# Smoothness (Thursday, December 03) We showed last time that if $X$ is an affine variety, then $T_p X = V\qty{f_1 \st f\in I(X)}$ for $p = \vector 0 \in \AA^n$, and we showed this is naturally isomorphic to $\qty{\mathfrak{m}_p /\mathfrak{m}_p^2}$. Then there was a claim that generalizing this definition to an arbitrary variety $X$ involved taking $\mathfrak{n}_p \leq \OO_{X, p}$, a maximal ideal in this local ring of germs of regular functions, given by $\ts{(U, \phi) \st p\in U, \, \phi\in \OO_{X}(U)}$. In this case, $T_p = \qty{\mathfrak{n}_p/\mathfrak{n}_p^2}$. To prove this, it suffices to show that $\mathfrak{m}_p/\mathfrak{m}_p^2 \cong \mathfrak{n}_p/\mathfrak{n}_p^2$. Note that for any affine open $U_i \ni p$, we have $\OO_{X, p} = \OO_{U_i, p}$. When $X$ is affine, we have $\OO_{X, p} = A(X)_{\mathfrak{m}_p} \da \ts{f/g \st f\in A(X), g\not\in \mathfrak{m}_p}/\sim$. Note that this localization makes sense, since the complement of a maximal ideal is multiplicatively closed since it is prime. The equivalence relation was $f/g = f'/g'$ if there exists an $s\not\in \mathfrak{m}_p$ such that $s(fg' - f'g) = 0$. We want to show that $\mathfrak{m}_p / \mathfrak{m}_p^2 = \mathfrak{m}_p A(X)_{\mathfrak{m_p}} / \mathfrak{m}_p A(X)_{\mathfrak{m_p}}^2$, i.e. this doesn't change when we localize. In other words, we want to show that $\mfm_p / \mfm_p^2 \cong S^{-1} \mfm_[ / (S^{-1} \mfm_p)^2$. Let $f\in S$ so $f(p) \neq 0$. Then $\bar f\in A(X) / \mathfrak{m}_p \cong K$ is a nonzero element in a field and thus invertible. Thus $c\da 1/\bar f$ is an element of $K\units$, and for all $g\in \mathfrak{m}_p$ we have $g/f \cong cg$ in $\mathfrak{m}_p / \mathfrak{m}_p^2$. So multiplying by elements of $S$ is invertible in $\mathfrak{m}_p / \mathfrak{m}_p^2$. Thus $S^{-1} \qty{\mathfrak{m}_p / \mathfrak{m}_p^2} \cong \mathfrak{m}_p / \mathfrak{m}_p^2$, where the LHS is isomorphic to $S^{-1} \mathfrak{m}_p / \qty{S\inv \mathfrak{m}_p^2}$. ## Defining Smoothness :::{.definition title="Smooth/Regular Varieties"} A connected variety $X$ is **smooth** (or **regular**) if $\dim T_p X = \dim X$ for all $p\in X$. More generally, an arbitrary (potentially disconnected) variety is smooth if every connected component is smooth. ::: :::{.example title="?"} $\AA^n$ is smooth since $T_p \AA^n = k^n$ for all points $p$, which has dimension $n$. ::: :::{.example title="?"} $\AA^n \disjoint \AA^{n-1}$ is also smooth since each connected component is smooth. ::: :::{.definition title="Singular Varieties"} A variety that is not smooth is **singular** at $p$ if $\dim T_p X \neq \dim X$. ::: :::{.fact} $\dim T_p X\geq \dim X$ for $X$ equidimensional, i.e. every component has the same dimension. This rules out counterexamples like the following in $\AA^3$: ![Union of Plane and Axis](figures/image_2020-12-03-10-05-17.png){width=350px} ::: :::{.example title="?"} Consider $X\da V(y^2 - x^3) \subset \AA^2$: ![$V(y^2 - x^2)$](figures/image_2020-12-03-10-07-39.png){width=350px} Note that $\dim T_0 X = 2$ is easy to see since it's equal to $V\qty{f_1 \st f\in \gens{y^2 - x^3}} = V(0) = k^2$. Thus $p\neq 0$ are smooth points and $p=0$ is the unique singular point. So $X$ is not smooth, but $X\smz$ is. ::: :::{.definition title="Regular Ring"} A local ring $R$ over a field $k$ is **regular** iff $\dim_k \mathfrak{m}/\mathfrak{m}^2 = \dim R$, the length of the longest chain of prime ideals. Note that we'll add the additional assumption that $R/\mathfrak{m} \cong k$. ::: :::{.remark} A variety $X$ is thus smooth iff $\dim_k \mathfrak{m}_p / \mathfrak{m}_p^2 = \dim_p X = \dim \OO_{X, p}$. ::: :::{.theorem title="A hard theorem from commutative algebra (Auslander-Buchsbaum, 1940s)"} A regular local ring is a UFD. ::: :::{.corollary title="?"