# Wednesday August 28th ## Outer Measure **Definition (Lebesgue Outer Measure):** For any $E \subseteq \RR^n$ define $$ m_*(E) = \inf \sum \abs{Q_i} $$ where the infimum is taken cover all countable coverings of $E$ by closed cubes $Q_i$. *Proof of property (4):* Since we have property (2), we just need to show $$ m_*(E_1 \union E_2) \geq m_*(E_1) + m_*(E_2) .$$ Choose $\delta$ such that $0 < \delta < \mathrm{dist}(E_1, E_2)$ and let $\varepsilon > 0$. Then there exists a covering of $E_1 \union E_2$ such that $$ m_*(E_1 \union E_2) \leq \sum \abs{Q_i} \leq m_*(E_1 \union E_2) + \varepsilon. $$ We can assume (possibly after subdividing) that $\mathrm{diam}(Q_i) < \delta$. Then each $Q_i$ can intersect at most one of $E_1, E_2$. Let \begin{align*} J_1 &= \theset{j \suchthat Q_j \intersect E_1 \neq \emptyset} \\ J_2 &= \theset{j \suchthat Q_j \intersect E_2 \neq \emptyset} .\end{align*} Note that $J_1, J_2$ are disjoint, and we have \begin{align*} E_1 \subseteq \union_{j\in J_1} Q_j \\ E_2 \subseteq \union_{j\in J_2} Q_j .\end{align*} But then $$m_*(E_1) + M_*(E_2) \leq \sum_{j\in J_1} \abs{Q_j} + \sum_{j\in J_2} \abs{Q_j} $$ by definition, since $m_*$ is an infimum. But this is less than summing over *all* $j$, which is the term appearing in the cover we choose above. $\qed$ ## Covering by Cubes *Proof of property (5):* > Qual/Exam problem alert (DZG) Let $\varepsilon > 0$, we will show $$ \sum \abs{Q_j} \leq m_*(E) + \varepsilon .$$ Start by shrinking the cubes. Choose $$ \tilde{Q_j} \leq \abs{Q_j} \leq \abs{\tilde{Q_j}} + \varepsilon /2^j .$$ Then for any finite $N$, any collection of $N$ different $Q_j$s are disjoint. > **Exercise**: If $K$ is compact, $F$ is closed, and $K \intersect F = \emptyset$, the $\mathrm{dist}(K, F) > 0$. Note that although this is certainly true for the *entire* infinite collection, we take finitely many so we can get a $\delta$ that uniformly bounds the distance between any two from below. But then $$ m_*(\union_{j=1}^N \tilde{Q_j}) = \sum_{j=1}^N \abs{\tilde{Q_j}} \geq \sum_{j=1}^N \abs{\tilde{Q_j}} - \varepsilon $$ and since $\union_{j=1}^N \tilde{Q_j} \subseteq E$, for all $N$ we have $$ \sum_{j=1}^N \abs{\tilde{Q_j}} -\varepsilon \geq m_*(E) .$$ > (Missing details, finish/fill in.) **Definition (Measurable):** A set $E\subseteq \RR^n$ is (Lebesgue) measurable if $$ \forall \varepsilon >0 \quad \exists G ~\text{open}~ \suchthat \quad m_*(G\setminus E) < \varepsilon. $$ **Important Observations:** - If $m_*(E) = 0$, the $E$ is automatically measurable. - If $F\subseteq E$ and $m_*(E) = 0$, then $F$ is automatically measurable.