# Friday October 11 Recall from last time the Dynkin diagrams. If $\Phi$ is irreducible, then its diagram is one of the following: ![Image](figures/2019-10-11-09:14.png)\ **Definition:** A subset $A = \theset{v_1, \cdots, v_n} \subseteq E$ is *admissible* iff 1. $A$ is linearly independent. 2. $\inner{v_i}{v_i} = 1$ for all $i$, and $\inner{v_i}{v_j} \leq 0$ if $i\neq j$. 3. $s_{ij} = 4\inner{v_i}{v_j}^2 \in \theset{0,1,2,3}$ if $i\neq j$. Define a graph $\Gamma_A = (V_A, E_A)$ where $V_A = A$ and $E_A= \theset{s_{ij} \suchthat i\neq j}$. If $\Pi = \theset{\alpha_1, \cdots, \alpha_\ell} \subseteq \Phi$ is a base, then $A \coloneqq \theset{v_i = \frac{\alpha_i}{\sqrt{\inner{\alpha_i}{\alpha_i}}}}$. **Lemma:** a. If $A$ is admissible, then $\# \theset{(v_i, v_j) \in E_A \suchthat 4\inner{v_i}{v_j}^2 \neq 0} \leq \abs{A} - 1$, and $\Gamma_A$ contains no graph cycles. b. $\deg V_i \leq 3$ for all $i$. c. If $\Gamma_A$ contains a path $p_1 \to \cdots \to p_t$, then $A' \coloneqq \theset{p} \union A\setminus \theset{p_1, \cdots, p_t}$ where $p \coloneqq \sum p_i$. Moreover, $\Gamma_{A'}$ is obtained from $\Gamma_A$ by contracting this path onto $p$. *Proof of theorem:* Assume the lemma holds. Let $\Gamma$ be the Coxeter diagram of $\Phi$; then $\Phi$ is connected. **Case 1:** $\Gamma$ has a triple edge. But then both vertices on this edge have degree 3, so this is the maximal number of edges between them. But since $\Gamma$ must be connected, this is everything. **Case 2:** $\Gamma$ has no triple edges but some double edge. We will first show that $\Gamma$ has only one double edge. Suppose otherwise; then $\Gamma$ has at least two double edges occurring. Without loss of generality (e.g. by taking a subgraph), these are connected by a path of single edges. By the lemma, we can contract this path to get an admissible subset. But then there is a vertex of degree 4, contracting $\deg V_i \leq 3$ for all $i$. Now we'll show that $\Gamma$ has no branching point, i.e. a vertex of degree exactly 3. If this occurs, then a double edge is connected to such a vertex by a path. Contracting this path yields a vertex of degree 4, again a contradiction. By these two statements, $\Gamma$ has the general form: \begin{align*} \Gamma = v_1 \to \circ \to \cdots \to v_p \to\to w_q \to \circ \to \cdots \to w_1 .\end{align*} Let $v = \sum i v_i$ and $w = \sum i w_i$, then $\inner{v}{v} = \frac{1}{2} p(p+1)$, and $\inner{w}{w} = \frac 1 2 q(q+1)$. Note that $\inner{v_i}{w_j} = -1/\sqrt 2$ if $i=p$ and $j=q$, and 0 otherwise. Thus $\inner{v}{w} = \cdots = \frac 1 2 p^2q^2$. By Cauchy-Schwarz, this is strictly less than $\inner{v}{v} \inner{w}{w} = \frac 1 4 p(p+1)q(q+1)$. We then obtain $(p-1)(q-1) < 2$. Supposing wlog that $p \geq q$, we have either $p=q=2$, in which case we get $\circ \to \circ \to\to \circ \to \circ$. Otherwise $q=1$, and we get $\circ \to \cdots \to \circ \to\to \circ$. **Case 3:** $\Gamma$ has only single edges. We want to show $\Gamma$ has only one branching point, i.e. a vertex of degree 3. If it has 2, we can contract the intermediate path to get a vertex of degree 4. So we have the following situation: ![Image](figures/2019-10-11-09:41.png)\ Define $x = \sum i x_i, y = \sum i y_i, w = \sum i w_i$, and $\hat w, \hat x, \hat y$ to be their normalization. Then $B = \theset{b_i} \coloneqq \theset{\hat w, \hat y, \hat y, z}$ is orthonormal and linearly independent, so we can apply Gram-Schmidt. This yields a $z' \neq 0$ such that $$ z = \sum \inner{z}{\hat b_i} \hat b_i $$ In particular, $\inner{z}{z'}z' \neq 0 z'$, otherwise $z$ is a linear combination of the $x_i, y_i, w_i$. Thus $\inner{z}{\hat w}^2 + \inner{z}{\hat x}^2 + \inner{z}{\hat y}^2 > 1$. We can compute $\inner{z}{\hat w} = \frac{-q/2}{\sqrt{\frac 1 2 q(q+1)}}$, and so $\inner{z}{\hat w}^2 = \frac q {2(q+1)}$. From this, we can obtain $\frac 1 {q+1} + \frac 1 {r+1} + \frac 1 {p+1} > 1$. We can assume $p \geq q \geq r \geq 1$, since these correspond to the lengths of paths in the above image. This allows us to do some case-by-case analysis. Using this, we find $\frac 3 {r+1} > 1$, and so $r=1$ must hold. Similarly, $\frac 2 {q+1} > \frac 1 2$, which forces $q = \in \theset{1, 2}$. Supposing $r=q=1$, then we get type $D_\ell$ because $p$ can be anything. Supposing otherwise that $r=1, q=2, p \in \theset{2,3,4}$, we get type $E$.