# Thursday September 26th ## $L^1$ and its Convergence Theorems For any measurable $X \subseteq \RR^n$, we defined $$ L^1(X) = \theset{f: X \to \CC \text{ measurable } \suchthat \int_X \abs f < \infty}/ \sim $$ where $f\sim g \iff f = g$ a.e. > Note that we could talk about $\overline \RR$ valued functions, *but* (theorem) integrable functions can only be finite on a null set. So we can stop considering these altogether if we're just considering $L^1$ functions. The space $L^1$ is in fact a *normed vector space* with $$ \norm{f}_{L^1(X)} \definedas \int_X \abs f .$$ > Recall that we needed to identify functions because this was only a *seminorm* otherwise, and we only want the zero function to have norm zero. We say $$ f_n \mapsvia{L^1} f \iff \norm{f_n - f}_1 \to 0 .$$ **Convergence Theorems:** > Mantra: Everything positive and some positivity: MCT. More often: DCT. - **MCT**: $$ f_n \in L^+, \quad f_n \nearrow f \text{ a.e. } \implies \lim \int f_n = \int f .$$ - Note that it's very important that $f_n \in L^+$ - **Corollary**: $$ \sum \int f_n = \int \sum f_n .$$ - **DCT:** $$ f_n \in L^1,\quad f_n \to f \text{ a.e. },\quad \abs f_n \leq g \in L^1 \implies \lim \int f_n = \int f .$$ - **A Stronger statement**: $$ f_n \mapsvia{L^1} f \quad \text{ i.e. } \int \abs{f_n - f} \to 0 .$$ The previous statement only gives $\abs{\int f_n - f} \to 0$. This follows because $$ \lim \int \abs{f_n - f} =_{DCT} \int \lim \abs{f_n - f} \to 0 ,$$ since $\abs{f_n - f} \leq 2g$. ## Commuting Sums with Integrals :::{.theorem title="?"} If - $f_n \in L^1$, and - $\sum_n \int \abs f_n < \infty$, Then $\sum_n f_n$ converges to an $L^1$ function and $$ \sum_n \int f_n = \int \sum f_n .$$ ::: :::{.remark} Uniform convergences $\implies$ pointwise $\implies$ a.e. convergence, and so think of convergence in norm as *weaker* than all of these (although they are not actually comparable). ::: :::{.proof title="of theorem"} By the MCT, we know $$ \int \sum \abs f_n =_{MCT} = \sum \int \abs f_n ,$$ which is integrable, and so the first term is integrable as well. By the homework problem, $$ \sum \abs f_n \in L^1 \implies \sum \abs{f_n(x)} < \infty \text{ for almost every } x .$$ So consider just these $x$ values. > Note that "$\RR$ is complete" is equivalent to "absolutely convergent implies convergent" for sums. So for each $x$, $\sum f_n(x)$ converges. What are the partial sums? $$ \abs{\sum^N f_j(x)} \leq \sum^\infty \abs{f_j(x)} \quad \forall j,~~a.e.~x. $$ So let $g_N = \sum^N f_j$, so $g_N$ is dominated by $g \definedas g_\infty$. Then \begin{align*} \int \sum_j^\infty f_j &= \int \lim_{n\to\infty} \sum_{j=1}^n f_j \\ &=_{DCT} \lim_{n\to\infty} \sum_{j=1}^n \int f_j \\ &= \sum_{j=1}^\infty \int f_j .\end{align*} ::: :::{.remark} These partial sums are converging a.e., **and in $L^1$**. We didn't use this here, but it is important when showing that $L^1$ is complete. ::: ## Different Notions of Convergence Note that $f_n \to f$ can mean many things: 1. Uniform: $f_n \uniformlyconverges f: \forall \varepsilon ~\exists N \suchthat ~n\geq N \implies \abs{f_N(x) - f(x)} < \varepsilon \quad \forall x.$ 2. Pointwise: $f_n(x) \to f(x)$ for all $x$. (This is just a sequence of numbers) 3. Almost Everywhere: $f_n(x) \to f(x)$ for almost all $x$. 