# Sheafifying (Tuesday, September 29) ## Presheaves That Are Not Sheaves Recall the definition of a presheaf: a sheaf of rings on a space is a contravariant functor from its category of open sets to ring, such that 1. $F(\emptyset) = 0$ 2. The restriction from $U$ to itself is the identity, 3. Restrictions compose. :::{.example title="?"} \envlist - Smooth functions on $\RR^n$ - Holomorphic functions on $\CC$ ::: Recall the definition of sheaf: a presheaf satisfying *unique* gluing: given $f_i \in \mathcal{F}(U_i)$, such that $\restrictionof{f_i}{U_i \intersect U_j} = \restrictionof{f_j}{U_i\intersect U_j}$ implies that there exists a unique $f\in \mathcal{F}(\union U_i)$ such that $\restrictionof{f}{U_i} = f_i$. :::{.question} Are the constant functions on $\RR$ a presheaf and/or a sheaf? ::: :::{.answer} This is a presheaf but not a sheaf. Set $\mathcal{F}(U) = \ts{f: U\to \RR \st f(x) = c} \cong \RR$ with $\mathcal{F}(\emptyset) = 0$. Can check that restrictions of constant functions are constant, the composition of restrictions is the overall restriction, and restriction from $U$ to itself gives the function back. Given constant functions $f_i \in \mathcal{F}(U_i)$, does there exist a unique constant function $\mathcal{F}(\union U_i)$ restricting to them? No: take $f_1 = 1$ on $(0, 1)$ and $f_2 = 2$ on $(2, 3)$. Can check that they both restrict to the zero function on the intersection, since these sets are disjoint. ::: ## Locally Constant Sheaves How can we make this into a sheaf? One way: weaken the topology. Another way: define another presheaf $\mathcal{G}$ on $\RR$ given by *locally* constant function, i.e. $\ts{f: U\to \RR \st \forall p\in U, \exists U_p\ni p,\, \ro{f}{U_p} \text{ is constant}}$. Reminiscent of definition of regular functions in terms of local properties. :::{.example} Let $X = \ts{p, q}$ be a two-point space with the discrete topology, i.e. every subset is open. Then define a sheaf by \[ \emptyset &\mapsto 0 \\ \ts{p} &\mapsto R \\ \ts{q} &\mapsto S \\ \implies \ts{p, q} &\mapsto R\cross S ,\] where the sheaf condition forces the assignment of the whole space to be the product. Note that the first 3 assignments are automatically compatible, which means that we need a unique $f\in \mathcal{F}(X)$ restricting to $R$ and $S$. In other words, $\mathcal{F}(X)$ needs to be unique and have maps to $R, S$, but this is exactly the universal property of the product. ::: :::{.example} Consider the presheaf on $X$ given by $\mathcal{F}(X) = R\cross S \cross T$. Taking $T = \ZZ/2\ZZ$, we can force uniqueness to fail: by projecting to $R, S$, there are two elements in the fiber, namely $(r,s,0)\mapsto r,s$ and $(r,s,1)\mapsto r,s$. ::: :::{.example} Let $X = \ts{a, b, c}$ and $\tau = \ts{\emptyset, \ts{a}, \ts{a, b}, \ts{a, c}}$. Can check that it's closed under finite intersections and arbitrary unions, so this forms a topology. Now make the assignments \[ \ts{a} & \mapsto A \\ \ts{b} & \mapsto B \\ \ts{a, b} & \mapsto C \\ X & \mapsto ? .\] We have a situation like the following: \begin{tikzcd} & \mathcal{F}(X)\ar[ld]\ar[rd] & \\ B\ar[rd] & & C\ar[ld] \\ & A\ar[d] & \\ & \emptyset & \end{tikzcd} Unique gluing says that given $r\in B, s\in C$ such that $\phi_B(r) = \phi_C(s)$, there should exist a unique $t\in \mathcal{F}(X)$ such that $\ro{t}{\ts{a, b}} = r$ and $\ro{t}{\ts{a, c}} = s$. This recovers exactly the fiber product. \[ B \cross_A C \da \ts{(r, s) \in B\cross C \st \phi_B(r) = \phi_C(s) \in A} .