# Thursday September 5th ## Measurability of Closed Sets **Recall:** A set $E$ is *Lebesgue measurable* iff there exists an open set $G$ with $E \subseteq G$ and $m(G\setminus E) < \varepsilon$ for any $\varepsilon > 0$, and the set $\mathcal M$ of all measurable sets forms a $\sigma\dash$algebra. *Fact:* If $F, K \in \RR^n$ with $F$ closed, $K$ compact, and $F \intersect K = \emptyset$, then $\mathrm{Dist}(F, K) > 0$. *Proof:* Towards a contradiction, suppose the distance in zero. Idea: we'll use sequential compactness. We can produce sequences $\theset{x_n} \subset F, \theset{y_n}\subset K$ such that $\abs{x_n - y_n} \to 0$. Since $K$ is compact, it is *sequentially compact*, so there is a subsequence $\theset{y_{n_k}}$ with $y_{n_k} \to y \in K$. Then $$ \abs{x_{n_k} - y} \leq \abs{x_{n_k} - y_{n_k}} + \abs{y_{n_k} - y} \to 0. $$ $\qed$ We used the following: **Lemma:** Closed sets are measurable. *Proof:* **Claim**: It suffices to prove this for *compact* sets. Let $F$ be closed. Then write $F = \union_k (F \intersect B(k, 0))$. But $F\intersect B(k, 0)$ is closed and bounded, thus compact. So if we show compact sets are measurable, we've written $F$ as a countable union of measurable sets, which is thus measurable. So suppose $K$ is compact, we want to show that $m_*(K) < \infty$. Given $\varepsilon > 0$, we can find an open set $G \supseteq K$ such that $$ m_*(G) < m_*(K) + \varepsilon .$$ Now, *since $K$ is bounded*, the outer measure is not infinite, and so we have $m_*(G) - m_*(K) < \varepsilon$. *Goal*: We now want to show $$ m_*(G\setminus K) \leq m_*(G) + m_*(K) .$$ Since $G$ is open, $G\setminus K$ is open as well. We can write any open set as the union of almost disjoint closed cubes, so we have $$ G\setminus K = \union_j Q_j,\quad \theset{Q_j} \text{ a collection of almost disjoint cubes.} $$ Now by property (5), we have $$ m_*(G\setminus K) = \sum_j \abs{Q_j} .$$ Since any finite union of closed sets is closed, we have $K \intersect (\union_{j=1}^N Q_j) = \emptyset$. But then $\mathrm{dist}(K, \union^N Q_j) > 0$. Using (1) and (4), \begin{align*} m_*(G) \geq m_*(K \union_{j=1}^N Q_j) &= m(K) \\ &= m(\union^N Q_j) \\ &= m_*(K) + \sum^N \abs{Q_j}, .\end{align*} and since $K$ is bounded and thus of finite measure, we obtain $$ \sum^\infty \abs{Q_j} \leq m_*(G) - m_*(K). $$ $\qed$ ## Characterizations of Measurability **Theorem**: A set $E\subseteq \RR^n$ is measurable iff 1. For any $\varepsilon,~\exists F\subseteq E$ with $F$ closed and $m_*(E\setminus F) < \varepsilon$. 2. There exist $F$ closed, $G$ open, $F \subseteq E \subseteq G$ with $m_*(G\setminus F) < \varepsilon$. We know that $E$ is measurable iff $E^c$ is measurable, so we'll apply the definition to $E^c$. So we know $$ \forall \varepsilon > 0,~ \exists \text{ open } G \supseteq E^c \suchthat m_*(G\setminus E^c) < \varepsilon . $$ and so $$ \forall \varepsilon > 0,~ \exists \text{ closed } G^c \subseteq E \suchthat m_*(E \setminus G^c) < \varepsilon . $$ since $G\setminus E^c = G \intersect E = E \setminus