# Seiberg, Lattice vs Continuum QFT :::{.remark} QFT: successful but still not mathematically rigorous! Regularize by discretizing space to a lattice, then the functional integral is well-defined. Then take a continuum limit taking spacing to zero but fixing lengths, compute correlation functions. For condensed matter, find low-energy/long-distance limit. Expect it to be described by an effective continuum field theory. ::: :::{.remark} Challenges with just regularizing to a lattice and taking a limit: - Does the limit exist? - Is the limit independent of details at finite levels? - Lattice theory doesn't necessarily capture topological features ($\pi_1$, characteristic classes, Chern-Simons terms, etc). These are tied to global symmetries, anomalies. - Some QFTs (e.g. with self-dual forms or fermions) don't allow putting DOF on the lattice, can't write an action. - Some QFTs may not have a continuum Lagrangian (e.g. $2,0$ theory), so can't do a lattice Lagrangian. ::: :::{.remark} Opposite problem: given an actual physical lattice, find the low energy continuum model. Often solvable, so can couple with whatever, but continuum limits have divergence issues. E.g. $XY\dash$plaquette, fracton models. Some issues: - Separate symmetric group elements for different subspaces - Observables vary at lattice scale $a$, and can become discontinuous in the limit - Infinite ground state degeneracy in the limit ::: :::{.remark} Very well understood model: $1+1$ boson. Take a 2d lattice with periodic boundary conditions, action \[ S = -\beta \sum \cos(\Delta_\mu \phi) ,\] where $e^{i\phi}$ are phases on the lattice points. Sum over "links" (edge..?), $\Delta_\mu$ is like a discrete derivative. Take limit to get \[ S = {\beta\over 2}\int \qty{ \dd{\phi}{\mu} }^2 \dtau \dx .\] A symmetry emerges in the continuum: the winding number of $\phi$, and a certain 't Hooft anomaly. How much is present in the original lattice? ::: :::{.remark} Try to make those symmetries appear on the lattice. Idea: replace $\cos$ by a linear function, add a correction term that sums over plaquettes that is roughly curvature, scale by a constant that forces curvature to be zero. See *Villain form*. This kills the vorticity, which helps make the winding number show up on the lattice. Use Poisson resummation to show self-duality. Suspected causes of anomalies: infinities, fermions, issues with invariance of measure. But none are present here! ::: :::{.remark} A slightly more complex model: $XY\dash$plaquette in $2+1$ dimensions. Put phases $e^{i\phi}$ on nodes with action \[ S = -\beta_0 \sum_{\text{edges}} \cos(\delta_{\tau} \phi) - \beta \sum_{\text{plaqs}} \cos(\Delta_x \Delta_Y \phi) .\] Has a global $\U_1$ symmetry, take continuum limit to get \[ S = \int \dtau \dx \dy \, {\mu_0\over 2 }\qty{ \dd{\phi}{\tau} }^2 + {1\over 2\mu}\qty{ {\partial^2 \over \partial_x \partial_y} \phi }^2 .\] ::: :::{.remark} Other questions to ask to compare lattices to continuum limit: - What are the (operator) spectra of the Hamiltonians? - What are the correlation functions? Importantly: limits don't commute! ::: :::{.remark} Interesting generalizations: - Replace $\U_1$ with $C_n$ - Go to $3+1$ dimensions - Look at subsystem symmetries Modify the Villain term, compute the spectra and correlation functions to study. QCD: infinite number of states (vs finite number of states in these kinds of models?) There's a difference between global and gauge symmetries, exotic models land somewhere in between. See UV/IR mixing (short/long distances). :::