# Simon Donaldson, The Chern-Simons Functional and Floer Homology :::{.remark} Recent work: when a variety admits an Einstein metric, and $G_2$ manifolds. For an account of the Chern-Simons paper, see Chern's *Complex manifolds without potential theory*, appendix on characteristic classes. 2+1: action functionals \[ \int e^{\mathrm{CS}} \mathrm{d} A .\] 3+1: Floer homology $\HF(M^3)$. ::: :::{.remark} Consider $P\to Y^3 \in \Prin\bung$, define $\mca$ the affine space of functions, then $A_1-A_2\in \Omega^1(\ad P)$ Curvature $F(A) \in \Omega^2(\ad P)$. Define a form $\Theta$ Chern-Simons functional: $\CS: \mca\to \RR$, descends to $\mca/\mcg\to S^1$ for $\mcg$ the gauge group. Critical points are flat connections, Hessians at these points are quadratic forms corresponding to a bilinear form from earlier. Alternative definition: pick $X^4$ such that $\bd X = Y$ and set \[ \CS(A) = \int_X \Tr(F(A)^2) ,\] i.e. integrate the Chern-Weil form. ::: :::{.remark} Examples of functionals: for $\gamma\in \Loop M$, \[ E(\gamma) \da \int \abs{\gamma'}^2 .\] Sub-level sets will have compactness properties, Hessians are finite index at critical points. The flow $-\grad E$ is a parabolic PDE, so a nonlinear heat equation. But the Chern-Simons functional doesn't have these properties. Very different! ::: :::{.remark} For symplectic manifolds: \[ A(\gamma) = \int_{\DD} \omega && \text{where } \bd \DD = \gamma .\] For $M=\CC^n$, write as a Fourier series $A( \gamma) = \sum c_k \abs{\gamma'}^2$? Fixed points of exact Hamiltonian diffeomorphisms $\phi$ correspond to critical points of a deformed functional $A_\phi$ on \( \Omega M \). Arnold conjecture: $\size \Fix \phi \geq \sum \beta_i$ is bounded below by Betti numbers. ::: :::{.remark} For a torus, $\Loop T^{2n} \cong T^{2n} \times H^- \times H^+$ where the $H^\pm$ are vector spaces. Arnold conjecture proved for torii by Conley and Zehnder, 1983. Floer's insight: one can still "do Morse theory" with $A_\phi$ and $\CS$: while gradient flow isn't defined, flow lines between critical points do make sense. ::: :::{.remark} Introducing a Riemannian metric yields $\hodgestar: \Omega^2\to \Omega^1$. Get connections $A_t$ over $Y^3$ as solutions to \[ \dd{A_t}{t} = \hodgestar F(A_t) .\] Solutions are Yang-Mills instantons on $Y\times \RR$ asymptotic to flat connections at $\pm \infty$. These solve anti-self-dual equations \[ F(A) = -\hodgestar F(A) ,\] where here the star is a 4-dimensional version. Connected to electromagnetism? In symplectic case, gradient flow lines in $\Loop M$ are holomorphic curves in $M$. ::: :::{.remark} Usual story: chain complex with generators for each critical point, graded by index, $\mcm(p, q)$ the space of gradient flow lines $p\to q$, compute $\dim \mcm(p, q) = i(p) - i(q) -1$, and define a differential $\bd p = \sum \size \mcm(p, q)$. Problem in infinite dimensions: index isn't well-defined, but the difference is e.g. when $G = \SU_2$. Linearize the instanton equation. Euler characteristic with respect to $\HF$ is twice the Casson invariant. ::: :::{.remark} If $Y \in \ZHS^3$, then the trivial flat connection is isolated. Otherwise, Floer's construction works when you can avoid "reducible" flat connections, e.g. a nontrivial $\SO_3$ bundle over $Y^3$. For general $P\to Y$, need an equivariant version of Floer theory -- at present, this doesn't seem to exist. ::: :::{.remark} Toward a 3+1 TFT: solutions to Yang-Mills on a 4-manifold give invariants by counting instantons in a 0-dimensional moduli space. For $X$ a 4-manifold with $\bd X = Y$, these invariants $I(X)$ take values in $\HF(Y)$. Sum over all flat connections $C_i$, and count number of connections asymptotic to $C_i$. ::: :::{.remark} Gluing formula: a type of surgery formula when $X = X_1 \glue{Y} X_2$ to compute $I(X) = I(X_1) I(X_2)$. This uses the pairing $\HF_*(Y) \tensor \HF^*(Y)\to \ZZ$. Proof: stretching the neck. Analog in Morse theory moves intersections closer to critical points. ![](figures/2021-11-16_15-17-52.png) ::: :::{.question} Other Floer theories on $Y^3$: solutions to SW, combinatorial Heegard theory. An outstanding problem: how are all of these Floer theories related? ::: :::{.remark} Floer's deepest work: work leading to his exact surgery sequence. $K \injects Y\in \QHS^3$ a knot, take a tubular neighborhood diffeomorphic to a torus with a prefered meridian. Do $+1$ surgery: cut out, glue meridian back along the diagonal. Can also do $0$ surgery. Get a LES in $\HF_*$ of the surgered pieces, using well-known cobordisms. ::: :::{.remark} Representation variety: moduli of flat connections! Extending all of this to include surfaces: see bordered Floer theory, Lipshitz-Osvath-Thurston for Seiberg-Witten and Heegard cases. Floer homotopy: see Manolescu, Bauer-Furuta. ::: :::{.remark} How to complexify this theory? E.g. for $G = \SL_2(\CC)$ instead of $\SU_2$, or replace $Y$ with a Calabi-Yau threefold? ::: :::{.remark} For $Z$ a Calabi-Yau, have a nonvanishing holomorphic 3-form $\omega$, so define a $\CC\dash$valued function on $\mca$ the space of connections: \[ F(A) = \int_Z \CS(A) \wedge \omega .\] Critical points are connections with $F^{0, 2} = 0$, i.e. $\delbar_A^2 = 0$. See "holomorphic Casson invariants" by R. Thomas, counting holomorphic line bundles over $Z$. More generally, counting coherent sheaves on $Z$ to generalize DT invariants. ::: :::{.remark} See Atiyah-Floer conjecture. :::