# Tuesday November 19 ## Lp Spaces Given $f:\RR^n \to \CC$ and $0 < p < \infty$, we define $$ \norm{f}_p = \left( \int \abs{f}^p \right)^{1/p}. $$ and $L^p(\RR^n) = \theset{f \suchthat \norm{f}_p \infty }$. We also define $$ \norm{f}_\infty = \inf_{a \geq 0} \theset{ m(\theset{x \suchthat f(x) > a}) = 0 } $$ which is morally the "best upper bound almost everywhere". > **Qual problem alert**: If $X \subseteq \RR^n$ with $\mu(X) < \infty$ then $\norm{f}_p \to \norm{f}_\infty$. Note that $\abs{f(x)} \leq \norm{f}_\infty$ almost everywhere, and if $\abs{f(x)} \leq M$ almost everywhere, then $\norm{f}_\infty \leq M$. For $1 \leq p \leq \infty$, $( L^p, \norm{\wait}_p)$ yields a complete normed vector space. Scaling and non-degeneracy are fairly clear, it just remains to show the triangle inequality (sometimes referred to as Minkowski's inequality), i.e. $$ f, g\in L^p \implies \norm{f+g}_p \leq \norm{f}_p + \norm{g}_p. $$ For $p=2$, this boiled down to Cauchy-Schwarz, here we'll need a souped-up version. **Definition:** If $1 \leq p \leq \infty$, we define the *conjugate exponent* of $p$ as the $q$ satisfying $\frac 1 p + \frac 1 q = 1$. An immediate consequence is that $$ q = \frac{p}{p-1} .$$ **Holder's Inequality:** If $f, g$ are measurable functions then $$ \norm{fg}_1 \leq \norm{f}_p \norm{g}_q. $$ *Proof of Minkowski:* \begin{align*} \abs{f + g}^p &= \abs{f+g} \abs{f+g}^{p-1} \\ &\leq ( \abs{f} + \abs{g} ) \abs{f+g}^{p-1} \\ &\implies \int \abs{f+g}^p \leq \int \abs{f} \abs{f+g}^{p-1} + \int \abs{g} \abs{f + g}^{p-1} \\ &\leq \norm{f}_p ( \int \abs{f+g}^{(p-1)q} )^{1/q} + \norm{g}_p ( \int \abs{f+g}^{(p-1)q} )^{1/q} \\ &= (\norm{f}_p + \norm{g}_p) + ( \int\abs{f+g}^p )^{1 - 1/p} \\ &= (\norm{f}_p + \norm{g}_p) + ( \int\abs{f+g}^p )^{1/q} ,\end{align*} and taking $p$th roots yields the result. (?? Revisit) $\qed$ > Note: For $1\leq p \leq \infty$, $L^p$ is a Banach space. > AM-GM: $\sqrt{ab} \leq \frac{a+b}{2}$. *Proof of Holder:* We'll use the following key fact: $$ a^\lambda b^{1-\lambda} \leq \lambda a + (1-\lambda)b $$ with equality iff $a=b$. This can be verified by the first derivative test. **Important simplfication:** we can assume that $\norm{f}_p = \norm{g}_q = 1$, since $$ \norm{fg}_1 \leq \norm{f}_p \norm{f}_q \iff \int \frac{\abs{f}}{\norm{f}_p} \frac{\abs{g}}{\norm{g}_q} .$$ Applying the key fact, we can choose $\lambda = \frac 1 p, a =\abs{f}^p, b = \abs{g}^q$. We then obtain $$ \int \abs{f} \abs{g} \leq \int \frac{\abs{f}^p}{p} \frac{\abs{g}^q}{q} = \frac 1 p + \frac 1 q = 1. $$ $\qed$ ## Dual of $L^p$ Given $g\in L^q$, define an operation \begin{align*} \Lambda_g(f): L^p \to \CC \\ f \mapsto \int f g .\end{align*} Note that this makes sense by Holder's inequality, i.e. $fg$ is integrable. This defines a linear functional on $L^p$, which is continuous by Holder, since we have $$ \abs{\Lambda_g(f)} \leq \norm{g}_q \norm{f}_p $$ where $\norm{g}_q$ is a constant that works for all $f \in L^p$. > Recall: linear functionals are continuous iff bounded. We have $$ \norm{\Lambda_g}_{(L^p)\dual} \definedas \sup_{\norm{f}_p = 1} \abs{\int fg} \leq \norm{g}_q .