\] ::: ## The Structure Sheaf is a Sheaf :::{.example} Let $X$ be an affine variety with the Zariski topology and let $\mathcal{F} \da \OO_X$ be the sheaf of regular functions: \[ \OO_X(U) \da \ts{f: U\to k \st \forall p\in U,\, \exists U_p \ni p,\,\, \ro{f}{U_p} ={g_p \over h_p} } .\] Is this a presheaf? We can check that there are restriction maps: \[ \OO_X(U) &\to \OO_X(V) \\ \ts{f: U\to K} &\mapsto \ts{\ro{f}{V}(x) \da f(x) \text{ for } x \in V } .\] This makes sense because if $V\subset U$, any $x\in V$ is in the domain of $f$. Given that $f$ is locally a fraction, say $\rho = g_p / h_p$ on $U_p \ni p$, is $\ro{\phi}{V}$ locally a fraction? Yes: for all $p\in V\subset U$, $\phi = g_p / f_p$ on $U_p$ and this remains true on $U_p \intersect V$. To check that $\OO_X$ is a sheaf, given a set of regular functions $\ts{\phi_i: U_i \to k}$ agreeing on intersections, define \[ \phi: \union U_i &\to k\\ \phi(x) &\da \phi_i(x) \text{ if }x\in U_i .\] This is well-defined, since if $x\in U_i \intersect U_j$, $\phi_i(x) = \phi_j(x)$ since both restrict to the same function on $U_i \intersect U_j$ by assumption. Why is $\phi$ locally a fraction? We need to check that for all $p\in U \da \union U_i$ there exists a $U_p \ni p$ with $\ro{\phi}{U_p} = g_p/h_p$. But any $p\in \union U_i$ implies $p\in U_i$ for some $i$. Then there exists an open set $U_{i, p} \ni p$ in $U_i$ such that $\ro{\phi}{U_{i, p}} = g_p / h_p$ by definition of a regular function. So take $U_p = U_{i, p}$ and use the fact that $\ro{\phi}{U_i} = \phi_i$ along with compatibility of restriction. ::: :::{.remark} General observation: any presheaf of functions is a sheaf when the functions are defined by a local property, i..e any property that can be checked at $p$ by considering an open set $U_p \ni p$. As in the examples of smooth or holomorphic functions, these were local properties. E.g. checking that a function is smooth involves checking on an open set around each point. On the other hand, being a constant function is not a local property. ::: ## Restriction, Stalks, Sections :::{.definition title="Restriction of a (Pre)sheaf"} Given a sheaf $\mathcal{F}$ on $X$ and an open set $U\subset X$, we can define a sheaf $\ro{\mathcal{F}}{U}$ on $U$ (with the subspace topology) by defining $\ro{\mathcal{F}}{U}(V) \da \mathcal{F}(V)$ for $U\subseteq V$. ::: :::{.definition title="Stalks"} Let $\mathcal{F}$ be a sheaf on $X$ and $p\in X$ a point. The *stalk* of $\mathcal{F}$ at $p$, denoted $\mathcal{F}_p$ for $p\in U$, is defined by \[ \mathcal{F}_p \da \ts{(U, \phi) \st \phi \in \mathcal{F}(U) } / \sim \] where $(U, \phi) \sim (V, \phi')$ iff there exists a $W\subset U\intersect V$ and $p\in W$ such that $\ro{\phi}{W} = \ro{\phi}{W}'$. ::: :::{.example} What is the stalk of $\Hol(\CC)$ at $p=0$? Examples of equivalent elements in this stalk: ![O](figures/image_2020-09-29-10-38-22.png) In this case \[ \Hol(\CC)_0 = \ts{\phi = \sum_{i>0}c_i z^i \st \phi \text{ has a positive radius of convergence}} .\] ::: :::{.definition title="Sections and Germs"} An element $f\in \mathcal{F}(U)$ is called a *section* over $U$, and elements of the stalk $f\in \mathcal{F}_p$ are called *germs* at $p$. :::