# Tuesday, November 09 :::{.remark} The descent obstruction does not suffice! ::: :::{.theorem title="?"} There exists a nice $X\in \Var\slice \QQ$ with $X(\AA)^{\et, \Br} \neq \emptyset$ but $X(\QQ) = \emptyset$. ::: :::{.remark} $X$ will be a quadric 3-fold bundle over a curve $C$ with $\size C(\QQ) = 1$ with 2 singular fibers. By the Lefschetz hyperplane theorem, we'll be able to understand its $\pi_1$, even though this won't be a Serre fibration and thus we won't get a LES in homotopy. ::: ## Proof :::{.remark} First make $Y$, a quadric 3-fold bundle over $\PP^1\slice \QQ$ with 2 singular fibers. Since we're fibering over $\PP^1$, we'll define this in two affine patches and then glue. Define \[ Y_t &\da \ts{ t(t-1) x_0^2 + x_1^2 + \cdots + x_4^2 = 0} \subseteq \AA^1\slice t \times\PP^1\slice{[x_0,\cdots, x_4]} \\ Y_T &\da \ts{ (1-T) X_0^2 + x_1^2 + \cdots + x_4^2 = 0} \subseteq \AA^1\slice T \times\PP^1\slice{[x_0,\cdots, x_4]} .\] Then define a gluing by \[ t &\mapsto {1\over T} \\ x_i &\mapsto x_i, \qquad i=1,\cdots, 4\\ x_0 &\mapsto {T \over X_0} .\] Now check that $Y_0, Y_1$ are singular, and $Y_{\infty} = \ts{\sum x_i^2 = 0}$: \begin{tikzpicture} \fontsize{42pt}{1em} \node (node_one) at (0,0) { \import{/home/zack/SparkleShare/github.com/Notes/Class_Notes/2021/Fall/RationalPoints/sections/figures}{2021-11-09_09-49.pdf_tex} }; \end{tikzpicture} > Something about $(\CC\units \times Q)/ \ts{\pm 1} \to \CC\units$? > This makes the geometry in this situation easy. Since $Y_\infty(\RR) = \emptyset$ implies $Y_\infty(Q) = \emptyset$. Note that if $t=0, 1$ this is a point, for $0< t< 1$ this is an ellipsoid, and for $t>1$ or $t<0$ there are no real points. ::: :::{.remark} Issue: $\PP^1$ has lots of rational points, so we'll make a curve $C$ with a map $C\to \PP^1$ and pull back. Let $C\slice \QQ$ be a smooth proper curve such that - $\size C(\QQ) = 1$, so write $c \da C(\QQ)$ as this single rational point. Write $U \subseteq C(\RR)$ as the connected component of the identity. The real points are compact 1-manifolds, so a disjoint union of circles whose number depends on $g(C)$. Fun question: what is $\pi_0 \mg(\RR)$? - $C \mapsvia{f} \PP^1$ such that - $f(c) = \infty$ such that - $f$ is étale at $c$ and also over $0, 1 \in \PP^1(\QQ)$. - $f(U) \ni 1$. ::: :::{.example title="?"} $y^2 = x^3-3$ is such a curve, see LMFDB. - Probably the point is $\infty$! - Pick a uniformizer at $\infty$, then compose with an affine map $z\mapsto az+b$ to obtain the 2nd condition. - $f(U)$ contains an open subset of $\PP^1(\RR)$, using that $f$ is étale and thus a local homeomorphism, so apply the implicit/inverse function theorems. So compose with a generic $z\mapsto z+1$ such that $f(U) \ni 1$. This doesn't mess up the previous affine map, since it's generic. Now define $X\da Y\fiberprod{\PP^1} C$ as the pullback. ::: :::{.claim} $X(\QQ) = \ts{ \infty }$. