# Monday October 14 Last time: Theorem: If $\Phi$ is irreducible, then the Dynkin diagram is given by $A-G$. Definition: A subset $A = \theset{v_1, \cdots, v_n}$ is *admissible* if 1. $A$ is a linearly independent set, 2. $\inner{v_i}{v_i} = 1$ for all $i$, and $\inner{v_i}{v_j} \leq 0$ if $n\neq 0$. 3. $4\inner{v_i}{v_j}^2 \in \theset{0,1,2,3}$ if $i\neq j$. Thus the graph $\Gamma_A = (V_A, E_A)$ is given by $V_A = A$ and $E_A = \theset{v_i \mapsvia{4\inner{v_i}{v_j}^2} v_j \mid i\neq j}$. Lemma: a. If $A$ is admissible, then the number of edges such that $4\inner{v_i}{v_j} \neq 0$ is at most $\abs A - 1$. b. For every $i$, we have $\deg v_i \leq 3$. c. If $\Gamma_A$ contains a straight path of length $t$, then the graph $\Gamma'$ obtained by contracting this path is also admissible. Let $p$ be the point obtained by contracting such a path. Proof of (a): If $\theset{p_1, \cdots, p_t}$ are linearly independent, then $p\neq 0$. Thus by positive-definiteness, we have $0 <_{pd} \inner{p}{p} =_{\# 2} t + \sum_{i < j} 2\inner{p_i}{p_j}$. Then $t > \sum_{i < j} (-2) \inner{p_i}{p_j} = \sum_{i < j} \sqrt{4\inner{p_i}{p_j}^2}$, where the quantity in the square root is the number of edges, which is thus greater than or equal to the number of pairs connected. Proof of (b): Fix $i$. Let $u_1 \cdots u_k$ be the vertices in $A$ that are connected to $v_i$ by a single edge. Then by (a), we have $\inner{u_i}{u_j} = 0$ for all $i\neq j$. Then the set $\theset{u_1, \cdots, u_k}$ is an orthonormal basis for their span. Applying Gram-Schmidt, we can write each $v_i = \sum_{j=0}^k \inner{v_i}{u_j} u_j$, where we pick $u_0$ such that the new set $\theset{u_0} \union \theset{u_1, \cdots, u_k}$. Then $\inner{v_i}{u_0} \neq 0$ for all $i$; otherwise we would have $\theset{u_1, \cdots, u_k, v_i}$ would be linearly dependent, since $v_i = \sum c_i u_i$ from above, which contradicts our initial axiom/assumption. Then $1 = \inner{v_i}{v_i}$ by A2, which equals $\sum_{j=0}^k \inner{v_i}{u_j}^2 = \inner{v_i}{u_0}^2 + \sum_{j=1}^k \inner{v_i}{u_j}^2$, where the first term is strictly positive. But then $1 > \sum_{j=1}^k \inner{v_i}{v_j}^2 \geq \frac k 4$ by A3, which then forces $k = \deg v_i \leq 3$. Proof of (c): The conditions of A1 are satisfied. For A2, we have $$ \inner{p_i}{p_j} = \begin{cases} -\frac 1 2 & \abs{i-j} = 1 \\ 0 & \abs{i-j} > 1 \\ 1 & i=j.\end{cases} $$ We then have $\inner{p}{p} = t + 2 \sum{i Note that we don't know anything about $\lieg$ yet, but already know its dimension. Example: $A_2$. We have $\Pi = \theset{\alpha_1 = \varepsilon_1 - \varepsilon_2, \alpha_2 = \varepsilon_3 - \varepsilon_2}$. Then $A = (a_{ij})$ with $a_{ij} = \inner {a_i} {a_j\dual}$, and $\alpha_1\dual = \frac {2\alpha_1}{\inner {\alpha_1} {\alpha_1}} = \frac{2 (\varepsilon_1 - \varepsilon_2)}{\inner{\varepsilon_1 -\varepsilon_2}{\varepsilon_1 - \varepsilon_2}} = \varepsilon_1 - \varepsilon_2 = \alpha_1$. Doing the computations, it turns out that $\inner {\alpha_1} {\alpha_2\dual} = -1$, $\inner{\alpha_2} {\alpha_1\dual} = -1$, and $\inner {\alpha_i} {\alpha_i\dual} = 2$. Thus $A = [2, -1; -1, 2]$, which has Dynkin diagram given by: **Type $B_\ell$:** Recall that these have one "short root": Then $\Phi = \theset{\pm \varepsilon_j, \pm \varepsilon_j \mid 1 \leq i\neq j \leq \ell} \union \theset{\pm \varepsilon_i \mid 1 \leq i \leq \ell}$, and we have $\Pi = \theset{\alpha_i = \varepsilon_i - \varepsilon_{i-1} \mid 1 \leq i \leq \ell-1} \union \theset{\alpha_\ell \coloneqq \varepsilon_\ell}$. After carrying out the computation, we have the following Cartan matrix: And $\dim \lieg = 2\ell^2 + \ell$, since $\abs \Phi = 2\ell(\ell-1) + 2\ell = 2\ell^2$. **Type $D_\ell$:** We obtain $\Phi = \theset{\alpha_i = \varepsilon_i - \varepsilon_{i+1} \mid 1 \leq i \leq \ell-1} \union \theset{\alpha_\ell \coloneqq \varepsilon_{\ell-1} + \varepsilon_\ell}$. We then find $\inner {\alpha_{\ell-1}} {\alpha_\ell\dual} = 0$ and $\inner {\alpha_{\ell-2}} {\alpha_\ell\dual} = -1$. **Type $E_\ell$**: We have $\Pi(E_\ell) = \Pi(D_{\ell - 1}) \union \theset{\alpha_\ell \coloneqq - \frac 1 2 \sum_{i=1}^8 \varepsilon_i}$. This yields $\abs \Phi = 72, 126, 240$ and $\dim \lieg = 78, 133, 248$, corresponding to $\ell = 6,7,8$. More results on exceptional Lie Algebras: