# Projective Varieties (Thursday, November 19) ## Why use projective varieties? For e.g. a manifold, there is a well-defined intersection pairing, and the same way that $[\mu] \in H^1(T, \ZZ) = 1$ in the torus, we have $[L]^2 = 1$ in $\PP^2_{/\CC}$, so every two lines intersect in a unique point. Also, Bezout's theorem: any two curves of degrees $d, e$ in projective space intersect in $d\cdot e$ points. Also note that we have a notion of compactness that works in the projective setting but not for affine varieties. ## Projective Varieties are Varieties Last time: we saw the Segre embedding $(\vector x, \vector y)\mapsto [x_i y_j]$, which was an isomorphism onto its image $X = V(z_{ij}z_{kl} - z_{ik} z_{kj} )$, which exhibits $\PP^n \cross \PP^m$ as a projective variety. :::{.example title="?"} For $\PP^1 \cross \PP^1 \to \PP^3$, its image is $X = V_p(xy - zw)$, which is a quadric (vanishing locus of a degree 4 polynomial). ![$\PP^1 \cross \PP^1$ is ruled.](figures/image_2020-11-19-09-45-47.png){width=350px} The projection map has fibers, which induce a **ruling**[^def:ruling] which we can see from the real points: [^def:ruling]: A family of copies of $\PP^1$. ![Its image, a quadric surface, is also ruled.](figures/image_2020-11-19-09-46-38.png){width=350px} ::: :::{.corollary title="?"} Every projective variety is a separated prevariety, and thus a variety. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} It suffices to show that $\Delta_X \subset X\cross X$ is closed. We can write \[ \Delta_{\PP^n} = \ts{ [x_0: \cdots: x_n], [y_0: \cdots : y_n] \st x_i y_j - x_j y_i = 0 \, \forall i, j } .\] This says that $\vector x, \vector y$ differ by scaling. We know that $\Delta_{\PP^n} \injects \PP^n \cross \PP^n$, which is isomorphic to the Segre variety $S_V$ in $\PP^{(n+1)^2 -1}$, and we can write $z_{ij} = x_i y_j$ and thus \[ \Delta_{\PP^n} = S_V \intersect V(z_{ij} - z_{ji}) .\] Note that the Segre variety is closed. The conclusion is that $\PP^n$ is a variety, and any closed subprevariety of a variety is also a variety by taking $\Delta_{\PP^n} \intersect (X\cross X) = \Delta_X$, which is closed as the intersection of two closed subsets. ::: :::{.definition title="Closed Maps"} Recall that a map $f:X\to Y$ is topological spaces is **closed** if whenever $U \subset X$ is closed, then $f(U)$ is closed in $Y$. ::: :::{.definition title="Complete Varieties"} A variety $X$ is **complete** if the projection $\pi_Y: X\cross Y \surjects Y$ is a closed map for any $Y$. ::: :::{.slogan} Completeness is the analog of compactness for varieties. ::: :::{.proposition title="Projection maps from products of projective spaces are closed."} The projection $\PP^n \cross \PP^m \to \PP^m$ is closed. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} Let $Z \subset \PP^n \cross \PP^m$, and write $Z = V(f_i)$ with $f_i \in S(S_V)$. Note that if the $f_i$ are homogeneous of degree $d$ in $z_{ij}$, the pulling back only the isomorphism $\PP^n\cross \PP^m \to S_V$ yields $z_{ij} = x_i y_j$ and polynomials $h_i$ which are homogeneous polynomials in $x_i, y_j$ which have degree $d$ in both the $x$ and $y$ variables individually. Consider $a\in \PP^m$, we want to determine if $a\in \pi(Z)$ and show that this is a closed condition. Note that $a\not\in \pi(Z)$ - $\iff$ there does not exists an $x\in \PP^n$ such that $(x, a) \in Z$ - $\iff$ $V_p(f_i(x, a))_{i=1}^r = \emptyset$ - $\iff$ $\sqrt{\gens{f_i(x, a)}_{i=1}^r } = \gens{1}$ or the irrelevant ideal $I_0$ - $\iff$ there exist $k_i \in \NN$ such that $x_i^{k_i} \in \gens{f_i(x, a)}_{i=1}^r$ - $\iff$ $\kx{n}_k \subset \gens{f_i(x, a)}_{i=1}^r$ (where