# Hilbert Polynomials (Thursday January 23) Some facts about the Hilbert polynomial: 1. For a subscheme $Z \subset \PP_k^n$ with $\deg P_z = \dim Z = n$, then $$ p_z(t) = \deg z \frac{t^n}{n!} + O(t^{n-1}) .$$ 2. We have $p_z(t) = \chi(\OO_z(t))$, consider the sequence $$ 0 \to I_z(t) \to \OO_{\PP^n}^{(t)} \to \OO_z^{(t)} \to 0 ,$$ then $\chi(I_z(t)) = \dim H^0( \PP^n, J_z(t) )$ for $t \gg 0$, and $p_z(0)$ is the Euler characteristic of $\OO_Z$. :::{.remark} Keywords to look up here: Serre vanishing, Riemann-Roch, ideal sheaf. ::: :::{.example title="The twisted cubic"} \begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.75pt,y=0.75pt,yscale=-1,xscale=1, scale=0.6, every node/.style={scale=0.6}] \node (myfirstpic) at (325,200) {\includegraphics{/home/zack/SparkleShare/github.com/Notes/Class_Notes/2020/Spring/Moduli Spaces/sections/figures/2021-01-03_17-27}}; \node[scale=2.0] at (400, 180) {$C$}; \node[scale=2.0] at (200, 0) {$\PP^3$}; \draw[very thick, blue] (-50,400) -- (-50,100); \draw[thick] (-50-20,400) -- (-50+20,400); \draw[thick] (-50-20,100) -- (-50+20,100); \node[scale=2.0] at (-25, 100-20) {$\PP^1$}; \draw [thick, right hook-latex ] (-50+20, 200) -- (150, 200); \node[scale=2.0] at (50, 180) {$\iota$}; \end{tikzpicture} Then \[ p_C(t) = (\deg C)t + \chi(\OO_{\PP^1}) = 3t + 1 .\] ::: ### Hypersurfaces Recall that length 2 subschemes of $\PP^1$ are the same as specifying quadratics that cut them out, each such $Z \subset \PP^1$ satisfies $Z = V(f)$ where $\deg f = d$ and $f$ is homogeneous. So we'll be looking at $\PP H^0(\PP^n_k, \OO(d))\dual$, and the guess would be that this is $\hilb_{\PP^n_k}$ Resolve the structure sheaf \[ 0 \to \OO_{\PP^n}(-d) \to \OO_{\PP^n}(t) \to \OO_D(t) \to 0 .\] so we can twist to obtain \[ 0 \to \OO_{\PP^n}(t-d) \to \OO_{\PP^n}(t) \to \OO_D(t) \to 0 .\] Then \[ \chi(\OO_D(t)) = \chi(\OO_{\PP^n}(t)) - \chi(\OO_{\PP^n}(t-d)) ,\] which is \[ {n+t \choose n} - {n+t-d \choose n} = \frac{dt^{n-1}}{(n-1)!} + O(t^{n-2}) .\] :::{.lemma title="?"} Anything with the Hilbert polynomial of a degree $d$ hypersurface is in fact a degree $d$ hypersurface. ::: We want to write a morphism of functors \[ \hilb_{\PP^n_k}^{P_{n, d}} \to \PP H^0 (\PP^n, \OO(d) )\dual .\] which sends flat families to families of equations cutting them out. Want $$ Z \subset \PP^n \cross S \to \OO_s \tensor H^0( \PP^n, \OO(d) )\dual \to L \to 0 .$$ This happens iff $$ 0 \to L\dual \to \OO_s \tensor H^0(\PP^n, \OO(d)) $$ with torsion-free quotient. Note that we use $L\dual$ instead of $\OO_s$ because of scaling. We have \[ 0 \to I_z &\to \OO_{\PP^n \cross S} \to \OO_z \to 0 \\ 0 \to I_z(d) &\to \OO_{\PP^n \cross S}(d) \to \OO_z(d) \to 0 \quad\text{by twisting} .\] We then consider $\pi_s: \PP^n \cross S \to S$, and apply the pushforward to the above sequence. Notie that it is not right-exact: \begin{tikzcd} 0 \ar[r] & \pi_{s*} I_z(d) \ar[r] & \pi_{s*} \OO_{\PP^n \cross S}(d) \ar[r] & \pi_{s*} \OO_z(d) \ar[r] & 0 \\ & & & & \\ \ar[uu, equal]0 \ar[r] & \OO_s \tensor H^0(\PP^n, \OO(d)) \ar[uu, equal]L\dual = \ar[uu, equal] \ar[r] & \ar[uu, equal]\text{locally free} \ar[r] & 0 \ar[uu, equal] \end{tikzcd} \todo[inline]{Note: above diagram may be off horizontally?