G^c$. So just take $F = G^c$ and we're done. **Definition:** A $\sigma\dash$algebra is any collection of sets which is closed under complements and countable unions. > Note that if we intersect $\sigma\dash$algebras, we still get a $\sigma\dash$algebra. *Examples:* - $\mathcal P(\RR^n)$ - $\mathcal M$, the collection of all (Lebesgue) measurable sets. - $\mathcal B(\RR^n)$, the *Borel* subsets of $\RR^n$, i.e. the smallest $\sigma\dash$algebra containing the open sets. There are inclusions $$ \mathcal P(\RR^n) \supsetneq \mathcal M(\RR^n) \supsetneq \mathcal B(\RR^n). $$ > Qual problem alert! **Theorem:** TFAE: 1. $E \subseteq \RR^n$ is measurable 2. $E = H \union Z$ where $H \in F_\sigma$ and $Z$ is null 3. $E = V\setminus Z'$ where $V\in G_\delta$ and $Z'$ is null. *Proof:* $2,3 \implies 1$ **Exercise.** This is the easy direction. $1 \implies 2,3$: For all $k \in \NN$, we can find $F_ k\subseteq E \subseteq G_k$ with $F_k$ closed, $G_k$ open, and $$ m_*(G_k\setminus F_k) < \frac 1 k .$$ So let $V = \intersect G_k$ and $H = \union F_k$. Then $H \subseteq E \subseteq V$. Note that $H$ is an $F_\sigma$ and $V$ is a $G_\delta$. Moreover, $V\setminus H \subseteq G_k \setminus F_k$ for all $k$. By subadditivity, $$ m_*(V\setminus H) \leq m_*(G_k \setminus F_k) \to 0. $$ Now, $E = H \union(E \setminus H)$ where $E\setminus H \subseteq V\setminus H$ which is a null set. We also have $E = V \setminus (V \setminus E)$ where $V\setminus E \subseteq V\setminus H$, which is null. $\qed$ **Recall**: If $E$ is measurable, then we define its *Lebesgue measure* by $m(E) = m_*(E)$. **Theorem 2:** The Lebesgue measure is countably additive, i.e. $$ E_i \intersect E_j = \emptyset \implies m(\union E_i) = \sum m(E_i). $$ *Proof:* Assume each $E_j$ is bounded, so that $m_*(E_j) < \infty$. Given $\varepsilon > 0$, for each $j$ we can find a *compact* $K_j$ such that $$ m(E_j \setminus K_j) \leq \varepsilon / 2^j .$$ Then for any finite $N$, since the $E_j$ are disjoint, then $\theset{K_i}_{i=1}^N$ are also disjoint, so $$ m(\union^N K_j) = \sum m(K_j) .$$ However, we have $m(E_k) - m(K_j) < \varepsilon / 2^j$, and so $m(K_j) > m(E_j) - \varepsilon / 2^j$. Then $$ m(\union^N K_j) = \sum m(K_j) \geq \sum m(E_j) - \varepsilon / 2^j = \sum m(E_j) - \varepsilon. $$ But since $$ \union^N K_j \subset E \definedas \union^\infty E_j ,$$ we have \begin{align*} m(E) \geq m(\union^N K_j) &\geq \sum^N m(E_j) \implies \\ \sum^n m(E_j) &\leq m(E) + \varepsilon \forall N \implies \\ \sum^\infty m(E_j) &\leq m(E) + \varepsilon &\to m(E) .\end{align*} So this shows the bounded case. In general, let \begin{align*} A_1 = B(1, 0) \\ A_2 = B(2, 0) \setminus B(1, 0) \\ \vdots \end{align*} Then let $E_{i, j} = E_i \intersect A_j$, so $\union_i E_i = \union_{i, j} E_{i, j}$, where all of the $E_{i, j}$ are still disjoint but also now bounded. Then \begin{align*} m(\union E_j) &= m(\disjoint_{i, j} E_{i, j}) &= \sum_j \sum_i m(E_{i, j}) &= \sum_j m(E_i) ,\end{align*} where the last two equalities follow from the bounded case. $\qed$