# Weyl Groups, 1.3 (Wednesday, September 01) :::{.remark} We'll spend a few days discussing Weyl groups, since they're important in the study of Schubert varieties. For other references, see - Björner and Brenti: *Combinatorics of Coxeter Groups* ::: ## Root Systems :::{.remark} Recall that given a generalized Cartan matrix $A$, there is an associated realization $(\lieh, \pi \subseteq \lieh\dual, \pi\dual)$. ::: :::{.definition title="Reflections"} For $1\leq i \leq \ell$, define a **reflection** $s_i\in \Aut(\lieh\dual)$ as \[ s_i(\chi) \da \chi - \inner{\chi}{\alpha_i\dual}\alpha_i && \forall \chi \in \lieh\dual .\] ::: :::{.remark} One can check that this fixes a hyperplane, and $s_i^2 = \id$. ::: :::{.definition title="Crystallographic Root Systems"} A subset $\Phi$ of Euclidean space $(V, \inner{\wait}{\wait})$ is a **crystallographic root system** in $V$ iff 1. $\Phi$ is finite, $\spanof_\RR \Phi = V$, and $0\not\in\Phi$. 2. If $\alpha \in \Phi$, then $\RR\alpha \intersect \Phi = \pm \alpha$. 3. If $\alpha \in \Phi$, then $s_\alpha$ leaves $\Phi$ invariant 4. If \( \alpha, \beta\in \Phi \), then ${(\beta, \alpha) \over 2(\alpha, \alpha)} \in \ZZ$. ::: :::{.remark} Note that for a Kac Moody Lie algebra, $\Phi$ is often infinite, so condition 1 can fail. Condition 2 can fail if $\alpha$ is imaginary, in which case $n\alpha \in \Phi$ for some $n\in \ZZ$. ::: :::{.definition title="Weyl Groups"} Let $W \subseteq \Aut(\lieh\dual)$ be the subgroup generated by $\ts{s_i \st 1\leq i\leq \ell}$, then $W$ is said to be the **Weyl group** of $\lieg$. ::: :::{.definition title="Lengths"} Let $\mcw$ be the group generated by a fixed set $S$ of elements of order 2 in $W$. Then for $w\in \mcw$, the **length** $\ell(w)$ is the smallest number $\ell$ such that $w = \prod_{i=1}^\ell s_i$. ::: :::{.remark} Note that $\ell(1) = 0$, and for $Y \subseteq S$, we set $\mcw_Y$ to be the subgroup generated by $\ts{s\st s\in Y}$. We'll prove that any Weyl group is a Coxeter group, but for now $W$ is a Weyl group and $\mcw$ is a Coxeter group. ::: :::{.theorem title="1.3.11"} Let $(\mcw, S)$ be as above, then TFAE: 1. The Coxeter condition: $\mcw$ is a quotient of the free group $\hat \mcw$ generated by $S$, modulo the following relations: - $s^2= 1$ for all $s\in S$. - $(st)^{m_{s, t}} = 1$ for all $s\neq t$ in $S$ and for some integers $m_{t, s} = m_{s, t} \geq 2$ (or possibly $\infty$). 2. The root system condition: There exists a representation $V$ of $\mcw$ over $\RR$ together with a subset $\Delta \subseteq V\smts{0}$ such that - Symmetric: $\Delta = -\Delta$ - $\mcw\dash$invariance/stability: there exists a subset $\pi \da \ts{\alpha_s}_{s\in S} \subseteq \Delta$ such that for any \( \alpha \in \Delta \) exactly one of $\alpha$ or $-\alpha$ belongs to the set of positive linear combinations of "simple roots" $\sum_{s\in S} \RR_{>0} \alpha_s$. If $\alpha$ is in this subset, we'll say $\alpha$ is **positive**, and if $-\alpha$ is in it, we'll say $\alpha$ is **negative**. - For every $s\in S$, if $\alpha \neq \alpha_s$ and $\alpha > 0$ is positive, then $s\alpha_s <0$ is negative and $s\alpha > 0$. [^makespositive] - For $s, t\in S$ and $w\in \mcw$, then $w \alpha_s = \alpha_t$ implies that $wsw\inv = t$, so the group action is captured in a conjugation action. 