# More Broad Overview (Wednesday, August 25) :::{.remark} We'll assume background in affine varieties, but not necessarily sheaves. Today's material: see Springer. ::: :::{.definition title="Ringed Spaces"} Let $X\in \Top$, then a **ringed space** is the data of $X$ and for all $U\in \Open(X)$ an assignment $\OO(U) \in \Alg_{\CC}$ a $\CC\dash$algebra of complex functions satisfying *restriction* and *extension*, also known as a sheaf of $\CC\dash$valued functions. A **morphism** of ringed spaces $\xi:X\to Y$ is a continuous function such that for all $W\in \Open(Y)$, one can form the pullback \[ \xi_W^*f: \xi\inv(W) \mapsvia{\xi} W \mapsvia{f} \CC ,\] and we require that there is a well-defined induced map $\xi_W^*: \OO_Y(W) \to \OO_X(\xi\inv(W))$. ::: :::{.example title="?"} For $X$ an affine variety, the sheaf $\OO_X$ of regular functions satisfies this property. Note that $\OO$ can be an arbitrary sheaf though, not necessarily just regular functions. ::: :::{.definition title="Prevariety"} A **prevariety** $X$ is a quasicompact space $X$ such that every $x\in X$ admits a neighborhood $U \subseteq X$ such that $(U, \Res(\OO_X, U))$ is isomorphic to an affine variety. A prevariety is a **variety** if it is additionally separated, so $\Delta_X \subseteq X^{\times 2}$ is closed. ::: :::{.remark} Last time we said that $\mcl(\lambda)$ is an *algebraic variety*, so it satisfies the above definitions. ::: :::{.remark} From now on $G$ will be a connected reductive group. $\pi: G\to \mcl(\lambda)$ will always be the map from the group to the flag variety. ::: :::{.remark} Let $X \in \Alg\Var\slice{\CC}$ and $H\in \Alg\Grp$ be linear where $H\actson X$. Then $X/H$ is a quotient in $\Top$, by just taking the quotient topology. Let $\rho: X\to X/H$ be the projection, then define the ring of functions as \[ \OO_{X/H}(U) \da \ts{f\in \Hom(U, \CC) \st \Res(f \circ \rho, \rho\inv(U) ) \in \OO_X(\rho\inv(U))} .\] In this way $\OO_{X/H}(U)$ can be identified with $H\dash$invariant functions $\OO_X(\rho\inv(U))^H$. This makes $X/H$ a ringed space, which is often (but not necessarily) an algebraic variety. ::: :::{.example title="?"} This is not always an algebraic variety, e.g. taking $\CC\units \actson \CC$ by multiplication. This yields two orbits (0 and everything else) and isn't a variety. ::: :::{.remark} If $\pi: G\to G/H$ has local sections, then $(G\times X)/H \in \Alg\Var$ using $(g, x)h \da (gh, h\inv x)$. Note that this is a fiber bundle for the Zariski topology, and doesn't have local sections (contrasting the analytic topology). ::: :::{.claim} The map $\pi: G\to G/B$ has local sections (but no global sections). ::: :::{.remark} Side note: we have the Bruhat decomposition $G = \disjoint_{w\in W} BwB$ as a partition into double cosets, quotienting by an action of $B\times B$. The theorem is that these are parameterized by the Weyl group. ::: :::{.remark} Let $B = TU$ where $T$ is a torus and $U$ unipotent (so upper triangular, ones along the diagonal) and set $U^-$ to be the *opposite unipotent radical* (e.g. lower triangular, ones along diagonal). Define a map \[ \phi: U^i \times B &\to G \\ (\bar u, b) &\mapsto \bar{u}b\inv .\] Then $\im(\phi) = U^- B$, and $\phi$ is injective since $U^- \intersect B = \ts{e}$. The argument on matrices holds more generally: $B$ are the upper triangular matrices and $U^-$ has ones on the diagonal, so these intersect only at the identity. $\phi$ is an open embedding: one can show that the derivative is surjective: \[ d\phi(1, 1): \lieu^- \times \lieb &\to \liey \\ (x, y) &\mapsto x-y .\] Rewriting the target as $\lieu^- \oplus \lieh \oplus \lieu^+$ where $\lieb = \lieh \oplus \lieu^+$, one can find preimages of any element. Define a local section: $\sigma: U\to G$ where $U \subseteq G/B$. Use the composite $U^- \times B\to G \to G/B \supseteq U^-$ to view $U^-$ as a subset of the flag variety. An explicit formula for section is the following: \[ \sigma(\bar u) \da (\bar u, 1) \in U^- \times B \subseteq G .\] Although this only constructs a section for one open set, translating by elements of $g$ yields an open cover, and everything is equivariant. ::: :::{.remark} Using this, $(G\times X)/B$ is always an algebraic variety, since $G\to G/B$ always has local sections. For other groups, $X$ quasiprojective will also make the quotient algebraic, but the proof is more difficult. However it still involves constructing local sections. It turns out that $G\fiberprod{B}X\to G/B$ is a locally trivial fiber bundle. ::: :::{.remark} A note on notation: $(G\times X)B$ is sometimes written $G\fiberprod{B} X$ (as above), but this is *not* a fiber product. In this notation, $\mcl(\lambda) = G\fiberprod{B} \CC_{- \lambda}$. Note that this is a line bundle on $G/B$, so we can take sections. ::: :::{.theorem title="Borel-Weil"} \envlist 1. There is a correspondence \[ H^0(G/B; \mcl(\lambda)) \cong \ts{f:G\to \CC \st f(g) = bf(gb) } && G \in \CC[G] .\] A section $\sigma: G/B \to G\fiberprod{B} \CC_{- \lambda}$ gets sent to $\sigma(gB/B) = [g, f(g)]$. Use that the quotient acts like a tensor over $B$, so \[ gB/B = gbB/B = [gb, f(gb)] = [g, b f(gb)] .\] 2. $H^0(G/B; \mcl(\lambda)) = L_{\lambda}\dual$ for $\lambda$ a dominant character in $D_\ZZ$, where $L_\lambda$ is the irreducible finite dimensional representation of $G$ with highest weight $\lambda$. Note that in the finite case, we have $L_\lambda\dual = L_{w_0 \lambda}$, but in the Kac-Moody case one doesn't have $w_0$. ::: :::{.example title="?"} For $\lambda = 0 \in X(T)$ a character, we get \[ \ts{f:G\to \CC \st f(g) = f(gb)} = \CC[G/B] = \OO_{G/B}(G/B)=\CC .\] ::: :::{.remark} Chapter 1 of Kumar, Cartan matrices. :::