} This equality follows from flatness, cohomology, and base change. In particular, we need the following: :::{.fact} The scheme-theoretic fibers, given by $H^0(\PP^n, I_z(d))$ and $H^0(\PP^n, \OO_z(d))$, are all the same dimension. ::: Using 1. Cohomology and base change, i.e. for $X \mapsvia{f} Y$ a map of Noetherian schemes (or just finite-type) and $F$ a sheaf on $X$ which is flat over $Y$, there is a natural map (not usually an isomorphism) $$ R^i f_* f \tensor k(y) \to H^i(x_y, \restrictionof{F}{x_y}) ,$$ but is an isomorphism if $\dim H^i(x_y, \restrictionof{F}{x_y})$ is constant, in which case $R^i f_* f$ is locally free. 2. If $Z \subset \PP^n_k$ is a degree $d$ hypersurface, then independently we know $$ \dim H^0(\PP^n, I_z(d)) = 1 \text{ and } \dim H^0(\PP^n, \OO_z(d)) = {d+n \choose n} - 1 .$$ To get a map going backwards, we take the universal degree 2 polynomial and form $$ V(a_{00} x_0^2 + a_{11} x_1^2 + a_{12}x_2^2 + a_{01}x_0 x_1 + a_{02} x_0 x_2 + a_{12} x_1 x_2) \subset \PP^2 \cross \PP^5 .$$ ### Example: Twisted Cubics Consider a map $\PP^1 \to \PP^3$ obtained by taking a basis of a homogeneous cubic polynomial. The canonical example is \[ (x, y) \to (x^3, x^2y, xy^2, y^3) .\] Then \[ P_C(t) = 3t + 1 \] and $\hilb_{\PP_k^3}^{3t+1}$ has a component with generic point a twisted cubic, and another component with points a curve disjoint union a point, and the overlap are nodal curves with a "fat" 3-dimensional point: ![Components of the Hilbert Scheme](figures/2020-01-23-13:20.png)\ Then $P_{C'} = 1 + \tilde P$, the Hilbert polynomial of just the base without the disjoint point, so this equals $1 + P_{2, 3} = 1 + (3t + 0) = 3t +1$. For $P_{C''}$, we take the sequence $$ 0 \to k \to \OO_{C''} \to \OO_{C'' \text{reduced}} \to 0 ,$$ so $$ P_{C''} = 1 + P_{C'' \text{red}} = 3t+1 .$$ :::{.remark} Note that flat families *must* have the same (constant) Hilbert polynomial. ::: Note that we can get paths in this space from $C\to C''$ and $C'\to C''$ by collapsing a twisted cubic onto a plane, and sending a disjoint point crashing into the node on a nodal cubic. We're mapping $\PP^1 \to \PP^3$, and there is a natural action of $\PGL(4) \actson \PP^3$, so we get a map \[ \PGL(4) \cross \PP^3 \to \PP^3 .\] Let $c\in \PP^3$ and let $\mcc$ be the preimage. This induces (?) a map \[ \PGL(4) \to \hilb_{\PP^3}^{3t+1} \] where the fiber over $[C]$ in the latter is $\PGL(2) = \Aut(\PP^1)$. By dimension counting, we find that the dimension of the twisted cubic component is $15 - 3 = 12$. The 15 in the other component comes from 3-dim choices of plane, 3-dim choices of a disjoint point, and \[ \PP H^0(\PP^2, \OO(3))\dual \cong \PP^9 ,\] yielding 15 dimensions. To show that these are actually different components, we use Zariski tangent spaces. Let $T_1$ be the tangent space of the twisted cubic component, then $$ \dim T_1 \hilb_{\PP_k^3}^{3t+1} = 12 ,$$ and similarly the dimension of the tangent space over the $C'$ component is 15. :::{.fact} Let $A$ be Noetherian and local, then the dimension of the Zariski tangent space, $\dim \mfm /\mfm^2 \geq \dim A$, the Krull dimension. If this is an equality, then $A$ is regular. ::: :::{.slogan} Dimensions of tangent spaces give an upper bound. ::: :::{.proposition title="?"} If $X_{/k}$ is projective and $P$ is a Hilbert polynomial, then $[Z] \in \hilb_{X_{/k}}^P$, i.e. a closed subscheme of $X$ with Hilbert polynomial $p$ (note there's an ample bundle floating around) then the tangent space is $\hom_{\OO_x}(I_z, \OO_z)$. :::