# Charles Kane, Quantized Nonlinear Conductance in Ballistic Metals :::{.remark} Applications of Chern-Simons to condensed matter physics. Intro: relation to quantized Hall effect, and a related quantized response in 1D: the Landauer formula. How generalize: the Euler characteristic of the Fermi sea. ::: :::{.remark} Integer quantized Hall effect: can confine electrons to a 2D plane. Standard experiment: measure conductance as a function of the magnetic field. Remarkably, nearly a sum of step functions! Measures fundamental constant $h/e^2$ extremely accurately, NIST declared it an *exact* number which in turn defines the Ohm and kilogram. Low energy produces a Chern-Simons TFT. ::: :::{.remark} Topological band theory: a mean field theory that reduces QM particles to understanding single particles. Band structure: collection of energy eigenvalues/eigenvectors parametrized by momenta ($S^1$ or more generally a torus due to periodicity). If occupied/empty states are separated by a gap, the $N$ occupied bands forum a $\U_n$ bundle over $T^d$ a torus. Problem: classify vector bundles over $T^d$. In dimension 2, the first Chern class $c_1$ yields a number: $n = {1\over 2\pi }\int_{T^2} \Tr(F), F = da + A \wedge A$ for $A = i\inner{u_i}{du_j}$ the Berry connection. ::: :::{.remark} In metals, electron states are occupied for $E ![](figures/2021-11-17_11-42-54.png) See chiral anomaly. Use Morse theory to compute $\chi$. ::: :::{.remark} See conformal field theories, e.g. $1+1$ boson for Fermi liquids? Where else might $\chi_F$ show up? Generalizing chiral anomalies? A universal way to characterize quantum entanglement? Generalizations to higher dimensions or non-Fermi liquids? :::