# Thursday February 6th > Review base-change! For $k=\bar k$, and $C_{/k}$ a smooth projective curve, then $\hilb_{C_{/k}}^n = \sym^n C$. :::{.definition title="The Hilbert-Chow Map"} For $X_{_{/k}}$ a smooth projective *surface*, $\hilb_{X_{_{/k}}}^n \neq \sym^n X$, there is a map (the Hilbert-Chow map) \[ \hilb_{X_{_{/k}}}^n &\to \sym^n X \\ Z &\mapsto \supp(Z) \\ U = \text{reduced subschemes} &\mapsto U' = \text{ reduced multisets } \\ \PP^1 &\mapsto (x, x) .\] ::: :::{.example title="?"} Consider $\AA^2 \cross \AA^2$ under the $\ZZ/2\ZZ$ action \[ ( (x_1, y_1), (x_2, y_2)) \mapsto ((x_2, y_2), (x_1, y_1)) .\] Then \[ (\AA^2)^2 / \ZZ/2\ZZ &= \spec k[x_1, y_1, x_2, y_2]^{\ZZ/2\ZZ} \\ &= \spec k[x_1 x_2, y_1 y_2, x_1 + x_2, y_1 + y_2, x_1 y_2 + x_2 y_1, \cdots] \] with a bunch of symmetric polynomials adjoined. ::: :::{.example title="?"} Take $\AA^2$ and consider $\hilb_{\PP^2}^3$. If $I$ is a monomial ideal in $\AA^2$, there is a nice picture. We can identify the tangent space \[ T_Z \hilb_{\PP^2}^n = \hom_{\OO_{\PP^2}} ( I_2, \OO_Z) = \bigoplus \hom(I_{Z_i}, \OO_{Z_i}) .\] if $Z = \disjoint Z_i$. If $I$ is supported at 0, then we can identify the ideal with the generators it leaves out. ::: :::{.example title="?"} $I = (x^2, xy, y^2)$: ![Image](figures/2020-02-06-12:48.png){width=350px} ::: :::{.example title="?"} $I = (x^6, x^2y^2, xy^4, y^5)$: ![Image](figures/2020-02-06-12:49.png){width=350px} ::: :::{.example title="?"} $I = (x^2, y)$. Let $e=x^2, f = y$. ![Image](figures/2020-02-06-12:54.png){width=350px} By comparing rows to columns, we obtain a relation $ye = x^2 f$. Write $\OO = \theset{1, x}$, then note that this relation is trivial in $\OO$ since $y=x^2=0$. Thus $\hom(I, \OO) = \hom(k^2, k^2)$ is 4-dimensional. ::: :::{.remark} Note that $C_{_{/k}}$ for curves is an important case to know. Take $Z \subset C \cross C^n$, then quotient by the symmetric group $S^n$ (need to show this can be done), then $Z/S^n \subset C \cross \sym^n C$ and composing with the functor $\hilb$ represents yields a map $\sym^n C \to \hilb_{C_{/k}}^n$. This is bijective on points, and a tangent space computation shows it's an isomorphism. ::: :::{.example title="?"} Consider the nodal cubic in $\PP^2$: ![Nodal cubic](figures/2020-02-06-13:01.png){width=350px} > The nodal cubic $zy^2 = x^2(x+z)$. Consider the open subscheme $V \subset \hilb_{C_{/k}}^2$ of points $z \subset U$ for $U \subset C$ open. We can normalize: ![Normalized cubic](figures/2020-02-06-13:03.png){width=350px} This yields a map fro $\PP^1 \setminus\text{2 points}$. This gives us a stratification, i.e. a locally closed embedding \[ (\text{z supported on U}) \disjoint (\text{1 point at p}) \disjoint (\text{both points at p}) \to \hilb_{C_{/k}}^2 .\] The first locus is given by the complement of two lines: ![Locus 1](figures/2020-02-06-13:08.png){width=350px} The third locus is given by arrows at $p$ pointing in any direction, which gives a copy of $\PP^1$. The second is $\PP^1$ minus two points. Above each point is a nodal cubic with two marked points, and moving the base point towards a line correspond to moving one of the points toward the node: ![Moving base toward the point](figures/2020-02-06-13:11.png){width=350px} More precisely, we're considering the cover $\PP^1 \setminus\text{2 points} \to C$ and thinking about ways in which two points and approach the missing points. These give specific tangent directions at the node on the cubic, depending on how this approach happens -- either both points approach missing point #1, both approach missing point #2, or each approach a separate missing point. ::: :::{.remark} Useful example to think about. Not normal, reduced, but glued in a weird way. Possibly easier to think about: cuspidal cubic. ::: ## Representability Recall the following definition: :::{.definition title="$m\dash$Regularity"} A coherent sheaf $F$ on $\PP_k^n$ for $k$ a field is $m\dash$regular iff $H^i(F(m-i)) = 0$ for all $i> 0$. ::: :::{.proposition title="?"