} Each connected component of a smooth variety is irreducible. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} If a connected component$X$ is not irreducible, then there exists a point $p\in X$ such that $\OO_{X, p}$ is not a domain, and thus a nonzero pair $f, g \in \OO_{X, p}$ such that $fg=0$. These exist by simply taking an indicator function on each component. So $0$ doesn't have a unique factorization. So $\OO_{X, p}$ is not regular, and thus $\dim T_p X > \dim_p X$, which is a contradiction. ::: :::{.remark} How can we check if a variety $X$ is smooth then? Just checking dimensions from the definitions is difficult in general. ::: ## Checking Smoothness :::{.proposition title="Jacobi Criterion"} Let $p\in X$ an affine variety embedded in $\AA^n$, and suppose $I(X) = \gens{f_1, \cdots, f_r}$. Then $X$ is smooth at $p$ $\iff$ the matrix $\qty{\dd{f}{x_j}}\evalfrom_{p}$ has rank $n - \dim X$. ::: :::{.example title="?"} Is $V(x^2 - y^2 - 1) \subset \AA^2$ smooth? We have $I(X) = \gens{f_1} \da \gens{x^2 - y^2 - 1}$, so let $p\in X$. Then consider the matrix \[ \begin{bmatrix} J \da \dd{f}{x} & \dd{f}{y} \\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 2x & -2y \\ \end{bmatrix} .\] We want to show that at any $p\in X$, we have $\rank(J) = 1$. This is true for $p\neq (0, 0)$, but this is not a point in $X$. ::: :::{.example title="?"} Consider $X \da V(y^2 - x^3 + x^2) \subset \AA^2$: ![Image](figures/image_2020-12-03-10-32-44.png){width=350px} Then $I(X) = \gens{y^2 - x^3 + x^2} = \gens{f}$, and \[ J = \begin{bmatrix} 2y & -3x^2 + 2x \\ \end{bmatrix} .\] Then $\rank(J) = 0$ at $p = (0, 0)$, which is a point in $X$, so $X$ is not smooth. ::: :::{.example title="?"} Consider $X\da V(x^2 + y^2, 1+z^3) \subset\AA^3$, then $I(X) = \gens{x^2 + y^2, 1 + z^3} \gens{f, g}$ which is clearly a radical ideal. We then have \[ J = \begin{bmatrix} f_x & f_y & f_z \\ g_x & g_y & g_z \\ \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 2x & 2y & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 3z^2 \end{bmatrix} ,\] and thus \[ \rank(J) = \begin{cases} 0 & x=y=z=0 \\ 1 & x=y=0 \text{ xor } z=0 \\ 2 & \text{else}. \end{cases} \] We can check that $\dim X = 1$ and $\codim_{\AA^3} X = 3-1 = 2$, so a point $(x,y,z) \in X$ is smooth iff $\rank(J) = 2$. The singular locus is where $x=y=0$ and $z= \zeta_6$ is any generator of the 6th roots of unity, i.e. $\zeta_6, \zeta_6^3, \zeta_6^5$, along with the point $0$. Note that $z=0$ is not a point on $X$, since $1+z^3\neq 0$ in this case. Thus the singular locus is $V(x^2 + y^2) = V((x+iy)(x-iy)) \intersect V(1+z^3)$, which results in 3 singular points after intersecting: ![Image](figures/image_2020-12-03-10-42-21.png){width=350px} Note that it doesn't matter that $V(1+z^3)$ was intersected here, as long as it's anything that intersects the $z\dash$axis nontrivially we will still get something singular. :::