in \mathrm{Der} \lieg$ and all $x,y \in \lieg$, we have \begin{align*} [\delta, \ad_x](y) &= \delta([x, y]) - [x, \delta(y)] \\ &= [\delta(x), y] \\ &= [\ad_{\delta(x)}](y) ,\end{align*} and so $[\delta, \ad x] \subseteq \ad \lieg$. $\qed$ *Proof of theorem:* If $\lieg$ is semisimple, then $0 = \mathrm{rad} \lieg \supseteq Z(\lieg) = \ker \ad$. Thus $\ad \lieg \cong g/\ker \ad \cong \lieg$ is also semisimple. This means that $\kappa_{\ad \lieg}$ is non-degenerate, and thus $\ad \lieg \intersect (\ad \lieg)^\perp = 0$, where $(\ad \lieg)^\perp \normal \mathrm{Der}(\lieg)$. > Note that the non-degeneracy of $\kappa$ already forces $(\ad \lieg)^\perp = 0$. Then $[(\ad \lieg)^\perp, \ad \lieg] = 0$, and so for all $\delta \in (\ad \lieg)^\perp$, we have $\delta(x) = [\delta, \ad x]$ by the lemma, but we've shown that this is zero. But then $\delta$ must be zero because $\ad$ is an isomorphism, and in particular it is injective. This means that $(\ad \lieg)^\perp = 0$, and thus $\ad \lieg = \lieg$. $\qed$ We can use this to define an abstract Jordan decomposition by pulling back decompositions on adjoints: ![Image](figures/2019-09-09-10:01.png)\