3. The *strong exchange* condition: For $s\in S$ and $v, w\in \mcw$ with $\ell(vsv\inv w) \leq \ell(w)$, for any expression $w = \prod_{i=1}^n s_i$ with $s_i \in S$, we have $vsv\inv w = \prod_{i\neq j}^n s_i$ for some $j$. 4. The *exchange condition*: For $s\in S, w\in \mcw$ with $\ell(sw) \leq \ell(w)$, then for any reduced expression $w = \prod_{i=1}^n s_i$, we have $sw = \prod_{i\neq j}^n s_i$ for some $j$. [^makespositive]: So the simple reflection changes the sign of only the corresponding simple root, and preserves the sign of all other simple roots. ::: :::{.remark} These conditions show up in a lot of proofs! ::: :::{.definition title="Crystallographic Coxeter groups"} If $S$ is finite (which it will be for us), we can take $V$ to be finite dimensional. Writing $S \da \ts{s_1, \cdots, s_\ell}$ and set $m_{ij} \da \order(s_i s_j)$. If every $m_{ij}$ is one of $\ts{2,3,4,6,\infty}$, call the Coxeter group **crystallographic**. ::: :::{.remark} An open problem is that all Coxeter groups *should* come from geometry, e.g. from projective varieties (?), but it's not clear what these varieties should be. The crystallographic ones will precisely come from Kac-Moody Lie algebras. This is closely related to problems concerning KL polynomials: take an Ind variety, stratify it, and take intersection cohomology. ::: :::{.remark} Every *finite* irreducible Coxeter group (with exceptions $H_3, H_4, I_2(m)$) occur as Weyl groups of crystallographic root systems. ::: :::{.proof title="of theorem, $1\implies 2$"} Let $V$ be the $\RR\dash$module with basis $\ts{\alpha_s \st s\in S}$. For any $s\in S$, define an inner product by extending the following $\RR\dash$bilinearly: \[ (\alpha_s, \alpha_s) &= 1 \\ (\alpha_{s_1}, \alpha_{s_2}) &= \cos({\pi \over m_{s_1s_2}}) && s_1\neq s_2 .\] For $s, v\in V$, define \[ s(v) \da v - 2(v, \alpha_s) \alpha_s .\] A quick computation shows \[ s( \alpha_s) = \alpha_s - 2 (\alpha_s, \alpha_s) \alpha_s = - \alpha_s .\] One can check that the formula is $\RR\dash$linear, and using this we have \[ s^2(v) &= s(v - 2(v, \alpha_s) \alpha_s) \\ &= s(v) - 2(v, \alpha_s) s(\alpha_s) \\ &= (v -2(v, \alpha_s) \alpha_s) - 2(v, \alpha_s)s( \alpha_s) \\ &= (v -2(v, \alpha_s) \alpha_s) - 2(v, \alpha_s)(- \alpha_s) \\ &= v ,\] so $s^2 = \id$. By assumption, we have $(s_1 s_2)^{m_{s_1 s_2}}(v) = v$. Using that this formula factors through the relations, we can extend this to an action $\mcw \actson V$. Then \[ (s(v), s(v')) &= (v - 2(v, \alpha_s) \alpha_2, v' - 2(v', \alpha_s) \alpha_s) \\ &= (v, v') - 2(v', \alpha_s)(v, \alpha_s) - 2(v, \alpha_s)(\alpha_s, v') + 4(v, \alpha_s)(v', \alpha_s)(\alpha_s, \alpha_s) \\ &= (v, v') - 4(v', \alpha_s)(v, \alpha_s) + 4(v, \alpha_s)(v', \alpha_s)\\ &= (v, v') ,\] where we've used that $(\wait, \wait)$ is symmetric. Thus $(wv, wv') = (v, v')$. Let \( \Delta\da \Union_{s\in S} \mathcal{W} ( \alpha_s) \), we'll work with this more next time. :::