# Regular Functions (Thursday, September 17) > See chapter 3 in the notes. We'll next want to attach certain rings of functions to a space. :::{.example title="Some examples of regular functions"} \envlist - $X$ a manifold or an open set in $\RR^n$ has a ring of $C^\infty$ functions. - $X \subset \CC$ has a ring of holomorphic functions. - $X\subset \RR$ has a ring of real analytic functions These all share a common feature: it suffices to check if a function is a member on an arbitrary open set about a point, i.e. they are **local**. ::: ## Defining Regular Functions :::{.definition title="Regular Functions"} Let $X$ be an affine variety and $U\subseteq X$ open. A **regular function** on $U$ is a function $\phi: U\to k$ such that $\phi$ is "locally a fraction", i.e. a ratio of polynomial functions. More formally, for all $p\in U$ there exists a $U_p$ with $p\in U_p \subseteq U$ such that $\phi(x) = g(x)/ f(x)$ for all $x\in U_p$ with $f, g\in A(X)$. ::: :::{.example} For $X$ an affine variety and $f\in A(X)$, consider the open set $U\da V(f)^c$. Then ${1\over f}$ is a regular function on $U$, so for $p\in U$ we can take $U_p$ to be all of $U$. ::: :::{.example} For $X = \AA^1$, take $f=x-1$. Then ${x\over x-1}$ is a regular function on $\AA^1 \sm\ts{1}$. ::: :::{.example} Let $X + V(x_1 x_4 - x_2 x_3)$ and \[ U \da X\sm V(x_2, x_4) = \ts{\thevector{x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4} \st x_1 x_4 = x_2 x_3, x_2\neq 0 \text{ or } x_4\neq 0 } .\] Define \[ \phi: U &\to K \\ \thevector{x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4} &\mapsto \begin{cases} {x_1\over x_2} & \text{if } x_2 \neq 0 \\ {x_3\over x_4} & \text{if } x_4 \neq 0 \end{cases} .\] This is well-defined on $\ts{x_2\neq 0} \intersect \ts{x_4 \neq 0}$, since ${x_1\over x_2} = {x_3 \over x_4}$. Note that this doesn't define an element of $k$ at $\thevector{0,0,0,1}\in U$. So this is not globally a fraction. ::: Notation: we'll let $\OO_X(U)$ is the ring of regular function on $U$. :::{.proposition title="?"} Let $U\subset X$ be an affine variety and $\phi \in \OO_X(U)$. Then $V(\phi) \da \ts{x\in U \st \phi(x) = 0}$ is closed in the subspace topology on $U$. ::: :::{.proof} For all $a\in U$ there exists $U_a\subset U$ such that $\phi = g_a/f_a$ on $U_a$ with $f_a, g_a \in A(X)$ with $f_a \neq 0$ on $U_a$. Then \[ \ts{x\in U_a \st \phi(x) \neq 0} = U_a \sm V(g_a)\intersect U_a \] is an open subset of $U_a$, so taking the union over $a$ again yields an open set. But this is precisely $V(\phi)^c$. ::: :::{.proposition} Let $U\subset V$ be open in $X$ an *irreducible* affine variety. If $\phi_1, \phi_2 \in \OO_X(V)$ agree on $U$, then they are equal. ::: :::{.proof} $V(\phi_1 - \phi_2)$ contains $U$ and is closed in $V$. It contains $\bar U\intersect V$, by an earlier lemma, $X$ irreducible implies that $\bar U = X$ and so $V(\phi_1 - \phi_2) =V$. ::: :::{.question} Let $U\subset V \subset \RR^n$ be open. If $\phi_1, \phi_2 \in C^\infty(V)$ such that $\phi_1, \phi_2$ are equal when restricted $U\subset V$. Does this imply $\phi_1 = \phi_2$? ::: :::{.answer} For $\RR^n$, no, there exist smooth bump functions. You can make a bump function on $V\setminus U$ and extend by zero to $U$. For $\CC$ and holomorphic functions, the answer is yes, by the uniqueness of analytic continuation. ::: ## Distinguished Open Sets :::{.definition title="(Important) Distinguished Open Sets"} A **distinguished open set** in an affine variety is one of the form \[ D(f) \da X\sm V(f) = \ts{x\in X \st f(x) \neq 0} .\] ::: :::{.proposition} The distinguished open sets form a base of the Zariski topology. ::: :::{.proof} Given $f, g\in A(X)$, we can check: 1. Closed under finite intersections: $D(f) \intersect D(g) = D(fg)$. 2. \[U = X\sm V(f_1, \cdots, f_k) = V\sm \bigcap V(f_i) = \bigcup D(f_i),\] and any open set is a *finite* union of distinguished opens by the Hilbert basis theorem. ::: :::{.proposition title="?"} The regular functions on $D(f)$ are given by \[ \OO_X(D(f)) = \ts{{ g \over f^n} \st g\in A(X), n\in \NN} = A(X)_{\gens{f}} ,\] the localization of $A(X)$ at $\gens{f}$. ::: Note that if $f=1$, then $\OO_X(X) = A(X)$. :::{.proposition title="?"} Note that ${g\over f^n} \in \OO_X(D(f))$ since $f^n\neq 0$ on $D(f)$. Let $\phi: D(f) \to k$ be a regular function. By definition, for all $a\in D(f)$ there exists a local representation as a fraction $\phi = g_a/f_a$ on $U_a\ni a$. Note that $U_a$ can be covered by distinguished opens, one of which contains $a$. Shrink $U_a$ if necessary to assume it is a distinguished open set $U_a = D(h_a)$. \ Now replace \[ \phi = {g_a \over f_a} = {g_a h_a \over f_a h_a} ,\] which makes sense because $h_a\neq 0$ on $U_a$. We can assume wlog that $h_a = f_a$. Why? We have $\phi = {g_a \over f_a}$ on $D(f_a)$. Since $f_a$ doesn't vanish on $U_a$, we have $V(f_a h_a) = V(h_a)$ since $V(f_a) \subset D(h_a)^c = V(h_a)$. Consider $U_a = D(f_a)$ and $U_b = D(f_b)$, on which $\phi = {g_a\over f_a}$ and $\phi = {g_b \over f_b}$ respectively. On $U_a\intersect U_b = D(f_a f_b)$, these are equal, i.e. $f_b g_a = f_a g_b$ in the coordinate ring $A(X)$. \ Then $D(f) = \bigcup_a D(f_a)$, so take the component $V(f) = \intersect V(f_a)$ by the Nullstellensatz $f\in I(V(f_a)) = I(V(g_a, a\in D_f)) = \sqrt{f_a \st a\in D_f}$. Then there exists an expression $f^n = \sum k_a f_a$ as a finite sum, so set $g - \sum g_a k_a$. :::{.claim} $\phi = g/f^n$ on $D(f)$. ::: This follows because on $D(f_b)$, we have $\phi = {g_b \over f_b}$, and so $gf_b = \sum k_a g_a f_b$. > Finish next class :::