# Lecture 2 (Monday, August 23) ## A Lightning Introduction to Groups and Representations :::{.remark} Throughout, *finite type* means finitely generated over the base field. ::: :::{.remark} Which $G$ are important for equivariant cohomology of the flag variety, and equivariant \(\K\dash\)theory. We'll consider only connected reductive groups, and work over $k \da \CC$. ::: :::{.definition title="Pertaining to Linear Algebraic Groups"} \envlist - A group $G \in \Alg\Grp$ be is a **linear algebraic group** if - The coordinate ring $\CC[G]$ is a reduced (so no nonzero nilpotents) $\CC\dash$algebra of finite type. - $G$ is a group where multiplication $m:G^{\times 2}\to G$ and inverseion $i:G\to G$ are algebraic morphisms - A **maximal torus** of $G$ is a torus not properly contained in any other torus of the form $(\CC\units)^{\times n}$. - A **Cartan** subgroup is the centralizer of a maximal torus. Note that maximal torii are the same as Cartans in the connected reductive case. - $G$ is **unipotent** if every representation has a nonzero fixed vector. - The **unipotent radical** $R_u(G)\leq G$ is a maximal closed connected normal subgroup of $G$. - $G$ is **reductive** iff $R_u(G) = \ts{e}$. ::: :::{.proposition title="?"} To study $\Rep(G)^{\irr}$ for $G\in \Alg\Grp$ linear, we can assume that $G$ is reductive. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} Let $V\in \Rep(G)^{\irr}$, we'll show that the unipotent radical acts trivially. Then $V$ is the data of 1. $G\to \GL(V)$ for some $V$, a morphism of varieties and algebraic groups 2. There is an action map $G\times V\to V$. Let $V_0 = \Fix(R_u(G)) \subseteq V$ be the fixed points of $R_u(G)$, by restricting the $G$ action to an $R_u(G)\leq G$ action by a subgroup. We know $V_0 \neq 0$, and we have for every $g\in G, r\in R_u(G), v\in V_0$. We'd like to show $V_0 = V$, which means that $R_u(G)$ acts trivially. So we'll show $r$ fixes every $gv$: \[ r(gv) = g(g\inv r g)v \in g R_u(G) v = gv ,\] using that $R_u(G)$ fixes $v$. So $V_0$ is $G\dash$stable, and since $V_0$ is irreducible and $V$ is irreducible, we get equality. ::: :::{.remark} So $R_u(G)$ won't matter for irreducible representations, or in turn for equivariant \(\K\dash\)theory, and we can assume $R_u(G) = \ts{e}$ is trivial. If $G$ is not reductive, just replace it with $R/R_u(G)$, which is a reductive linear algebraic group when $G$ is a linear algebraic group since $R_u(G) \normal G$. Next question: how can we relate compact groups to complex reductive groups? ::: :::{.remark} Let $K \in \Lie\Grp$ be compact, and set $\CC[K]$ to be the $\CC\dash$span of matrix coefficients of finite dimensional representations of $K$. For $V$ a finite-dimensional representation of $K$ (just a continuous representation of a compact group), define \[ \phi: V\dual \tensor_\CC V &\to \CC[K] \\ f\tensor v &\mapsto \qty{k \mapsvia{\phi_{f, v}} f(kv)} .\] ::: :::{.fact} $\CC[K]$ is a finite type reduced algebra. Such algebras correspond to an affine variety, i.e. it is the ring of functions on some affine variety. Thus $\CC[K] = \CC[G]$ for $G\in \Aff\Var\slice{\CC}$ where $K \subseteq G$. ::: :::{.theorem title="Chevalley"} \envlist 1. $G$ is a *reductive* algebraic group. 2. Every locally finite continuous representation of $K$ extends uniquely to an algebraic representation of $G$, and every algebraic representation of $G$ restricts to a locally finite representation of $K$. ::: :::{.remark} So despite $\CC[G]$ being infinite dimensional, every representation is contained in some finite dimensional piece. Note that there is an equivalence of categories between algebraic and compact groups, but there are differences: e.g. there are no irreducible infinite dimensional representations of compact groups. > Side note, see stuff by David Vogan! ::: :::{.remark} The next result reduces representations to Cartans, which are *almost* tori, and is along the lines of what Langlands was originally thinking about. ::: :::{.theorem title="Cartan-Weyl"} There is a bijection \[ \hat{G} \da \correspond{ \text{Irreducible representations} \\ \text{of }G } &\mapstofrom \correspond{ \text{Irreducible dominant representations} \\ \text{of a Cartan subgroup } H\leq G } \] Moreover, 1. If $G$ is finite, $\ts{e} = B \supseteq = \ts{e}$, so there is no reduction in this case, noting that the centralizer ends up being the whole group. 2. If $G$ is connected reductive, then $T=H$ and there reduce to dominant characters of a torus. ::: :::{.remark} See David Vogan's orange book on unitary representations of real reductive groups. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Try proving this directly! ::: :::{.definition title="Dominant characters"} Define \[ X(T) \da\ts{T \mapsvia{f} \CC\units \st f \text{ is algebraic}} ,\] which is a moduli of irreducible representations of $G$. Then \[ X(T) \supseteq D_\ZZ \da \ts{\chi \in X \st \chi \text{ is dominant for } B} .\] Note that this may make more sense after seeing root systems. ::: :::{.remark} Given $\lambda \in D_\ZZ$, define a $G\dash$equivariant line bundle on the flag variety as $\mcl(\lambda) \da (G\cross \CC_{-\lambda})/B$, where $(-\lambda)t \da \lambda(t)\inv$. This can be extended to a representation of $B$ by \[ B \to B/R_u(B) \cong T \mapsvia{\lambda} \CC\units .\] This makes sense thinking of a Borel as upper-triangular matrices, tori as diagonal matrices, and unipotent as strictly upper triangular. So we can extend representations by making them trivial on a normal subgroup? \todo[inline]{Check} We refer to $\lambda$ as the map and $\CC_{\lambda}$ as the vector space in the representation $G\to \GL(V)$. Note that $B$ acts on the right of $G\times \CC_{-\lambda}$ by \[ (g, z)b \da (gb, b\inv z) \da (gb, \lambda(b)\inv z) .\] ::: :::{.fact} $\mcl(\lambda)$ is an algebraic variety. :::