# Friday, August 28 ## Representation Theory Review: let $\lieg$ be a semisimple lie algebra $/\CC$. There is a decomposition $\lieg = \lieb^+ \oplus \lien^- = \lien^+ \oplus t\oplus \lien^-$, where $t$ is a torus. We associate $U(\lieg)$ the universal enveloping algebra, and representations of $\lieg$ correspond with representations of $U(\lieg)$. Let $\lambda \in X(T)$ be a weight, then $\lambda$ is a $U(\lieb^+)\dash$module. We can write $Z(\lambda) = U(\lieg) \tensor_{U(\lieb^+)} \lambda$. :::{.remark} There exists a unique maximal submodule of $Z(\lambda)$, say $RZ(\lambda)$ where $Z(\lambda)/RZ(\lambda) \cong L(\lambda)$ is an irreducible representation of $\lieg$. ::: :::{.theorem title="?"} Let $L = L(\lambda)$ be a finite-dimensional irreducible representation for $\lieg$. Then 1. $L \cong Z(\lambda)/RZ(\lambda)$ for some $\lambda$. 2. $\lambda \in X(T)_+$ is a dominant integral weight. ::: ### Induction Let $\lieg$ be an algebraic group $/k$ with $k = \bar{k}$, and let $H \leq G$. Let $M$ be an $H\dash$module, we'll eventually want to produce a $G\dash$modules. Step 1: Make $M$ into a $G\cross H$ where the first component $(g, 1)$ acts trivially on $M$. Taking the coordinate algebra $k[G]$, this is a $(G-G)\dash$bimodule, and thus becomes a $G\cross H\dash$module. Let $f\in k[G]$, so $f:G\to K$, and let $y\in G$. The explicit action is \[ [(g, h) f] (y) \da f(g^{-1} y h) .\] Note that we can identify $H\cong 1\cross H \leq G\cross H$. We can form $(M\tensor_k k[G])^H$, the $H\dash$fixed points. :::{.exercise} Let $N$ be an $A\dash$module and $B\normal A$, then $N^B$ is an $A/B\dash$module. > Hint: the action of $B$ is trivial on $N^B$. > Here $N^B \da \ts{n\in N \st b.n = n\, \forall b\in B}$ ::: :::{.definition title="Induction"} The *induced module* is defined as \[ \ind_H^G(M) \da (M\tensor k[G])^H .\] ::: ### Properties of Induction 1. $(\wait \tensor_k k[G]) = \hom_H(k, \wait \tensor_k k[G])$ is only *left-exact*, i.e. \[ \qty{0\to A\to B\to C\to 0}\mapsto \qty{0\to FA \to FB \to FC \to \cdots} .\] 2. By taking right-derived functors $R^jF$, you can take cohomology. > Note that in this category, we won't have enough projectives, but we will have enough injectives. 3. This functor commutes with direct sums and direct limits. 4. (**Important**) Frobenius Reciprocity: there is an adjoint, *restriction*, satisfying \[ \hom_G(N, \ind_H^G M) = \hom_H(N\downarrow_H, M) .\] 5. (Tensor Identity) If $M\in \Mod(H)$ and additionally $M \in \Mod(G)$, then $\ind_H^G = M \tensor_k \ind_H^G k$. If $V_1, V_2 \in \Mod(G)$ then $V_1 \tensor_k V_2 \in \Mod(G)$ with the action given by $g(v_1\tensor v_2) = gv_1 \tensor gv_2$. 6. Another interpretation: we can write \[ \ind_H^G(M) = \ts{f\in \Hom(G, M_a) \st f(gh) = h^{-1} \cdot f(g) \, \forall g\in G, h\in H} \qquad M_a = M \da \AA^{\dim M} .\] > I.e., equivariant wrt the $H\dash$action. Then $G$ acts on $\ind_H^G M$ by left-translation: $(gf)(y) = f(g^{-1} y)$. 7. There is an evaluation map: \[ \eps: \ind_H^G(M) &\to M \\ f&\mapsto f(1) .\] This is an $H\dash$module morphism. Why? We can check \[ \eps(h.f) &\da (h.f)(a) \\ &= f(h^{-1} ) \\ &= hf(1) \\ &= h(\eps(f)) .\] We can write the isomorphism in Frobenius reciprocity explicitly: \[ \hom_G(N, \ind_H^G M) &\mapsvia{\cong} \hom_H(N, M) \\ \phi & \mapsto \eps \circ \phi .\] 8. Transitivity of induction: for $H\leq H' \leq G$, there is a natural transformation (?) of functors: \[ \ind_H^G(\wait) = \ind_{H'}^G\qty{\ind_H^{H'}(\wait) } .\] \todo[inline]{Equality as a composition of functors?} ## Classification of Simple $G\dash$modules Suppose $G$ is a connected reductive algebraic group $/k$ with $k = \bar k$. :::{.example} Let $G = \GL(n, k)$. There is a decomposition: ![Image](figures/image_2020-08-28-14-39-50.png) ::: **Step 1**: Getting modules for $U$. Then there's a general fact: $U^+ T U \injects G$ is dense in the Zariski topology for any reductive algebraic group. We can form - $B^+ \da T\semidirect U^+$, the *positive borel*, - $B^- \da T\semidirect U$, the *negative borel*, Suppose we have a $U\dash$module, i.e. a representation $\rho: U \to \GL(V)$. We can find a basis such that $\rho(u)$ is upper triangular with ones on the diagonal. In this case, there is a composition series with 1-dimensional quotients, and the composition factors are all isomorphic to $k$. Moral: for unipotent groups, there are only trivial representations, i.e. the only simple $U\dash$modules are isomorphic to $k$. **Step 2**: Getting modules for $B$. Modules for $B$ are solvable, in which case we can find a flag. In this case, $\rho(b)$ embeds into upper triangular matrices, where the diagonal action may now not be trivial (i.e. diagonal is now arbitrary). Thus simple $B\dash$modules arise by taking $\lambda \in X(T) = \hom(T, \GG_m) = \hom(T, \GL(1, k))$, then letting $u$ act trivially on $\lambda$, i.e. $u.v = v$. Here we have $B \to B/U = T$, so any $T\dash$module can be pulled back to a $B\dash$module. **Step 3**: Getting modules for $G$. Let $\lambda \in X(T)$, then $H^0(\lambda) = \ind_B^G \lambda = \nabla(\lambda)$.