# Tits Systems, 5.1 (Monday, September 13) :::{.remark} The basic setup from the book: \[ A\leadsto (\lieh, \pi, \pi\dual) \leadsto \lieg \leadsto (W, S) .\] We'll think of $G\leadsto (\lieh, \pi, \pi\dual)$ as the root data associated to a semisimple simply connected connected algebraic group. Warning: this association isn't unique in the non-semisimple case! Noting that $(W, S)$ is a Coxeter group, is there a way to recover an algebra $\lieg$ and a Kac-Moody group $\mcg$? For today: take - $G\da \GL_n$, Note that $G$ is not semisimple or simply connected. - $B$ the fixed Borel (maximum connected closed solvable subgroup) of upper-triangular matrices. Flag varieties are homogeneous projective spaces, so $G/B$ is a flag variety. - $T$ the maximal torus of diagonal matrices - $N = N_G(T)$ to be the subgroup generated by all permutation and scalar matrices. - The Weyl group $W\da N/ B \intersect N = N/T$ since $B \intersect N = T$. Note that $W\cong S_n$ is a Coxeter group. - $S \subseteq W$ is the subset of simple reflections, writing $w = (w_1, \cdots, w_n)$ and taking only those permutations that transpose two adjacent coordinates, so \[ \tau_{k}: (w_1, \cdots, w_k, w_{k+1}, \cdots, w_n) &\mapsto (w_1, \cdots, w_{k+1}, w_{k}, \cdots, w_n) .\] This can be written as $\gens{\tau_k} \da \gens{(k, k+1) \st {1\leq k \leq n-1}}$. ::: :::{.remark} More generally, $G \contains B \contains T$ and we set $W \da N_G(T) / Z_G(T)$ and show $Z_G(T) = T$, but what is $B \intersect N$ generally? Maybe use the fact that $N_G(B) = B$? Or that the unipotent radical intersects it trivially. ::: :::{.definition title="Tits Systems"} A **Tits system** is a tuple $(G,B,N,S)$ where $B,N\leq G$ are subgroups and $S \subseteq W = N/B \intersect N$, which collectively adhere to the following axioms: 1. $B \intersect N \normal N$, 2. $B, N$ generate $G$, 3. For all $s_i\in S$, we have $sBs\inv \not\subseteq B$ 4. For $w\in S_n$ and $s\in S$, defining $C(x) \da B \bar{x} B \subseteq G$ for any coset representative $\bar{x}$ of $x$ in $N$, we require $C(s) C(w) \subseteq C(w) \union C(sw)$. ::: :::{.remark} Consider elements in $BN$ for $\GL_n$: $B$ is upper triangular, $N$ has one (possibly) nonzero entry in each row/column, and multiplying this can "smear" the entries upward by filling a column above an entry: ![](figures/2021-09-13_14-15-01.png) Similarly, multiplying on the right smears rightward, and it's not so hard to convince yourself that these generate $\GL_n$. For the conjugation axiom, consider the following: ![](figures/2021-09-13_14-17-38.png) We also have $B\bar{s} B\bar{w} B \subseteq B\bar w B \union B \bar s \bar w B$. To prove this, we'll show - $\bar s B \bar w \subseteq$ the RHS, - The right-hand side is stable under the $B\times B$ action of left/right multiplication. To see the first, consider the example: ![](figures/2021-09-13_14-25-25.png) For the second, consider \[ (1,3,2,4)(3,4,1,2) = (2,4,1,3) .\] The hard case is when lengths of the result change. ::: :::{.definition title="Parabolics"} Any $B \subseteq P \subseteq G$ is called a **standard parabolic**. Any subgroup $Q$ conjugate to $P$ is called **parabolic**. ::: :::{.remark} Standard parabolics correspond to subsets $Y$ of simple reflections $\emptyset \subseteq Y \subseteq S$. Any subgroup containing the upper triangular matrices looks like the following: ![](figures/2021-09-13_14-32-29.png) For $P_Y$, we take everything but skip the first index. ::: :::{.remark} \envlist - Take $S \subseteq \ts{w\in W \st w^2 = \id}$ a subset of order 2 elements. - $P_Y = BW_Y B = \Disjoint_{s\in U} B \bar{s} B \subseteq \mcg$. - $G = \Disjoint_{w\in W} C(w)$ - There is a decomposition into double coset orbits: \[ G = \Disjoint_{w\in \dcoset{W_Y}{W}{W_{Y'}} } P_Y w P_{Y'} .\] - We have \[ C(s) C(w) = \begin{cases} C(sw) & \ell(sw) \geq \ell(w) \\ C(w) \union C(s) & \ell(sw) = \ell(w). \end{cases} \] - $(W, S)$ is a Coxeter group. - For any parabolic $P$ (not necessarily standard), its normalizer satisfies $N_G(P) = P$. Note that you can plug in a Borel here. Moreover $G/P = G/N_G(P)$, which parameterizes parabolic subgroups of $G$. - $w\in W_Y'(Y) \cong W/W_Y$. Fixing a *reduced* decomposition $w = w_1\cdots w_k$, i.e. $\ell(w) =\sum_{i=1}^k \ell(w_i)$. - For any $A_i \subseteq C(w_i)$ where $A_i \to C(w_i)/B$ is bijective (resp. surjective), the multiplication $\phi: A_1\times \cdots A_{k} \to BwP_Y/P_Y$ is bijective (resp. surjective). :::