# Tuesday August 27th ## Nowhere Density Recall **Baire's Theorem**: $\RR$ can not be written as a countable union of nowhere dense sets. A subset $A\subseteq \RR$ is *nowhere dense* $\iff$ every interval contains a subinterval which lies entirely in $A^c$ $\iff$ $\overline A$ has empty interior $\iff$ $\overline A$ contains no open intervals. *Exercise:* Show that these definitions are equivalent. **Corollary:** $\RR\setminus\QQ$ is not an $F_\sigma$ set. *Proof:* Suppose it was, so $$ \RR\setminus \QQ = \union_{n\in\NN} F_n \text{ with } A_n \text{ closed } .$$ Then $$ \RR = \left( \union_n F_n\right) \union \left( \union_i \theset{q_i} \right) \text{ where } \QQ = \union \theset{q_i} .$$ This exhibits $\RR$ as a countable union of closed sets. But the $F_n$ are nowhere dense, since if they contained in interval they'd also contain a rational. $\qed$ *Exercise*: Show that $F_n$ are nowhere dense by constructing a sequence of elements in $F_n$ that converges to an element in $F_n^c \subset \QQ$. ## Riemann Integration **Some nice properties:** - Good for approximation (vertical strips) - Many functions are in $\mathcal R$, e.g. continuous functions. - $\mathcal{R} ([a, b])$ is a vector space - The integral is an element of $\mathcal{R}^*$. - FTC - $\mathcal R$ is closed under uniform convergence. **Some bad properties:** - The Dirichlet function $\indic{x\in\QQ}$ is not in $\mathcal R$. **(Exercise!)** - **Exercise**: Show that $D_f = \RR$ (use sequential continuity) - It is in $\mathcal L$ (Lebesgue integral). - $\mathcal R$ is not closed under pointwise convergence. - Example: $g_n(x) = \indic{x\in \QQ,~ x = \frac p q, q \leq n} \in \mathcal R$, but $g_n \not\uniformlyconverges g$. **(Exercise)** In fact, there exists a sequence of *continuous* functions $\theset{f_n}$ such that - $0 \leq f_n(x) \leq 1$ for all $x, n$. - $f_n(x)$ is decreasing as $n\to\infty$ for all $x$. - $f \coloneqq \lim f_n \not\in\mathcal R$. This seems disturbing! The Lebesgue integral fixes this particular problem. Letting $$ \mathcal L = \theset{f \suchthat f \text{ is Lebesgue integrable }}, $$ we have the following theorem: **Theorem (Dominated Convergence, Special Case):** Let $\theset{f_n:[a,b] \to \RR} \subset \mathcal L$, such that $$ \forall n\in \NN, \forall x, \abs{f_n(x)} \leq M. $$ If $f_n \to f$ pointwise then $\int f_n \to \int f$. ## Measure Theory ### The Non-Measurable Set Can we assign a "measure" to all subsets of $\RR^n$? This should be a function $m: \mathcal P(\RR^n) \to \RR^{\geq 0} \union \theset{\infty} = [0, \infty]$ with some properties (see handout). - If $\theset{E_i}_{i\in \NN}$ are disjoint, then $m(\disjoint_{i\in \NN} E_i) = \sum_{i\in\NN} m(E_i)$. - If $E \simeq F$ by translation/rotation/reflection, then $m(E) = m(F)$. - $m(Q) = 1$ if $q = [0, 1]^n$. But so far, this is impossible for the following reason: **Proposition:** There exists a non-measurable set: *Proof:* Define an equivalence relation $x\sim y \iff x-y \in \QQ$ on $[0, 1)$. Note that each equivalence class bijects with $\QQ$, so each class is countable and there must be an uncountable number of classes. Use the axiom of choice to construct a set $N$ by choosing exactly one element from each equivalence class. Now let $\QQ \intersect [-1, 1] = \theset{q_j}$ be an enumeration of the rationals in this interval, and define $N_j = N + q_j$. Note $$ j\neq k \implies N_j \intersect N_k = \emptyset .$$ By translation invariance, $m(N_j) = m(N)$, and $$ [0, 1) \subseteq \disjoint_j N_j \subseteq [-1, 2] .$$ But then by taking measures and using the fact that $m(N_i) = m(N)$, we have $$ 1 \leq \sum_j m(N_j) \leq 3 ,$$ But then $m(N) = 0 \implies 1 > m(N)$, and if $m(N) = \varepsilon> 0$ then $$ \sum m(N) = \sum \varepsilon > 3. ,$$ a contradiction. $\qed$ *Exercise:* Any open set in $\RR$ can be written as a *countable* union of intervals. But what can be said about closed sets, or all of $\RR^n$? **Fact**: Any open set in $\RR^n$ can be written as an *almost disjoint* union of closed cubes. We can then attempt to ascribe a measure to a set by approximating an open set from the inside by cubes. However, it's not clear that this is unique (although it is).