4. Norm: $\norm{f_n - f}_1 = \int \abs{f_n(x) - f(x)} \to 0$. We have $1 \implies 2 \implies 3$, and in general no implication can be reversed, but (**warning**) none of $1,2,3$ imply $4$ or vice versa. **Examples**: - $f_n = (1/n) \chi_{(0, n)}$. This converges uniformly to 0, but the integral is identically 1. So this satisfies 1,2,3 and not 4. ![image_2021-05-21-16-38-30](figures/image_2021-05-21-16-38-30.png) - $f_n = \chi_{(n, n+1)}$ (skateboard to infinity). This satisfies 2,3 but not 1, 4. ![image_2021-05-21-16-42-08](figures/image_2021-05-21-16-42-08.png) - $f_n = n\chi_{(0, \frac 1 n)}$. This satisfies 3 but not 1,2,4. ![image_2021-05-21-16-54-38](figures/image_2021-05-21-16-54-38.png) - $f_n:$ one can construct a sequence where $f_n \to 0$ in $L^1$ but is not 1,2, or 3. The construction: - Break $I$ into $2$ intervals, let $f_1$ be the indicator on the first half, $f_2$ the indicator on the second. - Break $I$ into $2^2=4$ intervals, like $f_3$ be the indicator on the first quarter, $f_4$ on the second, etc. - Break $I$ into $2^k$ intervals and cyclic through $k$ indicator functions. ![image_2021-05-21-16-49-09](figures/image_2021-05-21-16-49-09.png) - Then $\int f_n = 1/2^n \to 0$, but $f_n\not\to 0$ pointwise since for every $x$, there are infinitely many $n$ for which $f_n(x) = 0$ and infinitely many for which $f_n(x) = 1$. - Note that this also converges to 0 in measure. ## Comparing $L^1$ Convergence to a.e. Convergence **Theorem:** If $f_n \to f \in L^1$, then there is a subsequence $f_{n_k}$ such that $f_{n_k} \to f$ almost everywhere. > Note: convergence always implies Cauchy, so we'll assume this right away. Since $f_n$ converges in $L^1$, it is Cauchy in $L^1$, so $\norm{f_n - f_m}_1 \to 0$. > Note: we want to pick a sequence that is converging *faster* when we construct our subsequence, since that's the obstruction to a.e. convergence. So there is a subsequence $n_1, n_2, \cdots$ such that $\norm{f_n - f_m} \leq 2^{-k}$ if $n, m \geq n_k$. Let $g_1 = f_{n_2}, g_k = f_{n_{k+1}} - f_{n_k}$ be the consecutive differences. Then - $\norm{g_{k+1}} \leq 2^{-k}$ for all $k$, - $f_{n_k} = \sum_{j=1}^{k} g_j$ Thus we want to show that this sum converges almost everywhere to an $L^1$ function. So if $\sum_{j=1}^\infty \norm{g_j}_1 < \infty$, we're done. We have $$ \sum \norm{g_j} = \norm{g_1} + \sum_j 2^{-j} .$$ By the previous theorem, this means $f_{n_k} = \sum^k g_j \mapsvia{a.e.} f$. We know it converges to *some* $L^1$ function, **but limits are unique**, so this is actually the original $f$. $\qed$ ## Completeness of $L^1$ **Theorem:** $L^1$ is a complete normed space, i.e. **a Banach space**, so every Cauchy sequence in $L^1$ converges to a function in $L^1$. *Proof:* > Proofs of completeness tend to go the same way: > 1. Take a Cauchy sequence $\theset{f_n}$. 2. Find a candidate limit $f$ 3. Show that the $f_n$ actually converge to this candidate $f$ 4. Show that $f$ is in $L^1$. So suppose $f_n$ is Cauchy. From the previous theorem, we know a subsequence (all in $L^1$) converges to some limit $f$ in $L^1$. So let this $f$ be the candidate limit, we just need to show that $\norm{f_n - f}_1 \to 0$. Let $\varepsilon > 0$ and choose $k$ large enough such that - $2^{-k} \leq \frac 1 2 \varepsilon$. - $\norm{f_{n_k} - f}_1 \leq \varepsilon$. Then \begin{align*} \norm{f_n - f}_1 &\leq \norm{f_n - f_{n_k}}_1 + \norm{f_{n_k} - f}_1 \\ &\leq 2^{-k} + \varepsilon/2 \\ &\leq \varepsilon/2 + \varepsilon/2 = \varepsilon .\end{align*} $\qed$