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} Note \[ X(\QQ) \mapsvia{\pi} C(\QQ) ,\] and $\pi\inv(c) \cong Y_\infty$ which has no rational points. ::: ## Showing $X(\AA)^{\et, \Br}$ :::{.remark} Next goal: show the étale-Brauer set is empty. ::: :::{.example title="?"} We can show $X(\AA)^{\Br} \neq \emptyset$. 1. An exercise using the Leray spectral sequence shows there is a surjection $\Br(C) \to \Br(X)$. 2. Observe that $x\in X(\AA)$ is also in $X(\AA)^{\Br}$ if - $\pi(x_{\infty}) \in C(\QQ_{v})$ is equal to $C$ for all finite $v$. - $\pi(x_{\infty}) \in U$. 3. Find such a $(x_v) \in X(\AA)$. - For $v$ finite, choose $x_v\in Y_\infty(\QQ_v)$. Then $\ts{ [x_0: \cdots : x_n] \st \sum x_i = 0 } \neq \emptyset$. - For $v$ infinite, choose any $c'$ lying over $1\in \PP^1$, so $c'\in U \intersect f\inv(1)$. Then $X_{c'} \cong Y_1$ but $Y_1(\RR) \neq \emptyset$ since it contains $p = [1:0:\cdots:0]$. Why (2) is true: for $v$ finite, $\mathrm{inv}_v(x_v^* \alpha) = \mathrm{inv}_v(\pi(x_v)^* \alpha') = \mathrm{inv}_v(c^* \alpha')$ where \( \alpha\in \Br(X), \alpha= \pi^* \alpha', \alpha'\in \Br(C) \), and the same holds for $v$ replaced by $\infty$. Use that this function is constant on $U$ since it's connected. Now $\sum_v \mathrm{inv}_v( x_v^* \alpha) = \sum_v \mathrm{inv}_v(c^* \alpha') = 0$, which shows it's in the Brauer set. ::: :::{.remark} So the Brauer-Manin obstruction it not sufficient to obstruct rational points. ::: ## Étale-Brauer-Manin Set :::{.remark} Recall the definition: \[ X(\AA)^{\et, \Br} \da \Intersect_{\substack{ T \in H^1(X; G) = \torsors{G} \\ G \text{ finite étale} }} \Union_{\tau \in H^1(k; G) } \im\qty{ T^\tau(\AA)^{\Br} \to X(\AA) } .\] Let $(x_v) \in X(\AA)$ as above. ::: :::{.claim} For each finite étale $G$ and each $T\in H^1(X; G)$ there exists a $\tau \in H^1(k; G)$ such that $(x_v)$ lifts to $T^\tau(\AA)^{\Br}$. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} In steps: 1. (SGA1) $T$ is a pullback of $\tilde T\in \torsors{G}\slice C$, using that $\pi_1 X = \pi_1 C$. 2. There exists a $\tau \in H^1(k; C)$ such that $c\in C(\QQ)$ lifts to $\tilde c\in \tilde T^\tau(\QQ)$. 3. For $v$ finite, use the diagram: \begin{tikzcd} & {T^\tau(\QQ_v)} && {X(\QQ_v)} & {\ni x_v} \\ \\ {\tilde c\in} & {\tilde T^\tau(\QQ_v)} && {C(\QQ_v)} \arrow[from=3-2, to=3-4] \arrow[from=1-4, to=3-4] \arrow[from=1-2, to=1-4] \arrow[from=1-2, to=3-2] \end{tikzcd} > [Link to Diagram](https://q.uiver.app/?q=WzAsNixbMSwwLCJUXlxcdGF1KFxcUVFfdikiXSxbMywwLCJYKFxcUVFfdikiXSxbMSwyLCJcXHRpbGRlIFReXFx0YXUoXFxRUV92KSJdLFszLDIsIkMoXFxRUV92KSJdLFswLDIsIlxcdGlsZGUgY1xcaW4iXSxbNCwwLCJcXG5pIHhfdiJdLFsyLDNdLFsxLDNdLFswLDFdLFswLDJdXQ==) Then $T^\tau_{\tilde c} \cong X_{c}$ implies $x_v$ lifts. 4. For $v$ infinite, we have $x_{\infty } \in Y_{1}(\RR) = X_{c'}(\RR)$. - Check that $c'$ lifts to $c'' \in \tilde T^\tau(\RR)$ in the same connected component of $\tilde c$. This is because $\tilde T^\tau(\RR) \to C(\RR)$ is étale, and thus locally a covering map and thus surjective on any nonempty component. Thus $T^\tau_{c''} \cong X_{c'}$ and thus $x_\infty$ lifts. :::