} For every Hilbert polynomial $P$, there exists some $m_0$ depending on $P$ such that any $Z \subset \PP^n_k$ with $P_Z = P$ satisfies $I_Z$ is $m\dash$regular. ::: :::{.remark title="1"} $F$ is $m\dash$ regular iff $\bar F = F \cross_{\spec k} \spec \bar k$ is $m\dash$regular. ::: :::{.remark title="2"} The $m_0$ produced does not depend on $k$. ::: :::{.lemma title="?"} For $m_0 = m_0(P)$ and $N = N(P)$, we have an embedding as a subfunctor \[ \hilb_{\PP^m_\ZZ}^P \to \Gr(N, H^0( \PP^n_\ZZ, \OO(m_0) )\dual ) .\] ::: For any $Z \subset \PP^n_S$ flat over $S$ with $P_{Z_s} = P$ for all $s\in S$ points, we want to send this to $$ 0\to R\dual \to \OO_s \tensor H^0(\PP^n_\ZZ, \OO(m_0))\dual \to Q \to 0 $$ or equivalently $$ 0 \to Q\dual \to \OO_s \tensor H^0(\PP^n_\ZZ, \OO(m_0)) \to R \to 0 $$ with $R$ locally free. So instead of the quotient $Q$ being locally free, we can ask for the sub $Q\dual$ to be locally free instead, which is a weaker condition. We thus send $Z$ to $$ 0 \to \pi_{s*} I_Z(m_0) \to \pi_{s*} \OO_{\PP^n_s}(m_0) = \OO_s \tensor H^0(\PP^n, \OO(m_0)) $$ which we obtain by taking the pushforward from this square: \begin{tikzcd} \PP^n_s \arrow[dd, "\pi_s"] \arrow[rr] & & \PP^n_Z \arrow[dd] \\ & & \\ S \arrow[rr] & & \spec \ZZ \end{tikzcd} We have a sequence $0 \to I_Z(m_0) \to \OO(m_0) \to \OO_Z(m_0) \to 0$. Thus we get a sequence \[ 0 \to \pi_{s*}I_Z(m_0) \to \pi_{s*}\OO(m_o) \to \pi_{s*} \OO_Z(m_0) \to R^1 \pi_{s*}I_Z(m_0) \to \cdots .\] ### Step 1 \[ R^1\pi_* I_Z(m_0) = 0 .\] By base change, it's enough to show that $H^1(Z_s, I_{Z_s}(m_0)) = 0$. This follows by $m_0\dash$regularity. ### Step 2 $\pi_{s*}I_Z(m_0)$ and $\pi_{s*} \OO_Z(m_0)$ are locally free. For all $i>0$, we have - $R^i \pi_{s*} I_Z(m_0) = 0$ by $m_0\dash$regularity, - $R^i \pi_{s*} \OO(m_0) = 0$ by base change, - and thus $R^i \pi_{s*} \OO_Z(m_0) = 0$. ### Step 3 $\pi_{s*}I_Z(m_0)$ has rank $N = N(P)$. Again by base change, there is a map $\pi_* I_Z(m_0) \tensor k(s) \to H^0(Z_S, I_{Z_s}(m_0))$ which we know is an isomorphism. Because $h^i ( I_{Z_S}(m_0) ) = 0$ for $i>0$ by $m\dash$regularity and \[ h^0(I_{Z_S}(m_0)) = P_\OO(m_0) - P_{\OO_{Z_s}}(m_0) = P_\OO (m_0) - P(m_0) .\] This yields a well-defined functor \[ \hilb_{\PP^n_\ZZ}^P \to \Gr(N, H^0(\PP^n, \OO(m_0))\dual ) .\] :::{.remark} Note that we've just said what happens to objects; strictly speaking we should define what happens for morphisms, but they're always give by pullback. ::: We want to show injectivity, i.e. that we can recover $Z$ from the data of a number f polynomials vanishing on it, which is the data $0 \to \pi_{s*} I_Z(m_0) \to \OO_s \tensor H^0(\PP^n, \OO(m_0))$. Given $$ 0 \to Q\dual \to \OO_s \tensor H^0(\PP^n, \OO(m_0)) = \pi_{s*} \OO_{\PP^n_S}(m_0) $$ we get a diagram \begin{tikzcd} \pi_{s}^* Q\dual \arrow[rrdd] \arrow[rrr] & & & \OO_{\PP^n_s}(m_0) \\ & & & \\ & & I(m_0) \arrow[ruu, hook] & \end{tikzcd} where $Q\dual = \pi_{s*} I_Z(m_0)$, so we're looking at \begin{tikzcd} Q\dual = \pi_{s*}^* \pi_{s*} I_Z(m_0) \arrow[rrdd, twoheadrightarrow] \arrow[rrr] & & & \OO_{\PP^n_s}(m_0) \\ & & & \\ & & I(m_0) \arrow[ruu, hook] & \end{tikzcd} The surjectivity here follows from $\OO_{Z_s} \tensor H^0(I_{Z_s}(m_0)) \to I_{Z_s}(m_0)$ (?). Given a universal family $G = \Gr( N, H^0(\OO(m_0))\dual )$ and $Q\dual \subset \OO_G \tensor H^0(\OO(m_0))\dual$, we obtain $I_W \subset \OO_G$ and $W \subset \PP^n_G$.