# Tuesday, October 12 > Reference: FGA Explained. :::{.proposition title="?"} For $R$ a complete local ring with residue field $\kappa$, there is an isomorphism $\Br(R) \iso \Br(\kappa)$. ::: :::{.remark} We'll prove a stronger claim that there is a bijection $\SB\Sch\slice{R}/\sim \to \SB\Sch\slice k/\sim$, which requires some deformation theory. A summary of obstruction theory for schemes: Let $A \in \CRing$, $I\normal A$ is square zero ideal, and $X\slice{A/I}$ a smooth scheme. Then there exists a functorial class $\obs(X) \in H^2(X; \T_X \tensor_{A/I} I)$ such that $X$ admits a flat lift to $A$ iff $\obs(X) = 0$. If the obstruction vanishes, the set of lifts is a torsor for $H^1$, and the automorphisms of the lift are given by $H^0$. Here $\T_X$ is the tangent sheaf, and a *flat lift* is a flat scheme $\tilde X\slice{A}$ equipped with an isomorphism $\tilde X\tensor (A/I) \iso X$. A word on this deformation-theoretic result is proved: - Show affine schemes lift, e.g. using Cohen structure theorem. Alternatively, something about being étale? - Try to glue, which may not satisfy the cocycle condition -- failure to glue will show up in this cohomology. Why the tangent sheaf: the difference between two gluing data is a derivation. Note that for vector bundles $E\to X$, the cohomology would be in $\Endo(E)$. > See also tangent/cotangent complex. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} We'll try to lift a Severi-Brauer over $k$ to one over $R$. Claim: letting $R_n \da R/\mfm^n$, given a lift to $R_n$, there exists a unique lift to $S_n \da R_{n+1}$. We have \[ \obs(S_n) \in H^2(S^n; \T_{S_n} \tensor \mfm^n/\mfm^{n+1}) = H^2(S_n; \T_{S_n}) \tensor_k \mfm^n/\mfm^{n+1} ,\] which follows from base change in cohomology using $\T_{S_n} \tensor_{R_n} k \tensor_k \mfm^n/\mfm^{n+1}$. Here $\obs(S_n) = 0$, since \[ H^2(S; \T_S) \tensor_k \kbar = H^2(S_{\kbar}; \T_{S, \kbar}) = H^2(\PP^n\slice{\kbar}; \T_{\PP^n\slice k}) = 0 .\] See Hartshorne, this uses the Euler exact sequence. So a lift exists for each $R_n$. This lift is unique since lifts are torsors for $H^1(S_n; \T_{S_n} \tensor \mfm^n/\mfm^{n+1})$. Why this lifts to $R$: formal GAGA, which gives a way of going from formal schemes to actual schemes. See "FGA Explained", Ch. 8. This is because giving a scheme over $R^n$ for all $n$ amounts to giving a formal scheme, since the underlying topological spaces are the same. The input is an ample line bundle: here for $\PP^n$ we can take the dual of the dualizing sheaf $\OO_{S_n}\dual$. ::: :::{.remark} Formal GAGA: one of the most useful techniques! ::: :::{.proposition title="?"} Suppose $X\in \Var\slice k$ and let $A\in \Br(X)$ (e.g. represented by an Azumaya algebra), then - If $k$ is a \(p\dash \)adic field, then there is a map \[ X(k) &\to \Br(X) \\ x &\mapsto x^*(A) .\] - For $k=\RR$, the map $X(\RR) \to \Br(k) = {1\over 2}\ZZ/\ZZ$ is locally constant, i.e. constant on connected components. