# Presheaves (Wednesday, August 18) ## Definitions and Examples :::{.remark} We'll be covering Hartshorne, chapter 2: - Sections 1-5: Fundamental, sheaves, schemes, morphisms, constant sheaves. - Sections 6-9: Divisors, linear systems of differentials, nonsingular varieties. Note that most of the important material of this book is contained in the exercises! ::: :::{.remark} Recall that a **topological space** $X$ is collection of *open* sets $\mcu = \ts{U_i \subseteq X}$ which is closed under arbitrary unions and finite intersections, where $X, \emptyset\in \mcu$. ::: :::{.definition title="Presheaf"} A **presheaf of abelian groups** $\mcf$ on $X$ a topological space is an assignment to every open $U \subseteq X$ an abelian group $\mcf(U)$ and restriction morphisms $\rho_{UV}: \mcf(U) \to \mcf(V)$ for every inclusion $V \subseteq U$ satisfying 1. $\mcf(\emptyset) = 0$ 2. $\rho_{UU}: \mcf(U) \to \mcf(U)$ is $\id_{\mcf(U)}$. 3. If $W \subseteq V \subseteq U$ are opens, then \[ \rho_{UW} = \rho_{VW} \circ \rho_{UV} .\] We'll refer to $\mcf(U)$ as the **sections of $\mcf$ over $U$**, also denoted $\globsec{U; \mcf}$ and write the restrictions as $\ro{s}{v} = \rho_{UV}(s)$ for $V \subseteq U$. ::: :::{.example title="Presheaf of continuous functions"} Let $X \da \RR^1$ with the standard topology and take $\mcf = C^0(\wait; \RR^1)$ (continuous real-valued functions) as the associated presheaf. For any open $U \subset \RR$, the group of sections is \[ \mcf(U) \da \ts{f: U\to \RR^1 \st f \text{ is continuous}} .\] For restriction maps, given $U \subseteq V$ take the actual restriction of functions \[ C^0(V; \RR^1) &\to C^0(U; \RR^1) \\ f &\mapsto \ro{f}{U} .\] We can declare $C^0(\emptyset; \RR^1) = \ts{0} = 0\in \Grp$, and the remaining conditions in the definition above follow immediately. ::: ## Constant Presheaves :::{.definition title="Constant presheaves"} The **constant presheaf** associated to $A\in \Ab$ on $X\in \Top$ is denoted $\ul{A}$, where \[ \ul{A}(U) \da \begin{cases} A & U \neq \emptyset \\ 0 & U = \emptyset. \end{cases} \] and \[ \rho_{UV} \da \begin{cases} \id_A & V \neq \emptyset \\ 0 & V=\emptyset . \end{cases} .\] ::: :::{.warnings} The constant sheaf is not the sheaf of constant functions! Instead these are *locally* constant functions. ::: :::{.remark} Let $\Open\slice{X}$ denote the category of open sets of $X$, defined by - Objects: $\Ob(\Open\slice{X}) \da \ts{U_i}$, so each object is an open set. - Morphisms: \[ \Open\slice{X}(U, V) \da \begin{cases} \emptyset & V \not\subset U \\ \text{The singleton } \ts{U \injectsvia{\iota} V} & \text{otherwise}. \end{cases} .\] ::: :::{.example title="Of $\Open\slice{X}$ "} Take $X\da \ts{p, q}$ with the discrete topology to obtain a category with 4 objects: \begin{tikzcd} & {\ts{p, q}} \\ {\ts{p}} && {\ts{q}} \\ & \emptyset \arrow[from=3-2, to=1-2] \arrow[from=3-2, to=2-1] \arrow[from=3-2, to=2-3] \arrow[from=2-1, to=1-2] \arrow[from=2-3, to=1-2] \end{tikzcd} > [Link to Diagram](https://q.uiver.app/?q=WzAsNCxbMSwwLCJcXHRze3AsIHF9Il0sWzAsMSwiXFx0c3twfSJdLFsyLDEsIlxcdHN7cX0iXSxbMSwyLCJcXGVtcHR5c2V0Il0sWzMsMF0sWzMsMV0sWzMsMl0sWzEsMF0sWzIsMF1d) Similarly, the indiscrete topology yields $\emptyset \to \ts{p, q}$, a category with two objects. ::: :::{.remark} A presheaf is a contravariant functor $\mcf: \Open\slice{X} \to \Ab$ which sends the cofinal/initial object $\cofinal \in \Open\slice{X}$ to the final/terminal object $\final \in \Ab$. More generally, we can replace $\Ab$ with any category $\cat{C}$ admitting a final object: - $\cat{C} \da \CRing$ the category of commutative rings, which we'll use to define schemes. - $\cat{C} = \Grp$, the category of (potentially nonabelian) groups. - $\cat{C} \da \Top$, the category of (arbitrary) topological spaces. ::: :::{.example title="of presheaves"} Let $X\in \Var\slice{k}$ a variety over $k\in \Field$ equipped with the Zariski topology, so the opens are complements of vanishing loci. Given $U \subseteq X$, define a presheaf of regular functions $\mcf \da \OO$ where - $\OO(U)$ are the regular functions $f:U\to k$, i.e. functions on $U$ which are locally expressible as a ratio $f = g/h$ with $g, h\in \kx{n}$. - Restrictions are restrictions of functions. Taking $X = \AA^1\slice{k}$, the Zariski topology is the cofinite topology, so every open $U$ is the complement of a finite set and $U = \ts{t_1, \cdots, t_m}^c$. Then $\OO(U) = \ts{\phi: U\to k}$ which is locally a fraction, and it turns out that these are all globally fractions and thus \[ \OO(U) &= \ts{ {f(t) \over g(t)} \st f,g\in k[t], \quad g(t) \neq 0 \,\,\, \forall t\in U} \\ &= \ts{{ f(t) \over \prod_{i=1}^m (t-t_i)^{m_i}} \st f\in k[t] } \\ &= k[t]\localize{S} ,\] where $S = \gens{\prod_{i=1}^m t-t_i}$ is the multiplicative set generated by the factors. This forms an abelian group since we can take least common denominators, and we have restrictions. ::: :::{.warnings} Note that there are two similar notations for localization which mean different things! For a multiplicative set $S$, the ring $R\localize{S}$ literally means localizing at that set. For $\mfp \in \spec R$, the ring $R\localize{\mfp}$ means localizing at the multiplicative set $S \da \mfp^c$. :::