# Projections and Embeddings (Tuesday, November 17) ## Projecting From a Point We have $\PP^n \da \AA^{n+1}\smz / \sim$ where $x\sim \lambda x$, and projective varieties $V(I) \subset \PP^n$ where $I \normal k[x_0, \cdots, x_n]$ is a homogeneous ideal. We defined a sheaf of rings $\OO_X$ on $X = V(I)$ by \[ \OO_X(U) \da \ts{\phi: U\to k \st \phi \text{ is locally a ratio of two homogeneous polynomials of equal degree}} .\] We showed that this was the same as the sheaf $\tilde \OO_X$ defined by gluing ringed spaced $(X \intersect U_i, \OO_{X\intersect U_i})$ where $U_i = D(x_i)$. We also showed that $S(X) \da k[x_0, \cdots, x_n] / I(X)$ is homogeneous, i.e. the quotient by a homogeneous ideal is again homogeneous. Moreover, if $\ts{f_i}_{i=0}^m \subseteq S(X)_d$ and $V(\ts{f_i}) = \emptyset$. then the map \[ (f_0, \cdots, f_m): X &\to \PP^m \\ x &\mapsto [f_0(x), \cdots, f_m(x)] .\] Recall that a variety is separated iff $\Delta \injects X$ is closed. Let $A\in \GL_{n+1}(k)$ and define a map \[ A: \PP^n &\to \PP^n \\ \begin{bmatrix} x_0 \\ \vdots \\ x_n \end{bmatrix} &\mapsto A \begin{bmatrix} x_0 \\ \vdots \\ x_n \end{bmatrix} .\] This is a morphism because \[ \begin{bmatrix} - & \vec A_0 & - \\ - & \vdots & - \\ - & \vec A_n & - \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x_0 \\ \vdots \\ x_n \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} A_0 \cdot \vector x \\ \vdots \\ A_n \cdots \vector x \end{bmatrix} ,\] which are linear homogeneous polynomials. Then $V_p(A_i \cdot \vector x) = \emptyset$, and thus $V_a(A_i \cdot \vector A) = \ts{0}$. So we should view $A\in \PGL_{n+1}(k)$. Note that this is a group, since $A^{-1}$ again forms a morphism. Thus $\PGL_{n+1}(k) \subset \Aut(\PP^n)$, and it turns out that these are in fact equal. :::{.definition title="Projection from a point"} Let $a = [1: 0 : \cdots : 0] \in \PP^n$, then there is a morphism \[ \PP^n \sm\ts{a} &\to \PP^{n-1} \\ [x_0: \cdots : x_n] &\mapsto [x_1: \cdots : x_n] .\] Note that this morphism does not extend to $\PP^n$. More generally, given any point $p\in \PP^n$, we can project from it by making a linear change of coordinates to $p = [1: 0 : \cdots : 0]$. ::: Let $x\in \PP^n\sm\ts{a}$, then there is a unique line through $a$ and $x$. It can be described parametrically as follows: writing $x = [x_0: \cdots : x_n]$, we take the plane they span and projectivize to obtain $s[x_0 : \cdots : x_n] + t [1: 0 : \cdots : 0]$ where we range over $[s: t] \in \PP^1$. In fact, this defines a morphism $\PP^1 \to \PP^n$. Consider now $\PP^{n-1} = V(x_0)$, this copy of $\PP^{n-1}$ intersects any such line at a unique point: ![Copy of $\PP^{n-1}$ intersecting a line.](figures/image_2020-11-17-10-10-32.png){width=550px} :::{.example title="?"