# Mina Aganagic, Homological Knot Invariants from Mirror Symmetry :::{.remark} Motivation: knot categorification problem. Recall that the Jones polynomial arises from a skein relation which depends on $n$, taking $n=2$. Can take other values for $n$. Witten: this polynomial comes from Chern-Simons theory, expected value of a collection of Wilson loops in a fundamental representation of a Lie algebra. Alexander polynomial: take a Lie *superalgebra* instead. Categorification starts with quantum groups. Chern-Simons: assign a Hilbert space to $A\da \Sigma_{g, n}$. Finite dimensional, spanned by a basis of conformal blocks (solutions to a linear PDE) Allow heavy particles to move in surface, take a path integral in $A\times I$ corresponding to a braid? States in $\mch$ are special solutions to the PDE. Can be described by caps and cups? Links to conformal field theory: braiding and fusion of particle trajectories/paths. Khovanov: assign a cohomology theory, take graded Euler characteristic to recover Jones polynomial. Euler characteristic: trace from supersymmetric QM: \[ \Tr(-1)^F e^{-\beta H} .\] ::: :::{.remark} Action of supercharge on a chain complex is generated by instantons. Khovanov grading: graded by fermion number and another grading. Ben Webster: framework for quantum link invariants for Lie algebras, but very inexplicit. Associate to conformal blocks a bigraded category, braids go to functors, links go to vector spaces of morphisms. Hard to prove they decategorify correctly: new framework makes this automatic and uses mirror symmetry. ::: :::{.remark} Why Calabi-Yaus: theory of strings on a pair of dual tori. Complex is B-type (algebraic geometry), symplectic is A-type. Counting holomorphic maps from $\PP^1$: hard, infinite series of enumerative problems. Easier on mirror? Branes are central objects in mirror symmetry, regard as objects in a category whose morphisms are open branes. Insight: need mirrors to be fibered by dual tori. ::: :::{.remark} Category of branes: $\DD\Coh X$, vs $\DD \cat F$ for $\cat F$ the Fukaya category. Quantum product: count rational curves. See *quantum differential equation*, central to mirror symmetry. Defined on a moduli space of complex/symplectic structures. Solution space finite dimensional, spanned by charges. Solutions are maps from infinite cigar to $X$. ::: :::{.remark} New knot theory idea: take an infinite punctured cylinder. Langlands dual group carries magnetic monopoles? Need to consider moduli space of monopoles in $\RR^3$, turns out to be Calabi-Yau and in fact hyperKähler. Braids are paths in moduli of Kählers? Braid group is the sigma model on the infinite punctured cigar. ::: :::{.remark} Fusion: singular monopoles coming together and bubbling. Fusion diagonalizes the action of braiding in conformal field theory. Cups and caps: branes supported on miniscule Grassmannians. Perverse filtrations make certain problems much simpler here. See KLRW algebra, algebraic invariants match up with geometric invariants coming from branes on B-side. Homological mirror symmetry: equivalence of categories of branes on different models. Smooth monopoles indexed by simple roots of a Lie algebra. See Landau-Ginzburg model. Category of A-branes: morphisms come from Floer theory, see More theory approach to QM? Instantons: holomorphic maps from strips!! Can generalize Heegaard-Floer to Lie superalgebras (need simply-laced Lie algebras?). Note that HF produces DGAs. Categorifies the Alexander polynomial. Equivariant homological mirror symmetry: relates moduli space $\mcx$ to a half-dimensional "core" $X$. Not an equivalence categories, comes from an adjunction $\adjunction { h_*} {h^*}{\cat C} {\cat C'}$ instead. Can compute $\Hom(A, B) = \Hom( h^* h_* A, B)$. HF reduces curve counting to well-defined problems in 1-dimensional complex analysis, e.g. applications of Riemann mapping. Same story here, yields hard but tractable problems. ::: :::{.remark} The theory on D-branes is related to 3-dimensional gauge theories of quiver type. Deformation: reply affine Lie algebra with quantum affine Lie algebras. See *defects* of conformal field theories, Koszul dual algebras. Yields some integrable lattice model, solves some analog of Yang-Baxter equations? Braiding matrices are computed by partition functions. ::: :::{.remark} How computable is this theory, compared to the diagram calculus of Heegaard-Floer diagrams? Probably a few months away from being algorithmic enough for a computer. :::