# More Sheaves (Monday, August 23) ## Morphisms of Presheaves :::{.remark} Recall that the **stalk** of a presheaf $\mcf$ at $p$ is defined as \[ \mcf_p \da \colim_{U\ni p} \mcf (U) = \ts{ (s, U) \st s\in \mcf(U) }\slice\sim .\] ::: :::{.definition title="Morphisms of presheaves"} Let $\mcf, \mcg\in \Presh(X)$, then a **morphism** $\phi: \mcf \to \mcg$ is a collection $\ts{\phi(U): \mcf(U) \to \mcg(U)}$ of morphisms of abelian groups for all $U\in \Open(X)$ such that for all $V \subset U$, the following diagram commutes: \begin{tikzcd} {\mcf(U)} && {\mcg(U)} \\ \\ {\mcf(V)} && {\mcg(V)} \arrow["{\phi(U)}", from=1-1, to=1-3] \arrow["{\phi(V)}", from=3-1, to=3-3] \arrow["{\res(UV)}"{description}, from=1-1, to=3-1] \arrow["{\res'(UV)}"{description}, from=1-3, to=3-3] \end{tikzcd} > [Link to Diagram](https://q.uiver.app/?q=WzAsNCxbMCwwLCJcXG1jZihVKSJdLFswLDIsIlxcbWNmKFYpIl0sWzIsMCwiXFxtY2coVSkiXSxbMiwyLCJcXG1jZyhWKSJdLFswLDIsIlxccGhpKFUpIl0sWzEsMywiXFxwaGkoVikiXSxbMCwxLCJcXHJlcyhVVikiLDFdLFsyLDMsIlxccmVzJyhVVikiLDFdXQ==) An **isomorphism** is a morphism with a two-sided inverse. ::: :::{.remark} Note that if we regard a sheaf as a contravariant functor, a morphism is then just a natural transformation. ::: :::{.remark} A morphism $\phi: \mcf \to \mcg$ defines a morphisms on stalks $\phi_p: \mcf_p \to \mcg_p$. ::: :::{.example title="of a nontrivial morphism of sheaves"} Let $X \da \CC\units$ with the classical topology, making it into a real manifold, and take $C^0(\wait; \CC) \in \Sh(X, \Ab)$ be the sheaf of continuous functions and let $C^0(\wait; \CC)\units$ the sheaf of of nowhere zero continuous continuous functions. Note that this is a sheaf of abelian groups since the operations are defined pointwise. There is then a morphism \[ \exp(\wait): C^0(\wait; \CC) &\to C^0(\wait; \CC)\units \\ f &\mapsto e^f && \text{ on open sets } U\subseteq X .\] Since exponentiating and restricting are operations done pointwise, the required square commutes, yielding a morphism of sheaves. ::: ## Kernel and cokernel sheaves :::{.definition title="(co)kernel and image sheaves"} Let $\phi: \mcf\to \mcg$ be morphisms of presheaves, then define the presheaves \[ \ker(\phi)(U) &\da \ker(\phi(U)) \\ \coker^{\pre}(\phi)(U) &\da \mcg(U) / \phi(\mcf(U))\\ \im(\phi)(U) &\da \im(\phi(U)) \\ .\] ::: :::{.warnings} If $\mcf, \mcg \in \Sh(X)$, then for a morphism $\phi: \mcf\to \mcg$, the image and cokernel presheaves need not be sheaves! ::: :::{.example title="of why the cokernel presheaf is not a sheaf"} Consider $\ker \exp$ where \[ \exp: C^0(\wait; \CC)\to C^0(\wait; \CC)\units \qquad \in \Sh(\CC\units) .\] One can check that $\ker \exp = 2\pi i \constantsheaf{\ZZ}(U)$, and so the kernel is actually a sheaf. We also have \[ \coker^{\pre} \exp(U) \da { C^0(U; \CC)\over \exp(C^0(U;\CC)\units) } .\] On opens, $\coker^{\pre} \exp(U) = \ts{1} \iff$ every nonvanishing continuous function $g$ on $U$ has a continuous logarithm, i.e. $g = e^f$ for some $f$. Examples of opens with this property include any contractible (or even just simply connected) open set in $\CC\units$. Consider $U\da \CC\units$ and $z\in C^0(\CC\units; \CC)\units$, which is a nonvanishing function. Then the equivalence class $[z] \in \coker^{\pre} \exp(\CC\units)$ is nontrivial -- note that $z\neq e^f$ for any $f\in C^0(\CC\units; \CC)$, since any attempted definition of $\log(z)$ will have monodromy. On the other hand, we can cover $\CC\units$ by contractible opens $\ts{U_i}_{i\in I}$ where $\ro{[z]}{U_i} = 1 \in \coker^{\pre} \exp (U_i)$ and similarly $\ro{1}{\id} = 1 \in \coker^{\pre} \exp(U_i)$, showing that the cokernel fails the unique gluing axiom and is not a sheaf. ::: ## Sheafification :::{.definition title="Sheafification"} Given any $\mcf \in \Presh(X)$ there exists an $\mcf^+ \in \Sh(X)$ and a morphism of presheaves $\theta: \mcf \to \mcf^+$ such that for any $\mcg \in \Sh(X)$ with a morphism $\phi: \mcf \to \mcg$ there exists a unique $\psi: \mcf^+ \to \mcg$ making the following diagram commute: \begin{tikzcd} \mcf && \mcg \\ \\ && {\mcf^+} \arrow["\theta"', from=1-1, to=3-3] \arrow["\phi", from=1-1, to=1-3] \arrow["{\exists! \psi}"', from=3-3, to=1-3] \end{tikzcd} > [Link to Diagram](https://q.uiver.app/?q=WzAsMyxbMCwwLCJcXG1jZiJdLFsyLDIsIlxcbWNmXisiXSxbMiwwLCJcXG1jZyJdLFswLDEsIlxcdGhldGEiLDJdLFswLDIsIlxccGhpIl0sWzEsMiwiXFxleGlzdHMhIFxccHNpIiwyXV0=) The sheaf $\mcf^+ \in \Sh(X)$ is called the **sheafification** of $\mcf$. This is an example of an adjunction of functors: \[ \Hom_{\Presh(X)}(\mcf, \mcg^\pre) \cong \Hom_{\Sh(X)}(\mcf^+, \mcg) ,\] where we use the forgetful functor $\mcg \to \mcg^\pre$. This can be expressed as the adjoint pair \[ \adjunction{(\wait)^+}{(\wait)^\pre}{\presh(X)}{\Sh(X)} .\] ::: :::{.proof title="of existence of sheafification"} We construct it directly as $\mcf^+ \da \ts{s:U \to \disjoint_{p\in U} \mcf_p }$ such that 1. $s(p) \in \mcf_p$, 2. The germs are compatible locally, so for all $p\in U$ there is a $V\contains p$ such that for some $t\in \mcf(V)$, $s(p) = t_p$ for all $p$ in $V$. So about any point, there should be an actual function specializing to all germs in an open set. ::: :::{.slogan} The sheafification is constructed from collections of germs which are locally compatible. ::: :::{.remark} This process will make $\coker \exp$ zero as a sheaf, since it will be zero on a sufficiently small set. :::