# Friday, October 08 :::{.remark} Continuing some stuff from Kumar Ch. 8: the goal is to understand the Demazure and Weyl-Kac character formulas. Open question: how can one compute the singular locus of a given Schubert variety? This is surprisingly a hot topic this semester, c/o multiple Arxiv papers that have come out over the past few months. Our first goal: showing $X_w^Y$ is normal. Note that most varieties in representation theory are not normal, and this complicates things significantly, so normality is a great condition here. Recall that for $X\in \Var$, the stalks $\OO_{X, x}$ are local rings, and the **cotangent space at $x$** is defined as $\mfm_x/\mfm_x^2$. > Cohomology vanishing: some of the hardest and most important results in this area! ::: :::{.theorem title="8.1.8, Main Result"} Let $w = (s_{i_1} \cdots, s_{i_n}) \in W$ be a word and consider $j, k$ such that $1\leq j\leq k\leq n$. Suppose that the subword $v = (s_{i_j} \cdots, s_{i_k})$ is reduced. Considering the associated BSDH-varieties, we have a subvariety \[ Z_v \da P_{i_j}\mix{B} \cdots P_{i_k}/B \injects Z_w \da P_{i_1}\mix{B} \cdots P_{i_n}/B .\] Recall that $\mcl^Y(\lambda) \da G\mix{P_Y} \CC_{- \lambda}$, and \[ \mcl_w( \lambda) \da P_{i_1}\mix{B} \cdots \mix{B} P_{i_n} \CC_{- \lambda} = f^* \mcl^Y( \lambda) ,\] and we write $w(n)$ for $w$ with the $n$th letter omitted. Moreover codimension 1 subvarieties correspond to line bundles under the Chern class isomorphism. Then for any integral dominant $\lambda \in D_\ZZ$, there are 3 vanishing formulas: 1. \[ H^{\geq 1 } \qty{ Z_w; \mcl_w( \lambda) \tensor \OO_{Z_w}(- \sum_{q=0}^k Z_{w(q)} ) } &= 0 .\] 2. \[ H^{\geq 1} \qty{Z_w; \mcl_w( \lambda) } &= 0 .\] 3. If $k