# Thursday November 7 ## Bessel Let $H$ be a Hilbert space, then we have **Theorem (Bessel's inequality)**: If $\theset{u_n}$ is orthonormal in $H$, then for any $x \in H$ we have equation 0 $$ \sum_n \abs{\inner{x}{u_n}}^2 \leq \norm{x}^2, $$ or equivalently $\theset{ \inner{x}{u_n} } \in \ell^2 \NN$. *Proof:* We have \begin{equation} 0 \leq \norm{ x - \sum_{n=1}^N \inner{x}{u_n} u_n }^2 = \norm{x}^2 - \sum_{n=1}^N \abs{ \inner{x}{u_n} }^2 \forall N .\end{equation} **Remark (Characterization of Basis):** TFAE: - $$\mathrm{span} \theset{u_n} = H,$$ i.e. $u_n$ is a basis. - $$\sqrt{ \sum_n \abs{ \inner{x}{u_n} }^2 } = \norm{x} \forall x\in H,$$ i.e. **Parseval's identity** - $$\lim_{N\to\infty} \norm{ x - \sum_n^N \inner{x}{u_n} } = 0,$$ i.e. the Fourier series converges in $H$. Recall the Riesz-Fischer theorem: If $\theset u_n$ is orthonormal in $H$ and $\theset a_n \in \ell^2(\NN)$, then $$ \exists x\in H \text{ such that } a_n = \inner{x}{u_n} \text{ and } \norm{x}^2 = \sum_n \abs{a_n}^2.$$ Moreover, the map $x \mapsto \hat{x}(u) \definedas \inner{x}{u_n}$ maps $H$ onto $\ell^2(\NN)$ surjectively. *Remark*: This $x$ is only unique if $\theset u_n$ is *complete*, i.e. $\inner{y}{u_n} = 0 \quad \forall n \implies y = 0$. *Proof:* Let $S_N \definedas \sum_{n=1}^N a_n u_n$. Then $S_N$ is Cauchy, so \begin{align*} \norm{S_N - S_M}^2 &= \norm{ \sum_{n=M+1}^N a_n u_n }^2 \\ &= \sum_{n=M+1}^N \norm{a_n u_n}^2 \quad\quad\text{by Pythagoras since the $u_n$ are orthogonal} \\ &= \sum_{n=M+1}^n \abs{a_n} \to 0 ,\end{align*} since $\sum \abs{a_n} < \infty$ implies that the sum is Cauchy. Since $H$ is complete, $S_N \to x$ for some $x\in H$. We now need to argue that $a_n = \inner{x}{u_n}$. If $N \geq n$, then we have the identity $$ \abs{\inner{x}{u_n} - a_n} = \abs{\inner{x}{u_n} - \inner{S_N}{u_n} } = \abs{ \inner{x - S_N}{u_n} } \leq \norm{x - S_N} \to 0. $$ > Note: should be able to translate this to statements about epsilons almost immediately! But then equation 1 holds in the limit as $N \to \infty$, which establishes equation 0. $\qed$ *Proof of characterization of basis:* $1 \implies 2$: Let $\varepsilon > 0, x\in H, \inner{x}{u_n} = 0$ for all $n$. We will attempt to show that $\norm{x} < \varepsilon$, so $x = 0$. By (1), there is a $y\in \mathrm{span}\theset{u_n}$ such that $\norm{x - y}< \varepsilon$. But then $\inner{x}{y} = 0$, so $$ \norm{x}^2 = \inner{x}{x} = \inner{x}{x-y} \leq \norm{x}{x-y} \leq \varepsilon \norm {x} \to 0 .$$ $\qed$ > Note: $\inner{x}{x} = \inner{x}{x} - \inner{x}{y} = \inner{x}{x-y}$ since $\inner{x}{y} = 0$. $2 \implies 3$: By Bessel, we have $\theset{\inner{x}{u_n} } \in \ell^2 \NN$, and we know that its norm is bounded by $\norm{x}$. By Riesz-Fischer, there exists a $y\in H$ such that $\inner{y}{u_n} = \inner{x}{u_n}$ and $\norm{y} = \sqrt{ \sum \abs{\inner{x}{u_n}}^2 }$. By completeness, we get $x=y$. $\qed$ ## Existence of Bases - Every Hilbert space has an orthonormal basis (possibly uncountable) - $H$ *separable* Hilbert space $\iff$ $H$ has a *countable* basis (separable = countable dense subset). Some examples of orthonormal bases: - $$ \ell^2 \NN: \quad u_n(k) = \vector e_n \definedas \begin{cases} 1 & n=k \\ 0 & \text{otherwise}\end{cases} $$ - $$ L^2([0,1]):\quad e_n(x) \definedas e^{2\pi i n x} .$$ Normed: by Cauchy-Schwarz, but need to show it's complete. Can use the fact that $L^1$ is complete. Note that $$ \inner{f}{e_n} = \int_0^1 f(x) e^{-2\pi i n x} ~dx ,$$ which is exactly the Fourier coefficient. ## $L^2$ is Complete (Sketch) *Sketch proof that $L^2([0, 1])$ is complete:* Note that $L^2([0, 1]) \subseteq L^1([0, 1])$, since $$ f\in L^2 \implies \int_0^1 \abs{f} \cdot 1 ~dx \leq \sqrt{\int_0^1 \abs{f}^2} $$ by Cauchy-Schwarz. This also shows that $\norm{f}_1 \leq \norm{f}_2$. Let $f_n$ be Cauchy in $L_2$. Then $f_n$ is Cauchy in $L^1$, and since $L^1$ is complete, there is a subsequence converging to $f$ almost everywhere. By Fatou, $$ \int \liminf_k \abs{f_{n_j} - f_{n_k}}^2 \leq \liminf \int \abs{f_{n_j} - f_{n_k}} .$$ But the LHS goes to $\int \abs{f_{n_j} - f}$ and the RHS is $\norm{f_{n_j} - f_{n_k}} \to 0$, so less than $\varepsilon$ if $j$ is big enough. So $f_{n_j} \mapsvia{L^2} f$ in $L^2$ as $j\to\infty$, and thus $f_n \to f\in L^2$ as $n\to\infty$. ## Unitary Maps **Definition:** Let $U: H_1 \to H_2$ such that $\inner{Ux}{Uy} = \inner{x}{y}$, i.e. $U$ preserves angles, and we say $U$ is *unitary*. Then $\norm{Ux} = \norm{x}$, i.e. $U$ is an *isometry*. Every unitary map is an isometry. If $U$ is surjective, this implication can be reversed. For example, taking the Fourier transform yields $$ \sum \abs{\hat{f}(u)}^2 = \norm{f}_2^2 = \int\abs{f}^2 \text{ and } \sum \hat{f}(u) \overline{\hat{g}(u)} = \int f \overline{g} .$$ **A corollary of Riesz-Fischer:** If $\theset u-N$ is an orthonormal basis in $H$, then the map $x \mapsto \hat{x}(u) \definedas \inner{x}{u_n}$ is a *unitary* map from $H$ to $\ell^2$. So all Hilbert spaces are unitarily equivalent to $\ell^2 \NN$. ![Image](figures/2019-11-07-12:22.png)\ > Subspaces in Hilbert spaces don't have to be closed, but orthogonal complements are always closed! See homework problem.