} Consider $X = V(x_0 x_2 - x_1^2) \subset \PP^2$, which defines a conic, and the projection $\PP^2 \sm \ts{[1:0:0]} \to \PP^1$: ![Projection from $V(x_0 x_2 - x_1^2)$ onto $V(x_0)$.](figures/image_2020-11-17-10-13-40.png) This morphism can be restricted to $\phi: X\sm\ts{[1:0:0]} \to \PP^2$, and the claim is that this morphism extends to all of $X$. The secant lines approach a tangent line at $[1:0:0]$, which $V(x_0)$ at a unique point. So we define \[ \bar \phi(x) \da \begin{cases} [x_1: x_2] & x \neq [1:0:0] \\ [x_0: x_1] & x \neq [0:0:1] \end{cases} .\] This locally writes $\phi$ as a morphism, so we only need to check that they agree on the overlap. Note that on $X$, we have $[x_1: x_2] = [x_0 : x_1]$ wherever both are well-defined. In fact, $\bar \phi$ is an isomorphism, since an inverse can be explicitly written. Thus $X\cong \PP^1$, and in fact all nondegenerate[^nondegenerate_conic_meaning] conics are isomorphic to $\PP^1$ as well. Note that such a $Q$ is a quadratic form, so $Q(x) = B(x, x)$ for some bilinear form, and $Q$ is nondegenerate iff $\det B \neq 0$ where $B_{ij} = B(e_i, e_j)$. [^nondegenerate_conic_meaning]: Here nondegenerate means that if $Q$ is a quadratic polynomials in $x_0, x_1, x_2$, then $Q$ does not factor as a product of linear factors. ::: ## The Segre Embedding :::{.definition title="Segre Embedding"} Letting $N = (n+1)(m+1) - 1$, the **Segre embedding** is the morphism \[ f: \PP^n \cross \PP^m &\to \PP^N \\ ([x_0: \cdots : x_n], [y_0: \cdots : y_m]) &\mapsto [x_0 y_0 : \cdots : z_{ij} \da x_i y_j : x_n y_m] .\] ::: Note that $\PP^n, \PP^m$ are prevarieties and we thus know how to construct their product as a prevariety. Check that this is well-defined! :::{.proposition title="Properties of the Segre embedding"} \envlist a. The image $X$ is a projective variety. b. $f: \PP^n \cross \PP^m \to X$ is a morphism. ::: :::{.proof title="of (a)"} It suffices to write polynomials in the coordinate $z_{ij}$ that cut out $f(\PP^n \cross \PP^m)$. Given $z_{ij} = x_i y_j$, we have $z_{ij} z_{kl} = z_{il} z_{kj}$ and $(x_i y_j)(x_k y_l) = (x_i y_l)(x_k y_j)$. The former quadric equations in $z_{ij}$ variables vanish on $f(\PP^n \cross \PP^m)$. :::{.claim} $V(z_{ij} z_{kl} - z_{il} z_{kj})$ works. ::: Without loss of generality, we can assume $z_{00} = 1$, in which case $z_{ij} z_{00} = z_{ij} = z_{i0} z_{0j}$ on $X$. Setting $x_i = z_{i0}$ and $y_j = z_{0j}$, we've now constructed a point in the preimage, so $f$ surjects onto $X$. ::: :::{.proof title="of (b)"} That $f$ is a morphism to $\PP^n$ is easy, and since $\im f \subset X$, $f: \PP^n \cross \PP^m \to X$ is a morphism. On $D(z_{00}) \subset X$, the inverse described above is a morphism. Since this works for any $z_{ij}$, $f^{-1}$ is well-defined and a morphism, making $f$ an isomorphism. ::: :::{.example title="of the Segre embedding being isomorphic to a variety"} Take \[ f: \PP^1 \cross \PP^1 &\to \PP^3 \\ \qty{ \tv{x_0: x_1}, \tv{y_0: y_1}} &\mapsto \tv{z_{00} : z_{01} : z_{10} : z_{11} } \da \tv{x_0 y_0: x_0 y_1 : x_1 y_0 : x_1 y_1} .\] Restricting to $\im(f)$ yields an isomorphism to $X \subseteq \PP^3$ given by the quadric[^def:quadric] $X = V(z_{00} z_{11} - z_{10} z_{01} )$. [^def:quadric]: A **quadric** is the vanishing locus of a degree 4 polynomial. :::