# Minhyong Kim, Arithmetic Field Theories and Invariants :::{.remark} Problem: classify principal bundles over a point $\spec k \in \spec(\Field)$. Classified by \[ \Prin\Bung \slice {\spec F} \iso H^1(\pi_1 \spec F; G) .\] Here $G$ could be a \(p\dash \)adic Lie group, e.g. a Tate module $\cocolim_{n} A[n]$ for $A\in \Ab\Var$. If $G$ acts trivially, this becomes a representation variety $\Hom(\pi_1 \spec F, G)/\Inn(G)$, quotienting by conjugation. A complete description is essentially the Langlands reciprocity conjecture! ::: :::{.remark} Idea: replace $F$ be $\OO_F$ its ring of integers, so $X\da \spec \OO_F$ with the étale topology. Behaves like a compact closed 3-manifold. For $v\in\mspec \OO_F$, $\kv = \OO_F/v$ is a finite field, so $\spec \kv\injects X$ is like an embedding of a knot. Completion at $v$, $\OO_{F, v} \da (\OO_F)\complete{v}$ is like a formal tubular neighborhood. Completing the original ring at $v$, so $F\complete{v}$ is like a tubular neighborhood with the knot deleted $X_B$. For $B$ a finite set of primes, set $\OO_{F, B}$ to be the set of $B\dash$integers, i.e. almost algebraic but allowing denominators from $B$. Then $\spec \OO_{F, B}$ is like a 3-manifold with boundary, so \[ \bd X = \Disjoint_{v\in B} \spec F_v \to X_B \injects X .\] ::: :::{.remark} What are these $\pi_1$? Simple structure in nice cases, $\pi_1 \spec \kv = \ZZhat$, the profinite completion of $\ZZ$. A finite field extension $K\slice F$ is **unramified** over $\mfp \in \spec \OO_F$ if the prime decomposition $\mfp \OO_K = \prod \mfq_i$ has no primes with multiplicity. There is a maximal unramified extension, just take the compositum of all unramified extensions. Can restrict this to just be unramified over primes not in $B$ Note that $\Ab(\pi_1 X) = \Pic \OO_F = \cl(F)$ is the ideal class group of $F$. Old results: $\pi_1 \spec \ZZ, \pi_1 \spec \OO_F = 0$ for $F$ imaginary quadratic with $\cl(F) = 1$. Assume GRH to get $\pi_1 \spec \OO_{K} = A_5$ for $K = \QQ\adjoin{\sqrt{653}}$, or $\PSL_2(\FF_8)\times C_{15}$ for $K = \QQ \adjoin{\sqrt{-1567}}$. ::: :::{.question} Central problem: classify arithmetic 3-folds, or more generally understand $H^1(\pi_1 X_B; G)$, isomorphism classes of principal $G\dash$bundles over $X_B$. Write as $\mcm(X_B, R)$ for $R$ the group, breaks into $\prod_{b\in B} \mcm(X_b, R)$. ::: :::{.remark} Assume $F$ is complex, so $F\cong \QQ[x]/\gens{f}$ where $f$ has no real roots. For gauge theory interpretations, need to write an action \[ S: \mcm(X_B, R) = H^1(\pi_1 X_B, R)\to K \] and path integral \[ \int_{\rho\in \mcm(X_B, R)} \exp(\CS(\rho)) \drho .\] Actions take the form of $L\dash$functions: \[ L: \mcm(X_B, \GL(V))\to \CC \text{ or } \CCpadic .\] To a representation $\pi_1(X_B) \to \GL(V)$ assign \[ L(\rho) = \prod_{v\in \spec \OO_F} {1\over \det\qty{I-\Frob_v }V^{I_v} } .