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} For $x\in X(k)$, $\hat{\OO_{X, x}}$ is a complete local $k\dash$algebra with residue field $k$. Then for $A\in \Br(X)$, we have a map $\psi: \ro{A}{\hat{ \OO_{X, x} } } \iso (A_x)\tensor_k \hat{\OO_{X, x}}$. We want to spread $\psi$ out to a \(p\dash \)adic neighborhood of $x$. In the analytic setting, this can be done using **Artin approximation**, which will imply there exists an étale neighborhood $U$ of $x$ and a map \[ U &\to X \\ y &\mapsto x ,\] which extends (?) and induces an isomorphism on complete local rings. Now applying the implicit function theorem, there exists a \(p\dash \)adic neighborhood of $x$ in any $U(k)$. ::: :::{.corollary title="?"} Let $X\slice k$ for $k$ a number field and $A\in \Br(X)$. Then a. The following map on adeles is locally constant: \[ A^*: X(\AA_k) &\to \QQ/\ZZ \\ x &\mapsto \sum_{v\in \places{k}} m_{v_x}(x^* A) .\] b. $X(\AA)^{\AA} \da (A^*)\inv(0)$ is closed and open. c. $X(\AA)^{\Br} = \Intersect _{A\in \Br(X)} X(\AA)^{\AA}$ is closed. d. $\bar{X(k)} \subseteq X(\AA)^{\Br}$. e. If $X$ is proper, then $X(\AA)^{\Br} \neq X(\AA)$ and weak approximation does not hold. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} \envlist a. Use the same Lang-Weil argument used previously, and that this is a sum of locally constant maps. b. 0 is closed and open in $\QQ/\ZZ$ and $A^*$ is continuous. c. This is an intersection of closed sets. d. We already know $X(k)$ is contained in the RHS, and by (c) we know it's closed, so the RHS contains its closure. e. Immediate from (d). ::: :::{.warnings} The adelic topology is not the product topology. ::: :::{.definition title="Symbol Algebra"} For $k\in \Field$ and let $\chi: \Gal(\kbar\slice k)\to C_n$ and $a\in k\units / (k\units)^n$, then recall that $(\chi, a) \da L_\chi\gens{x}_{\sigma}/\gens{x^n-a}$ where $L_\chi$ is the fixed field of $\chi$ and $L_\chi\gens{x}_\sigma$ is the twisted polynomial ring where $\ell x = x\sigma(\ell)$. ::: :::{.example title="?"} Take a smooth proper model of $U = \ts{y^2 + z^2 = (3-x^2)(x^2-2)}$ and the *symbol algebra* $A = (3-x^2, -1)$. :::{.exercise title="Homework"} Check that this has points locally! ::: Our goal is to show that $X(\AA)^A = \emptyset$. By Kummer theory, choosing an isomorphism $\mu_n(k) \to C_n$ induces a bijection \[ k\units/(k\units)^n &\iso \ts{\chi: \Gal(\kbar \slice k) \to C_n} \\ a &\mapsto k[x] / \gens{x^n-a} .\] For $n=2$ and $\ch k \neq 2$, there is a canonical isomorphism $\ts{\pm 1} \iso \mu_2(k) \iso C_2$. View $(\chi, a) \in H^2(k, \mu_n)$, and there is a cup product \[ H^1(k; C_n) \times H^1(k; \mu_n) &\to H^2(l; \mu_n) \\ \chi &\mapsto [\chi] \cupprod [a] .\] Another point of view: if $L\slice k$ is Galois with Galois group $C_n$, it comes with a choice of generator $\sigma$ and thus a canonical element in $[ \sigma] \in H^2(L\slice k; \ZZ) \iso C_n$. Then there is another cup product \[ k\units = H^0(L\slice k; L\units) \mapsvia{(\wait) \cupprod [\sigma]} H^2(L\slice k; L\units) = \Br(L\slice k) = k\units/\Norm_{L\slice k} k\units ,\] in which case $(\chi, a) = a \cupprod [\sigma]$. ::: :::{.corollary title="?"} $(\chi, a) =0 \iff a \in \Norm_{L\slice k} L\units$. ::: :::{.remark} For $n=2$, one has $(a, b) = k\adjoin{\sqrt{b}}\gens{x}_\sigma / \gens{x^n-a}$, and this splits iff $a$ is a norm from $k(\sqrt{b})$ when this is a field. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} What are the equations for the Severi-Brauer arising from $(a, b)$. :::