$$ > In fact, we have equality here for every $g\in L^q$. This is sometimes referred to as the converse of Holder. Thus the map $g \mapsto \Lambda_g$ is an *isometric* map $L^q \injects (L^p)\dual$ for $1 \leq p,q \leq \infty$. By Riesz representation, it turns out that this is a surjection as well for $p\neq \infty$. **Big Fact**: This breaks for $p=\infty$, but for $1 \leq p < \infty$, this mapping is surjective. ## Riesz Representation **Theorem (Riesz Representation):** Suppose $1\leq p < \infty$ and let $q$ be its conjugate exponent, and let $X\subseteq \RR^n$ be measurable. Given any $\Lambda \in (L^p(X))\dual$, there exists a unique $g\in L^q(X)$ such that for all $f\in L^p(X)$, we have $$ \Lambda(f) = \int_X fg \quad \text{ and } \quad \norm{\Lambda}_{(L^p(X))\dual} = \norm{g}_{L^q(X)} .$$ **Summary:** - If $1\leq p < \infty$, we have $(L^p)\dual = L^q$. - $(L^\infty)\dual \supset L^1$, since the isometric mapping is always injective, but *never* surjective, so this containment is always proper (requires Hahn-Banach Theorem). > For qual, supposed to know this for $p=1$. $p=2$ case is easy by Riesz Representation for Hilbert spaces. *Proof (in the special case where $1\leq p < 2$ and $m(X) < \infty$):* We'll use the fact that we know this for $p=2$ already. Let $\Lambda \in (L^p)\dual$, then we know $$ \abs{\Lambda(f)} \leq \norm{\Lambda}_{(L^p)\dual} \norm{f}_p ,$$ since $\norm{\Lambda}$ is the *best* upper bound. > Note: in general, there are no inclusions between $L_p, L_q$, but restricting to a compact set changes this fact. Example from homework: $$ L^2(X) \subseteq L^1(X) \text{ for } m(X) < \infty .$$ > This follows from $$\norm{f}_1 \leq \norm{f}_2 \norm{1}_2 = m(X)^{1/2} \norm{f} .$$ But this works for $L^2(X) \subseteq L^p(X)$ by taking $$ \norm{f}_p^p = \int \abs{f}^p \leq ( \int \abs{f}^2 )^{p/2} (\int \abs{1}^{?})^{1 - \frac 2 p} $$ by Holder with $\frac 2 p$. So we can write $$ \abs{\Lambda(f)} = \norm{\Lambda} m(X)^{\frac 1 p - \frac 1 2} \norm{f}_2 \quad \forall f\in L^2, $$ which verifies that $\Lambda$ is a continuous linear functional on $L^2$, so $\Lambda \in (L^2)\dual$, and by Riesz Representation, $\exists g \in L^2$ such that $\Lambda(f) = \int fg$ for all $f\in L^2$. This is almost what we want, but we need $g\in L^q$ and $f\in L^p$. We also want to show that $\norm{\Lambda} = \norm{g}_q$. **Claim**: $g\in L^q$ and $\norm{g}_q \leq \norm{\Lambda}$. > Pause on the proof, we'll come back to it! Note that since $L_2 \subseteq L^p$ and both have simple functions as a dense subset, $L^2$ is in fact dense in $L^p$. So let $f \in L^p$ and pick a sequence $f_n \subset L^2$ converging to $f$ in the $L^p$ norm. Then $\Lambda(f_n) \to \Lambda(f)$ by continuity, and since $g\in L^q$, integrating against $g$ is a linear functional $\Lambda_q (f_n)$ on $L^q$ converging to $\int f g$, so $\Lambda(f) = \int fg$. $\qed$ > Definitely need to know: $(L^1)\dual = L^\infty$! *Proof of claim:* Suppose it's not true, so $\norm{g}_\infty > \norm{\Lambda}_{(L^1)\dual}$. Using the fact that $\norm{g}$ is the best lower bound, there must be a positive measure set such that $\abs{g(x)} \geq \norm{\Lambda}$. So there is some set $E = \theset{x \suchthat \abs{g(x) > \norm{\Lambda}}}$ with $m(E) > 0$. Let $$ h = \frac{\overline{g}}{\abs{g}} \frac{\chi_E}{m(E)} .$$ > Note: useful technique! Then $h\in L^2$ and $\norm{h} = 1$. Then $$ \Lambda(h) = \frac{1}{m(E)} \int_E \abs{g} \geq \norm{\Lambda} O(1) ,$$ which is a contradiction.