\] Importantly, this product may not always make sense! It's a big problem to regularize this to get convergence. Hasse-Weil conjecture says one can renormalise to a function of $s$ in $\CC$, get convergence for $\Re(s) \gg 0$, and analytically continue to $s=0$ or $s=1$ to recover original product. Write $r\da \ord_{s=0} L(\rho(s))$ for the order of vanishing. For the trivial representation $\phi$, $r = \rank \OO_{F}\units$. For $\rho = T_p E$ for an elliptic curve, $r = \rank E(\QQ)$ (the Mordell-Weil group) assuming BSD. Néron-Tate height pairing is a metric, its determinant appears in $L$ function for $E$. ::: :::{.remark} Need arithmetic orientations, problematic since dualizing sheaves are often $\mu_n$. Fact: \[ H^3(X; \mu_n) = H^3(\spec \OO_F; \mu_n) = {{1\over n}\ZZ \over \ZZ} .\] More well-known that \[ H^3(X; \mu_n) = H^3(X; \GG_m)[n] \cong (\QQ/\ZZ)[n] .\] Local CFT yields $H^2(F_v; \GG_m) \cong \QQ/\ZZ$ by classification of gerbes. Follows from SES in global CFT: \begin{tikzcd} 0 && {H^2(F; \GG_m)} && {\bigoplus_v H^2(F_v; \GG_m)} && {\QQ/\ZZ} && 0 \arrow[from=1-1, to=1-3] \arrow["{\text{loc}}", from=1-3, to=1-5] \arrow["{\text{sum}}", from=1-5, to=1-7] \arrow[from=1-7, to=1-9] \end{tikzcd} > [Link to Diagram](https://q.uiver.app/?q=WzAsNSxbMCwwLCIwIl0sWzIsMCwiSF4yKEY7IFxcR0dfbSkiXSxbNCwwLCJcXGJpZ29wbHVzIEheMihGX3Y7IFxcR0dfbSkiXSxbNiwwLCJcXFFRL1xcWloiXSxbOCwwLCIwIl0sWzAsMV0sWzEsMiwiXFx0ZXh0e2xvY30iXSxbMiwzLCJcXHRleHR7c3VtfSJdLFszLDRdXQ==) Assume $\mu_n \subseteq F$, get a map \[ \mathrm{inv}: H^2(\pi_1 X; C_n) \to H^3(X;\mu_n) \cong{ {1\over n} \ZZ \over \ZZ} .\] Use this to build a Chern-Simons function $\CS: \mcm(X; R)\to { {1\over n} \ZZ \over \ZZ}$, essentially by pulling back cocycles along the representation. Use Bockstein to define a "path integral" defined as a finite sum over representations. Closed form solution involves Legendre symbol, very nice! Also a determinant of a quadratic form. ::: :::{.remark} Bockstein is common in arithmetic geometry, $d:H^1(X; C_n)\to H^2(X; C_n)$, used to construct de Rham-Witt complex for crystalline cohomology. On general, having a SES like $0\to V\to E\to V\to 0$ allows defining such arithmetic functionals. Can define a bilinear pairing \[ \mathrm{BF}: H^1(X; C_n) \times H^1(X; \mu_n) &\to 1/n \ZZ/\ZZ \\ a\times b &\mapsto \mathrm{inv}(da \cupprod b) .\] Nice closed form solutions for the "path integral": \[ \sum_{(a, b)\in H^1(X; C_n) \times H^1(X; \mu_n) } \exp(2\pi i \mathrm{BF}(a, b)) = \size \Pic(X)[n] \cdot \size ( \OO_X\units/(\OO_X\units)^n) .\] Compare to orders of $L$ functions. ::: :::{.remark} This setup occurs for Néron models of elliptic curves: for $n\gg 0$, there is a SES \[ 0\to \mce[n] \to \mce[n^2] \to \mce[n] \to 0 .\] Path integral evaluates to $\size \Sha(A)[n] \cdot (\size E(F)/n)^2$. ::: :::{.remark} For boundaries: $X_B = \spec \OO_F \invert{B}$ for $B$ a finite set of primes. Start with $\mcm(X_B, R)$, get a local version $\mcm(\bd X_B, R)$. Here $H^2(\pi_v; C_n) \cong 1/n\ZZ/\ZZ$ and vanishes for $i\geq 3$, get global CFT SES. Pulling back cocycles lands in $Z^3$, but $H^3$ is trivial, so look at space trivialization (torsors for $H^2$). Get a bunch of local torsors, then sum to get a single $1/n\ZZ/\ZZ$ torsor. Do some local/global and push/pull gymnastics to get a $\U_1$ bundle over $\mcm(\bd X_B, R)$. Space of sections breaks up as a tensor product of local spaces of sections, can cook up a way to land in a Hilbert space, and this is the "state" you assign to the 3-manifold. ::: :::{.remark} Recent work: entanglement of primes. :::