# Projective Closures (Thursday, November 12) Recall that if $f\in \kx{n}$ is a homogeneous degree $d$ polynomial, then \[ f^i \da f(1, x_1, \cdots, x_n) \in k[x_1,\cdots, x_n] \] is the dehomogenization of $f$. Conversely, \[ f^h \da x_0^d f\qty{ {x_1 \over x_0}, \cdots, {x_n \over x_0} } \] is the homogenization. This is related to looking at the open subset $U_0 \da \ts{ x\in \PP^n_{/k} \st x_0\neq 0} \subseteq \PP^n_{/k}$, where we found that $U_0 \cong \AA^n_{/k}$. :::{.proposition title="Projective Closure"} Let $V(I) \subset U_0$ be an affine variety, then $V(I) \subset \PP^n_{/k}$ is given by \[ V(I^h) \da \ts{f^h \st f\in I} ,\] the **projective closure**. ::: :::{.remark} Projective varieties are better! They're closed in the classical topology, and subsets of projective space and thus compact. ::: :::{.warnings title="It doesn't suffice to just homogenize the individual generators of an ideal $I$"} Take $J \da \gens{x_1, x_2 - x_1^2}$. We have $V(J) \subset \AA^2$ given by $\ts{(0, 0)}$, and by the proposition, $V(J^h) = \ts{[1:0:0]}$ since the single point at the origin is closed in $\PP^2$. On the other hand, \[ V_p(x_1, x_0 x_2 - x_1^2) = \ts{[1:0:0], [0:0:1]} \subset \PP^2 .\] Note that $x_2 \in J$, so this needs to be homogenized too.[^grobner_basis] [^grobner_basis]: It is possible to get around this issue computationally by using Gröbner bases, a special type of generating set for ideals. ::: :::{.remark} An aside: how do you implement algebraic geometry? For example, when is $\gens{f_i} = \gens{1}$? This is generally a somewhat difficult problem, since checking that their corresponding varieties are equal isn't so tractable. ::: ## Chapter ? Goal: understand and define the sheaf of regular functions on projective varieties. Given an open subset $U\subset V_p(J)$, what are the regular functions on it? :::{.definition title="Regular Functions on Projective Varieties"} Let $U\subset X$ be an open subset of a projective variety, and define \[ \OO_X(U) \da \ts{\phi:U\to k \st \phi \text{ is locally of the form } {g_p \over f_p} \in S(X)_d } .\] i.e. the functions in the homogeneous coordinate ring of the same degree $d$. ::: :::{.remark} Note that $g_p/f_p$ is well-defined on $V(f_p)^c$ since \[ { g_p(\lambda \vector x) \over f_p(\lambda \vector x)} = { \lambda^d g_p(\vector x) \over \lambda^d f_p(\vector x) } = {g_p(\vector x) \over f_p (\vector x)} \] ::: Recall that "locally of the form $\cdots$" means that for all $p\in U$, there exists an open neighborhood $U_p$ on which $\ro{\phi}{U_p} = g_p / f_p$. :::{.definition title="Projective Variety as a Ringed Space"} Note that if $X\subset \PP^n$ is closed, then $X\intersect U_i$ is closed and thus an affine variety. \[ \tilde \OO_X(U) \da \ts{\phi: U\to k \st \ro{\phi}{U\intersect U_i} \text{ is a regular function} } .\] ::: :::{.proposition title="?"} These two definitions are equivalent. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} It suffices to check that $\OO_{X\intersect U_i} = \tilde \OO_{X\intersect U_i}$ as sheaves on $X\intersect U_i$, i.e. checking on an open cover, since then they'd both arise from the gluing construction. We have \[ X\intersect U_i = \ts{[x_0 : \cdots: x_n] \st x_i \neq 0 } .\] Let $V\subset X\intersect U_0$ be an open subset, we then want to show that $\OO_X(V)$ are the regular functions on $V$ when $V$ as a subset of an affine variety. So let $\phi\in \OO_X(V)$, so that locally $\phi = g_p/f_p \in S(X)_d$ as a ratio of two homogeneous polynomials. We want to know if $\phi$ can be written as the ratio of two polynomials in one additional variable, so we just dehomogenize to obtain $\phi = g^i_p / f^i_p$ locally where both are in $A(X\intersect U_0)$. So $\phi$ is a regular function on the open subset $V$ of the affine variety $X\intersect U_0$. \ Conversely, suppose that $\phi = g_p/f_p \in A(X\intersect X_0)$ locally around $p$. It's not necessarily the case that $\phi = g^h_p / f^h_p$, but it is true that \[ \phi = {x_0^d g_p^h \over f_p^h} = {g_p^h \over x_0^{-d} f_p^h} ,\] where $d = \deg f^h - \deg g^h$. This is locally a ratio of two homogeneous polynomials of equal degree, so $\OO_X$ and $\tilde \OO_X$ define the same sheaf of functions on $X$. ::: ## Morphisms of Projective Varieties :::{.lemma title="?"} Let $X$ be a projective variety and $f_0, \cdots, f_m \in S(X)_d$. Then on the open subset $X\sm V(f_i)$, there is a morphism \[ f: U &\to \PP^m \\ p &\mapsto \tv{f_0(p) : \cdots : f_m(p) } .\] ::: :::{.proof title="?"} This map is well-defined, since letting $p = [x_0: \cdots : x_n]$ we have \[ [\lambda x_0 : \cdots : \lambda x_n] &\mapsto [ \lambda^d f_0(p) : \cdots : \lambda^d f_m(p)] = f(p) .\] We need to check that 1. $f$ is continuous, and 2. The pullback of a regular function on any open set is again regular. :::{.claim } $f$ is continuous. ::: Consider $f^{-1}(V(h))$ with $h\in k[y_0, \cdots, y_m]$ homogeneous. We can check that \[ f^{-1}(V_p(h)) = V_p(h(f_0, \cdots, f_m)) ,\] which is closed, so $f$ is continuous. :::{.claim} $f$ pulls back regular functions. ::: Let $h_1, h_2 \in S(\PP^m)$ be homogeneous polynomials of equal degree in $k[y_0, \cdots, y_m]$. Then on $V(h_2)^c$, we have \[ f^*\qty{h_1 \over h_2 } = {h_1(f_0, \cdots, f_m) \over h_2(f_0, \cdots, f_m)} .\] This is a ratio of homogeneous polynomials of equal degree in the $x_i$, the pullback is again locally homogeneous ratios of functions of equal degree. :::