# Thursday April 9th Let $F: \Art_{/k} \to \sets$ be a deformation functor with an obstruction theory. Then H1-H3 imply the existence of a miniversal family, and gives us some control on the hull $h_{R} \to F$, namely \[ \dim \mathrm{def}(F) \geq \dim R \geq \dim \mathrm{def}(F) - \dim \mathrm{obs}(F) .\] In particular, if $\mathrm{obs}(F) = 0$, then $R \cong k[[\mathrm{def}(F)\dual]] = k[[ t_{F}\dual ]]$. :::{.example title="?"} Let $M = \hilb_{\PP^n_{/k}}^{dt + (1-g)}$ where $k=\bar k$, and suppose $[Z] \in M$ is a smooth point. Then \[ \mathrm{def} = \hom_{ \mods{ \OO_{x} } }(I_{Z}, \OO_{Z}) = \hom_{Z}(I_{Z}/I_{Z}^2, \OO_{Z}) = H^0(N_{Z/X}) .\] the normal bundle $N_{Z/X} = (I/I^2)\dual$ of the regular embedding, and $\mathrm{obs} = H^1(N_{Z/X})$. :::{.claim} If $H^1(\OO_{Z}(1)) = 0$ (e.g. if $d > 2g-2)$ then $M$ is smooth. ::: :::{.proof title="of claim"} The tangent bundle of $\PP^n$ sits in the Euler sequence \[ 0 \to \OO \to \OO(1)^{n+1} \to T_{\PP^n} \to 0 .\] And the normal bundles satisfies \[ 0 \to T_{Z} &\to T_{\PP^n}\mid_{Z} \to N_{Z/\PP^n} \to 0 \\ \\ &\Downarrow \text{ is the dual of }\\ \\ 0 \to I/I^2 &\to \Omega \mid_{Z} \to \Omega \to 0 .\] There is another SES: \[ ????? .\] Taking the LES in cohomology yields \[ H^1(\OO_{Z}(1)^{n+1})=0 \to H^1(N_{Z/\PP^n}) =0 \to 0 \] and thus $M$ is smooth at $[Z]$. We can compute the dimension using Riemann-Roch: \[ \dim_{[Z]} M &= \dim H^0(N_{Z/\PP^n}) \\ &= \chi(N_{Z/\PP^n}) \\ &= \deg N + \rk N(1-g) \\ &= \deg T_{\PP^n} \mid _Z - \deg T_{Z} + (n-1)(1-g) \\ &= d(n+1) + (2-2g) + (n-1)(1-g) .\] ::: ::: :::{.remark} This is one of the key outputs of obstruction theory: being able to compute these dimensions. ::: :::{.example title="?"} Let $X \subset \PP^5$ be a smooth cubic hypersurface and let $H = \hilb_{X_{/k}}^{\text{lines} = t+1} \subset \hilb_{\PP^5/k}^{t+1} = \Gr(1, \PP^5)$, the usual Grassmannian. :::{.claim} Let $[\ell] \in H$, then the claim is that $H$ is smooth at $[\ell]$ of dimension 4. ::: :::{.proof title="of claim"} We have - $\mathrm{def} = H^0(N_{\ell/X})$ - $\mathrm{obs} = H^1(N_{\ell/X})$ We have an exact sequence \[ 0 \to N_{\ell/X} \to N_{\ell/\PP} \to N_{X/\PP}\mid_\ell \to 0 \\ .\] There are surjections from $\OO_\ell(1)^6$ onto the last two terms. :::{.claim title="Subclaim"} For $N = N_{\ell/\PP}$ or $N_{X/\PP}\mid_\ell$, we have $H^1(N) = 0$ and $\OO(1)^6 \surjects N$ is surjective on global sections. ::: :::{.proof title="of subclaim"} Because $\ell$ is a line, $\OO_\ell(1) = \OO(1)$ and $H^1(\OO_\ell(1)) = 0$ and the previous proof applies, so $H^1(N) = 0$. ::: We thus have a diagram: ![Image](figures/image_2020-04-09-12-51-51.png) In particular, $T_\ell = \OO(2)$, and the LES for $0 \to \OO \to K \to T_\ell$ shows $H^1(K) = 0$. Looking at the horizontal SES $0 \to K \to \OO_\ell(1)^6 \surjects N_{\ell/\PP}$ yields the surjection claim. We have ![Diagram](figures/a.png) and taking the LES in cohomology yields ![Diagram](figures/image_2020-04-09-12-55-01.png)\ Therefore $H$ is smooth at $\ell$ and \[ \dim_\ell H &= \chi(N_{\ell/X}) \\ &= \deg T_{X} - \deg T_\ell + 3 \\ &= \deg T_\PP - \deg N_{X/\PP} - \deg T_\ell + 3 \\ &= 6 - 3 - 2 + 3 = 4 .