this is the degree $k$ part) - $\iff$ the map \[ \Phi_a: \kx{n}_{d - \deg f_2} \oplus \cdots \oplus \kx{n}_{d - \deg f_r} &\to \kx{n}_d \\ (g_1, \cdots, g_r) &\mapsto \sum f_i(x, a) g_i (x, a) \] is surjective. Recap: we have a closed subset of $\PP^n \cross \PP^m$, want to know its projection is closed. We looked at points not in the closed set, this happens iff the degree $d$ part of the polynomial is not contained in the part where we evaluate by $a$. This reduces to a linear algebra condition: taking arbitrary linear combinations yields a surjective map. Thus $a\in \pi(Z)$ iff $\Phi_a$ is *not* surjective. \ Expanding in a basis, we can write $\Phi_a$ as a matrix whose entries are homogeneous polynomials in the coordinates of $a$. Moreover, $\Phi_a$ is not surjective iff all $d\times d$ determinants of $\Phi_a$ are nonzero (since this may not be square). This is a polynomial condition, so $a\in \pi(Z)$ iff a bunch of homogeneous polynomials vanish, making $\pi(Z)$ is closed. ::: :::{.corollary title="$\PP^n$ is complete."} The projection $\pi: \PP^n\cross Y\to Y$ is closed for any variety $Y$ and thus $\PP^n$ is complete. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} How to prove anything for varieties: use the fact that they're glued from affine varieties, so prove in that special case. So first suppose $Y$ is affine. Let $Z \subset \PP^n \cross Y$ be closed, and consider $\bar Y ss \PP^m$ and \[ \bar Z \subset\PP^n \cross \bar Y \subset\PP^n \cross \PP^m \] as a closed subset. Then we know that the projection $\pi: \PP^n \cross \PP^m \to \PP^m$ is closed, so $\pi(\bar Z) \subset\PP^m$ is closed. But we can write \[ \pi(Z) = \pi(\bar Z \intersect \PP^n \cross Y) = \pi(\bar Z) \intersect Y \] which is closed. So $\pi(Z)$ is closed in $Y$, which proves this for affine varieties. \ Supposing now that $Y$ is instead glued from affines, it suffices to check that the set is closed in an open cover. So $Z \subset X$ is closed if when we let $X = \union U_i$, we can show $Z \intersect U_i$ is closed. But this essentially follows from above. ::: :::{.corollary title="Projective varieties are complete."} Any projective variety is complete. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} If $X \subset \PP^n$ is closed and if $\PP^n \cross Y\to Y$ is a closed map for all $Y$, then restricting to $X\cross Y\to Y$ again yields a closed map. ::: :::{.corollary title="Images of varieties under morphisms are closed."} Let $f:X\to Y$ be a morphism of (importantly) *varieties* and suppose $X$ is complete. Then $f(X)$ is closed in $Y$. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} Consider the graph of $f$, \[ \Gamma_f = \ts{(x, f(x))} \subset X\cross Y \] From a previous proof, we know $\Gamma_f$ is closed when $Y$ is a variety (by pulling back a diagonal). So $\Gamma_f$ is closed in $X\cross Y$, and thus $\pi_Y(\Gamma_f) = f(X)$ is closed because $X$ is complete. ::: The next result is an analog of the maximum modulus principle: if $X$ is a compact complex manifold, then any function that is holomorphic on all of $X$ is constant. :::{.corollary title="Maximum modulus principle for varieties"} Let $X$ be complete, then $\OO_X(X) = k$, i.e. every global regular function is constant. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} Suppose $\phi X\to \AA^1$ is a regular function. Since $\AA^1 \subset \PP^1$, extend $\phi$ to a morphism $\hat \phi: X\to PP^1$. By a previous corollary, $\phi(X)$ is closed, but $\infty \not\in \phi(X)$ implies $\phi(X) \neq \PP^2$, so $\phi(X)$ is finite. Since $X$ is connected, $\phi(X)$ is a point, making $\phi$ a constant map. :::