# Exactness for Sheaves (Wednesday, August 25) ## Some examples :::{.remark} Recall the definition of sheafification: let $\mcf\in \Presh(X; \Ab\Grp)$. Construct a sheaf $\mcf^+\in \Sh(X, \Ab\Grp)$ and a morphism $\theta: \mcf \to \mcf^+$ of presheaves satisfying the appropriate universal property: \begin{tikzcd} {\mcf^+} \\ \\ \mcf && \mcg \\ \\ {} \arrow["\psi", from=3-1, to=3-3] \arrow["\theta", from=3-1, to=1-1] \arrow["{\exists \tilde \psi}", dashed, from=1-1, to=3-3] \end{tikzcd} > [Link to Diagram](https://q.uiver.app/?q=WzAsNCxbMCwyLCJcXG1jZiJdLFswLDRdLFswLDAsIlxcbWNmXisiXSxbMiwyLCJcXG1jZyJdLFswLDMsIlxccHNpIl0sWzAsMiwiXFx0aGV0YSJdLFsyLDMsIlxcZXhpc3RzIFxcdGlsZGUgXFxwc2kiLDAseyJzdHlsZSI6eyJib2R5Ijp7Im5hbWUiOiJkYXNoZWQifX19XV0=) So any presheaf morphism to a sheaf factors through the sheafification uniquely (via $\theta$). Note that this is a instance of a general free/forgetful adjunction. We can construct it as \[ \mcf^+(U) \da \ts{s:U\to \disjoint_{p\in U} \mcf_p,\quad s(p) \in \mcf_p, \cdots} .\] where the addition condition is that for all $q\in U$ there exists a $V\nu q$ and $t\in \mcf(V)$ such that $t_p = s(p)$ for all $p\in V$. Note that $\theta$ is defined by $\theta(U)(s) = \ts{s:p\to s_p}$, the function assigning points to germs with respect to the section $s$. Idea: this is like replacing an analytic function on an interval with the function sending a point $p$ to its power series expansion at $p$. ::: :::{.example title="?"} Recall $\exp: C^0 \to (C^0)\units$ on $\CC\units$, then $\coker^\pre(\exp)(U) = \ts{1}$ on contractible $U$, using that one can choose a logarithm on such a set. However $\coker^\pre(\exp)(\CC\units) \neq \ts{1}$ since $[z]\in (C^0)\units(\CC\units)/\exp(C^0(\CC\units))$. ::: :::{.remark} Letting $\phi: \mcf \to \mcg$ be a morphisms of sheaves, then we defined $\coker(\phi) \da (\coker^\pre(\phi))^+$ and $\im(\phi) \da (\im^\pre(\phi))^+$. Then \[ \coker^\pre(\exp) &\to \coker(\exp) \\ s\in \mcf(U) &\mapsto s(p) = s_p .\] The claim is that $[z]_p = 1$ for all $p\in \CC\units$, since we can replace $[([z], \CC\units)]$ with $([z]_U, U)$ for $U$ contractible. ::: :::{.example title="?"} A useful example to think about: $X = \ts{p, q}$ with - $\mcf(p) = A$ - $\mcf(q) = B$ - $\mcf(X) = 0$ Then local sections don't glue to a global section, so this isn't a sheaf, but it is a presheaf. The sheafification satisfies $\mcf^+(X) = A\cross B$. ::: ## Subsheaves :::{.definition title="Subsheaves, injectivity, surjectivity"} $\mcf'$ is a **subsheaf** of $\mcf$ if - $\mcf'(U) \leq \mcf(U)$ for all $U$, - $\Res'(U, V) = \ro{ \Res(U, V) }{\mcf'(U)}$. $\phi: \mcf\to \mcg$ is **injective** iff $\ker \phi = 0$, **surjective** if $\im(\phi) = \mcg$ or $\coker \phi = 0$. ::: :::{.exercise title="?"} Check that $\ker \phi$ already satisfies the sheaf property. ::: ## Exact Sequences of sheaves :::{.definition title="Exact sequences of sheaves"} Let $\cdots \to \mcf^{i-1} \mapsvia{\phi^{i-1}} \mcf^i \mapsvia{\phi^i} \mcf^{i+1}\to \cdots$ be a sequence of morphisms in $\Sh(X)$, this is **exact** iff $\ker \phi^i = \im \phi^{i-1}$. ::: :::{.lemma title="?"} $\ker \phi$ is a sheaf. ::: :::{.proof title="?"} By definition, $\ker(\phi)(U) \da \ker \qty{ \phi(U): \mcf(U) \to \mcg(U) }$, satisfying part (a) in the definition of presheaves. We can define restrictions $\ro{\Res(U, V)}{\ker(\phi)(U)} \subseteq \ker(\phi)(V)$. Use the commutative diagram for the morphism $\phi: \mcf \to \mcg$. Now checking gluing: Let $s_i \in \ker(\phi)(U_i)$ such that $\Res(s_i, U_i \intersect U_j) = \Res(s_j, U_i \intersect U_j)$ for all $i, j$. This holds by viewing $s_i \in \mcf(U_i)$, so $\exists ! s\in \mcf(\Union_i U_i)$ such that $\Res(s, U_i) = s_i$. We want to show $s\in \ker(\phi)\qty{\Union U_i}$, so consider \[ t\da \phi\qty{ \Union_i U_i}(s) \in \mcg\qty{\Union U_i} ,\] which is zero. Now \[ \Res(t, U_i) = \phi(U_i)(\Res(s, U_i)) = \phi(U_i)(s_i) = 0 \] by assumption, using the commutative diagram. By unique gluing for $\mcg$, we have $t=0$, since $0$ is also a section restricting to $0$ everywhere. ::: :::{.definition title="Quotients"} For $\mcf' \leq \mcf$ a subsheaf, define the **quotient** $\mcf/\mcf' \da ((\mcf/\mcf')^\pre)^+$ where \[ (\mcf/\mcf')^\pre(U) \da \mcf(U)/ \mcf'(U) .\] :::