\] ::: ::: :::{.remark} It turns out that the Hilbert scheme of lines on a cubic has some geometry: the Hilbert scheme of two points on a K3 surface. ::: ## Abstract Deformations Revisited Take $X_{0} / k$ some scheme and consider the deformation functor $F(A)$ taking $A$ to $X/A$ flat with an embedding $\iota: X_{0} \injects X$ with $\iota \tensor k$ an isomorphism. Start with H1, the gluing axiom (regarding small thickenings $A' \to A$ and a thickening $A'' \to A$). Suppose \[ X_{0} \injects X' \in F(A') \to F(A) .\] which restricts to $X_{0} \injects X$. Then in $F(A)$, we have $X_{0} \injects X' \tensor_{A'} A$, and we obtain a commutative diagram where $X' \tensor A \injects X'$ is a closed immersion: ![???](figures/abcdefg.png){width=350px} The restriction $X' \to X$ means that there exists a diagram \begin{tikzcd} X' & & X \ar[ll, dotted, "\exists"] \\ & X \ar[ur, hook] \ar[ul, hook] \end{tikzcd} Note that this is not necessarily unique. We have ![Diagram?](figures/image_2020-04-09-13-06-40.png){width=350px} This means that we can find embeddings such that \begin{tikzcd} X'' & \ar[l, "\exists", hook] X \ar[r, "\exists", hook] & X' \\ & X_{0} \ar[ul, hook] \ar[u, hook] \ar[ur, hook] \end{tikzcd} ![Diagram](figures/image_2020-04-09-13-08-19.png){width=350px} And thus if we have ![Diagram](figures/image_2020-04-09-13-08-42.png){width=350px} then $X_{0} \injects Z$ is **a** required lift (again not unique). :::{.question} When is such a lift unique? ::: Suppose $X_{0} \injects W$ is another lift, then it restricts to both $X, X'$ and we can fill in the following diagrams: ![Diagram](figures/image_2020-04-09-13-10-44.png){width=350px} Using the universal property of $Z$, which is the coproduct of this diagram: ![Diagram](figures/image_2020-04-09-13-11-13.png){width=350px} However, there may be no such way to fill in the following diagram: ![Diagram](figures/image_2020-04-09-13-11-58.png){width=350px} But if there exists a map making this diagram commute: ![Diagram](figures/image_2020-04-09-13-12-25.png){width=350px} Then there is a map $Z\to W$ which is flat after tensoring with $k$, which is thus an isomorphism.[^nakayama_rmk] :::{.remark} Thus the lift is unique if - $X = X_{0}$, then the following diagrams commute by taking the identity and the embedding you have. Note that in particular, this implies H2. ![Diagram](figures/image_2020-04-09-13-15-09.png){width=350px} - Generally, these diagrams can be completed (and thus the gluing maps are bijective) if the map \[ \aut(X_{0}\injects X') \to \aut(X_{0} \injects X) .\] of automorphisms of $X'$ commuting with $X_{0} \injects X$ is surjective. ::: So in this situation, there is only *one* way to fill in this diagram up to isomorphism: ![Diagram](figures/image_2020-04-09-13-18-59.png){width=350px} If we had two ways of filling it in, we obtain bridging maps: ![Diagram](figures/image_2020-04-09-13-20-07.png){width=350px} :::{.lemma title="?"} If $H^0(X_{0}, T_{X_{0}}) = 0$ (where the tangent bundle always makes sense as the dual of the sheaf of Kahler differentials) which we can identify as derivations $D_{\OO_{k}}(\OO_{X_{0}}, \OO_{X_{0}})$, then the gluing map is bijective. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} The claim is that $\aut(X_{0} \injects X) = 1$ are always trivial. This would imply that all random choices lead to triangles that commute. Proceeding by induction, for the base case $\aut(X_{0} \injects X_{0}) = 1$ trivially. Assume $X_{0} \injects X_{i}$ lifts $X_{0} \injects X$, then there's an exact sequence \[ 0 \to \Der_{k}(\OO_{X_{0}}, \OO_{X_{0}}) \to \Aut(X_{0} \injects X_0') \to \Aut(X_{0} \injects X) .