# Tuesday September 24th ## Convergence Theorems Two main convergence theorems: define $L^+ = \theset{f: \RR^n \to [0, \infty] \suchthat f\text{ is measurable.}}$. Then **Theorem 1 (MCT):** If $\theset{f_n} \subseteq L^+$ with $f_n \nearrow f$, then $$ \int f = \lim \int f_n.$$ **Theorem 2 (Fatou's lemma):** If $\theset{f_n} \subseteq L^+$, then $$ \int \liminf f_n \leq \liminf \int f_n. $$ **Corollary 1:** If $\theset{f_n} \subseteq L^+$ and $f_n \to f$ a.e. and $\int f_n \leq M$ uniformly, then $$ \int f \leq M $$ > This uses Fatou's lemma. **Corollary 2:** If $\theset{f_n} \subseteq L^+$ and $f_n \to f$ a.e. with instead $f_n \leq f$ a.e. for all $n$, then $$ \int f = \lim \int f_n .$$ *Proof:* By Fatou, $$ \int f \leq \liminf \int f_n .$$ If we can show $\limsup \int f_n \leq \int f$ as well, we're done. Since integrals satisfy monotonicity, $$ f_n \leq f \implies \int f_n \leq \int f ~\text{a.e.} $$ But by order-limit laws, we then have $\limsup \int f_n \leq \int f$ as well. $\qed$ ## Extending the Integral to $\overline \RR\dash$valued functions (and $\CC$) **Definition:** A function $f: \RR^n \to \overline \RR$ is *integrable* iff $\int \abs f < \infty$. Note that $\abs f = f_+ + f_-$, so if $f:\overline \RR \to \RR$ is integrable, then $$ \int \abs f = \int (f_+ + f_-) = \int f_+ + \int f_-, $$ which means both must be finite. We now have two finite *numbers*, so we can subtract. **Definition:** For $f:\RR^n \to \overline \RR$, we define $$ \int f = \int f_+ - \int f_-. $$ Similarly, for $f: \CC \to \overline \RR$, let $f = \mathrm{Im} f + i\mathrm{Re} f$, and define $$ \int f = \int \Re f + i\int \Im f. $$ > Note: the space of all $\overline \RR$ or $\CC$ valued functions forms a real (resp. complex) vector space, and the integral is a real (complex) linear functional. This is not immediate -- multiplying by scalars is clear, but distributing integrals over sums is not. If $h = f + g$, then it is **not** the case that $h_+ = f_+ + g_+$. But we can write out $$ h = f + g \implies h_+ + h_- = f_+ + f_- + g_+ + g_- ,$$ maneuver things so that everything is positive, and *then* take integrals. ## $L^1$ and its Norm **Definition**: We can provisionally define $$ L^1 = \theset{f: \RR^n \to \CC: f\text{ is measurable }}, $$ where we'd like to define $$ \norm{f}_{L^1} \definedas \int \abs f .$$ However, this only yields a *seminorm*, since nonzero functions still end up with zero norm. This can be remedied by identifying functions which agree on a set of measure zero. **Proposition (Triangle Inequality for $L^1$ Seminorm):** If $f\in L^1$, then $\abs{\int f} \leq \int \abs f$. *Proof:* This is trivial if $\int f = 0$. If $f$ is $\RR\dash$valued, then \begin{align*} \abs{\int f} &= \abs{\int f_+ - \int f_-} \\ &\leq \abs{\int f_+} + \abs{\int f_-} \\ &= \int f_+ + \int f_- \\ &= \int f_+ + f_- \\ &= \int \abs{f} .\end{align*} If $f$ is $\CC\dash$valued, then $\abs z = \frac{z^* z}{\abs z}$, so \begin{align*} \frac{(\int f)^*}{\abs{\int f}} \int f &\definedas \alpha \int f \\ &= \int \alpha f \\ &= \int \mathrm{Re}(\alpha f) + i\int\mathrm{Im}(\alpha f) .\end{align*} but since what we started with was *real*, the imaginary component vanishes, so this equals $$ \int \mathrm{Re}(\alpha f) = \abs{\int \mathrm{Re}(\alpha f) } \leq \int \abs{\mathrm{Re}(\alpha f) } \leq \int \abs{\alpha f} = \int \abs{f}. $$ > Note: this is referred to as a **rotation/triangle trick**. **Actual definition of $L^1$:** Let $X \subseteq \RR^n$ be measurable. Then $$ L^1(X) = \theset{\text{equivalence classes of a.e. defined integrable functions on $X$}} $$ This is an equivalence relation, and we write $f\sim g \iff f = g$ a.e. We then define $\norm{f}_1 = \int_X \abs f$. We have $$ \int \abs f = 0 ~\text{a.e.} \iff f = 0 ~\text{a.e.} $$ *Exercise*: Prove this for $L^+$ functions. We'd like this to also be true iff $\int_E f = 0$ for all measurable $E \subseteq X$. ## Dominated Convergence Theorem The following theorem will apply whenever we want to switch integrals and limits, but $f$ is *not necessarily* in $L^+$. > This is the ONLY theorem that doesn't require non-negativity!!! **Theorem (DCT):** Suppose $\theset{f_n} \in L^1$, $f_n \to f$ a.e., and $\abs{f_n} \leq g$ a.e. for all $n$ with $g\in L^1$. Then $f\in L^1$ and $$ \int f = \lim \int f_n \quad\text{and}\quad \lim \int\abs{f_n - f} = 0 $$ > Note that the second statement is stronger, and in fact implies the first. This statement is what we'll prove. *Proof:* Since $f_n \to f$ and each $f_n$ is measurable, then $f$ is measurable. Since $f_n \leq g$ for all $n$, then $f \leq g$. So $$\int \abs{f} \leq \int \abs{g} < \infty ,$$ and thus $f\in L^1$. It suffices to show that $\limsup \int \abs{f_n - f} \leq 0$. We have to get something non-negative to apply anything we know so far, so \begin{align*} 0 \leq \abs{f_n - f} \leq \abs {f_n} + \abs f \leq g + \abs f \\ \implies g + \abs f - \abs{f_n - f} \geq 0 \\ (\text{This is where we'll apply Fatou.}) \\ \implies \int \liminf (g + \abs f - \abs{f_n -f}) &\leq \liminf \int (g + \abs f - \abs{f_n - f})\\ \implies \int (g + \abs f) &\leq \liminf \int(g + \abs f) - \liminf \int\abs{f_n - f} \\ \implies \int (g + \abs f) &\leq \int(g + \abs f) + \limsup \int\abs{f_n - f} \\ \implies 0 &\leq \limsup \int\abs{f_n - f}. \qed \end{align*} $\qed$ ## Differentiating Under the Integral Let $$ F(t) = \int f(x, t)~dx $$ - Is $F$ continuous at a point $t_0$? - Is $F$ differentiable at $t_0$? We could show continuity by looking at \begin{align*} \lim_{t \to t_0} \abs{F(t) - F(t_0)} \leq \lim_{t\to t_0} \int \abs{f(x, t) - f(x, t_0)} \leq_{DCT} \int \lim \abs{f(x, t) - f(x, t_0)} .\end{align*} which will go to zero exactly when $f$ is continuous in $t$. Differentiability can be shown by considering \begin{align*} \lim \frac{\abs{F(t_0) - F(t)}}{t - t_0} &\leq \lim \int \frac{f(x, t) - f(x, t_0)}{t - t_0} ~dx \\ &\leq \int \lim \frac{f(x, t) - f(x, t_0)}{t - t_0}~dx \\ &= \int f'(x, t_0)~dx .\end{align*}