# Tuesday September 3rd ## Lebesgue Measurability Recall the definition of the Lebesgue measure: **Definition:** For any $E \subseteq \RR^n$, we define $$ \mu(E) = \inf \theset{\sum \abs {Q_i} \suchthat E \subset \union Q_i, Q_i ~\text{a closed cube}} $$ This satisfies properties (1) through (5). > Note we don't have finite additivity for the outer measure. **Definition:** A set $E$ is said to be *measurable* iff $$ \forall\varepsilon > 0, ~\exists \text{ an open }G \supseteq E \suchthat\quad m_*(G\setminus E) < \varepsilon. $$ **Observations**: - If $E$ is open, $E$ is measurable - If $m_*(E) = 0$, then $E$ is measurable. (Quite a special property!) - If $E$ is closed, $E$ is measurable. (Needs a proof.) **Theorem 1:** The collection $\mathcal M$ of all measurable sets is a *$\sigma\dash$algebra*, i.e. $\mathcal M$ is closed under - Countable unions - Complements - Countable intersections **Theorem 2:** The Lebesgue measure (on measurable sets) is countably additive, i.e. if $\theset{E_i}_{i\in\NN}$ is a countable collection of *pairwise disjoint* measurable sets, then $$ m(\disjoint E_i) = \sum m(E_i). $$ ## Lebesgue Measurable Sets Form a Sigma Algebra *Proof of Theorem 1:* *Part 1:* Let $E = \union_{i\in \NN} E_i$ with each $E_i$ measurable; we want to show $E$ is measurable. Given $\varepsilon > 0$, for each $j$ choose $G_j \supseteq E_j$ such that $$ m_*(G_j \setminus E_j) < \varepsilon /2^j .$$ Then let $G = \union G_j$, which is open and $G \supseteq E$ and $G\setminus E = \union G_j\setminus E_j$. Using monotonicity, and then subadditivity, we have $$ m_*(G\setminus E) = m_*(\union G_j \setminus E_j) \leq \sum m_*(G_j - E_j) \leq \sum \varepsilon /2 = \varepsilon. $$ *Part 2:* Let $E \in \mathcal M$. Then for all $k\in \NN$, there is an open $G_k \supseteq E$ with $$ m_*(G_k\setminus E) \leq \frac 1 k .$$ > Lemma to prove later: $G_k^c$ is closed and measurable. By (1), the set $S \definedas \union G_k^c$ is measurable, and $S \subseteq E^c$, since $E^c = S \union (E^c \setminus S)$. So we just need to show that $E^c \setminus S = E^c \intersect S^c$ is measurable. But where does $S$ live? Since $$ E^c \setminus S \subset G_k \setminus E = G_k \intersect E^c \text{ for every } k ,$$ we have $$ m_*(E^c \setminus S) \leq m_*(G_k\setminus E) < \frac 1 k \text{ for all } k ,$$ which says that $m_*(E^c\setminus S) = 0$ and thus $E^c \setminus S$ is measurable. $\qed$ > Think further about why outer measure zero sets should be Lebesgue measurable! **Next time:** - Closed sets are measurable, - Proof of theorem 2, - Characterizations of measurability.