\] ::: Thus $F$ always satisfies H1 and H2, and $H^0(T_{X_{0}}) = 0$ (so no "infinitesimal automorphism") implies H4. Recall that the dimension of deformations of $F$ over $k[\eps]$ is finite, i.e. $\dim t_{F} < \infty$ This is where some assumptions are needed. If $X_{/K}$ is either - Projective, or - Affine with isolated singularities, this is enough to imply H3. Thus by Schlessinger, under these conditions $F$ has a miniversal family. Moreover, if $H^0(T_{X_{0}}) = 0$ then $F$ is pro-representable. :::{.example title="?"} If $X_{0}$ is a smooth projective genus $g\geq 2$ curve, then - Obstruction theory gives the existence of a miniversal family - We have $\mathrm{obs} = H^2(T_{X_{0}}) = 0$, and thus the base of the miniversal family is smooth of dimension $\mathrm{def}(F) \dim H^1(T_{X_{0}})$, - $H^0(T_{X_{0}}) = 0$ and $\deg T_{X_{0}} = 2-2g < 0$, which implies that the miniversal family is universal. We can conclude \[ \dim H^1(T_{X_{0}}) = -\chi(T_{X_{0}}) = -\deg T_{X_{0}} + g-1 = 3(g-1) .\] ::: :::{.remark} Note that the global deformation functor is not representable by a scheme, and instead requires a stack. However, the same fact shows smoothness in that setting. ::: ## Hypersurface Singularities Consider $X(f) \subset \AA^n$, and for simplicity, $(f=0) \subset \AA^2$, and let - $S = \CC[x, y]$. - $B = \CC[x, y] / (f)$ :::{.question} What are the deformations over $A \da k[\eps]$? ::: This means we have a ring $B'$ flat over $k$ and tensors to an isomorphism, so tensoring $k\to A\to k$ yields the following: \begin{tikzcd} 0 \ar[r] & B \ar[r] & B' \ar[r] & B \ar[r] & 0 \\ 0 \ar[r] & S \ar[u] \ar[r] & S[\eps] \ar[u, "\exists", twoheadrightarrow] \ar[r] & S \ar[r] \ar[u] & 0 \\ 0 \ar[r] & S \cong I \ar[u] \ar[r] & I'= \gens{f'} \ar[u] \ar[r] & I = \gens{f} \ar[u, "\cong"] \ar[r] & S \end{tikzcd} Thus any such $B'$ is the quotient of $S[\eps]$ by an ideal, and we have $f' = f + \eps g$. :::{.question} When do two $f'$s give the same $B'$? ::: We have $\eps f' = \eps f$, so $\eps f \in (f')$ and we can modify $g$ by any $cf$ where $c\in S$, where only the equivalence class $g\in S/(f)$ matters. Now consider $\aut(B \injects B')$, i.e. maps of the form \[ x &\mapsto x + \eps a \\ y &\mapsto y + cb \] for $a, b\in S$. Under this map, \[ f_0' = f + \eps g \mapsto & f(x + \eps a, y + \eps b) + \eps g(x ,y) \\ \\ &\Downarrow \quad\text{implies} \\ \\ f(x, y) &= \eps a \dd{}{x} f + \eps b \dd{}{y} f + \eps g(x ,y) ,\] so in fact only the class of $g\in S/(f, \del_{x} f, \del_{y} f)$. This is the ideal of the singular locus, and will be Artinian (and thus finite-dimensional) if the singularities are isolated, which implies H3. We can in fact exhibit the miniversal family explicitly by taking $g_{i} \in S$, yielding a basis of the above quotient. The hull will be given by setting $R = \CC[[t_{1}, \cdots, t_{m} ]]$ and taking the locus $V(f + \sum t_{i} g_{i}) \subset \AA_{R}^2$. :::{.example title="simple"} For $f = xy$, then the ideal is $I = (xy, y, x) = (x, y)$ and $C/I$ is 1-dimensional, so the miniversal family is given by $V(xy + t) \subset \CC[[t_{1}]][x, y]$. The greater generality is needed because there are deformation functors with a hull but no universal families. ::: [^nakayama_rmk]: Recall that by Nakayama, a nonzero module tensor $k$ can not be zero.