# Wednesday October 2 **Recall from last time:** 1. $\abs \Phi < \infty$ and $\Phi$ spans $E$, where $0\not\in \Phi$ 2. If $\alpha \in \Phi$, then $C\alpha \intersect \Phi = \theset{\pm \alpha}$ 3. $\alpha \in \Phi$, then $S_\alpha(\Phi) = \Phi$. 3. If $\alpha, \beta \in \Phi$, then $\inner{\beta}{\alpha\dual} \in \ZZ$ where $(E, \inner{\wait}{\wait})$is Euclidean and \begin{align*} S_\alpha: E \to E \\ \beta \mapsto \beta - \inner{\beta}{\alpha\dual}\alpha, \quad \alpha\dual = \frac {2} {\inner{\alpha}{\alpha}} \alpha .\end{align*} *Examples:* In Rank 1: 1. Prop 2 implies $\Phi = \theset{\pm \alpha}$ 2. Prop 1 implies $E = \RR \alpha$ 3. Prop 3: $S_\alpha(\alpha) = -\alpha$ 4. Prop 4 implies $\inner{\pm\alpha}{\pm\alpha} = \pm \frac {2\inner{\alpha}{\alpha}} {\inner{\alpha}{\alpha}} = \pm 2$ *Rank 1 Diagram:* > Todo: Insert phone image *In Rank 2:* > Todo: Insert phone image *Exercise:* - Show that $\mathrm{ord}(S_\alpha, S_\beta) = 2,3,4,6$ for types $A_1 \cross A_1, B_2, G_2$. - Show that $W(A_2) \cong \ZZ_3$ and $W(B_2) \cong D_8$. ## Pairs of Roots **Lemma:** Let $\alpha, \beta \in \Phi$ where $\beta \neq \pm \alpha$, then 1. $\inner{\alpha}{\beta\dual} \inner{\beta}{\alpha\dual} \in \theset{0,1,2,3}$ Moreover, assuming $\abs \beta \geq \abs \alpha$, we have the following table > Todo: Insert table 2. If $\inner{\alpha}{\beta} > 0$, then $\alpha-\beta \in\Phi$. Similarly, if $\inner{\alpha}{\beta} > 0$, then $\alpha + \beta \in \Phi$. 3. Any root string is unbroken and has length greater than 4. *Proof of (1):* By the Law of Cosines, we can write $x \coloneqq \inner{\beta}{\alpha\dual} \inner{\alpha}{\beta\dual} = 4\cos^2(\theta) \in \ZZ$. This restricts the possibilities to $x \leq 4$. But $x = 4 \iff \alpha = c \beta$, i.e. $\theta = 0$, but we are assuming that $\alpha \neq \pm \beta$, so this can not happen. *Proof of (2):* Since $\inner{\alpha}{\beta} > 0$ and $\abs \beta \geq \abs \alpha$, then $\inner{\alpha}{\beta\dual} = 1$. But then $S_\beta(\alpha) = \alpha - \inner{\alpha, \beta\dual}\beta \in\Phi$ by Prop 3. So this is equal to $\alpha - \beta$. A similar argument works for $\abs \beta \leq \abs \alpha$. *Proof of (3):* Let $p,q$ be the largest integers such that $b-p\alpha, b+q\alpha \in \Phi$ respectively. Suppose that the root stream between these two is broken somewhere, say $\beta + s\alpha \in \Phi$ and $\beta + (s+1)\alpha \not\in\Phi$ by counting up from $\beta - p\alpha$. Similarly, there is some $t$ counting down from $b+q\alpha$ then $\beta + t\alpha \in \Phi$ but $\beta + (t-1)\alpha \not\in\Phi$. In particular, $s < t$. From (2), we have $\inner{\alpha}{\beta + s\alpha} \geq 0$, $\inner{\alpha}{\beta + t\alpha} \leq 0$. We have $$ \inner{\alpha}{\beta} + t\inner{\alpha}{\alpha} = \inner{\alpha}{\beta + t\alpha} \leq 0 \leq \inner{\alpha}{beta + s\alpha} = \inner{\alpha}{\beta} + s\inner{\alpha}{\alpha} $$ where we know that $\inner{\alpha}{\alpha} > 0$. Since $S_\alpha(\Phi) = \Phi$ and these $S_\alpha(\beta + i\alpha) = \beta - \ZZ \alpha$, we find that reflections permute the root string. We then find that $p = \inner{\beta}{\alpha\dual} + q$, and so $\inner{\beta}{\alpha\dual} = p-q \in [-3, 3]$. ## Chapter 10: Simple Roots and Weyl Groups **Definition:** A *base* of a root system $\Phi$ is a subset $\Pi \subseteq \Phi$ such that 1. $\Pi$ is a basis for the underlying vector space $E$, and 2. Each $\beta \in \Phi$ can be written as $\beta = \sum_{\alpha\in\Pi} \kappa_\alpha^\beta \alpha$ where all of the coefficients $\kappa_\alpha^\beta$ all have the same sign. The roots in $\Pi$ are called *simple*. A root $\beta$ is *positive* (resp. *negative*) if the $\kappa_\alpha^\beta \geq 0$ for all $\beta in \Phi^+$ (resp $\leq 0$ in $\Phi^-$). The *height* of a $\beta$ is the sum of the coefficients. $\Pi$ defines a partial order on $E$ where $\mu \leq \lambda \iff \lambda - \mu \in \sum_{\alpha \in \Pi} \ZZ_{\geq 0} \alpha$. > Note that this is defined on the roots themselves, and can then be extended to all of $E$. > Todo: Insert phone image