# $\spec A$ as a space (Monday, August 30) ## The prime spectrum $\spec A$ :::{.remark} Let $R\in\CRing$ be a commutative unital ring in which $0\neq 1$ unless $R=0$. The goal is to define a space $X$ such that $R$ is the ring of functions on $X$, imitating the correspondence between $X\in \Mfd$ and $R \da C^0(X; \RR)$. Recall that an ideal $\mfp \in \Id(R)$ is **prime** iff $\mfp \subset A$ is a proper subset and $fg\in \mfp \implies f\in \mfp$ or $g\in \mfp$, or equivalently $R/\mfp$ is a field. ::: :::{.slogan} Ideals are "contagious" under multiplication, and *prime* ideals have "reverse contagion". ::: :::{.definition title="Spectrum of a ring"} For $A\in\CRing$ as above, \[ \spec A \da \ts{\mfp \normal A \st \mfp \text{ is a prime ideal}} \qquad \in \Set .\] We topologize $\spec A$ by defining a topology of closed sets as follows: \[ \tau(A) \da \ts{V(I) \st I\normal A},\qquad V(I) \da \ts{ \mfp \in \spec(A) \st \mfp \contains I } .\] ::: :::{.exercise title="The topology is really a topology"} Prove that $(\spec A, \tau(A))$ yields a well-defined topological space. ::: :::{.example title="Spec of a field"} For $A$ a field, $\spec(A) = \ts{\gens{0}}$ is a point -- any other nonzero element $\mfp \in \spec A$ would contain a unit $u$, in which case $u\inv u = 1\in \mfp \implies \mfp = A$. ::: :::{.example title="Spec of a polynomial ring"} For $k$ an algebraically closed field, \[ \spec k[t] = \ts{ \gens{0}, \gens{t-a} \st a\in k} .\] This is a PID, so every ideal is of the form $I = \gens{f}$, and one can check that \[ V(\gens{f}) = \begin{cases} \spec k[t] & f=0 \\ \gens{x-a_1, \cdots, a-a_k} & f(x) = \displaystyle\prod_{i=1}^k (x-a_i) \end{cases} .\] Note that this is **not** the cofinite topology on $\spec A$, since $f=0$ defines a generic point $\eta \da \gens{0}$. :::